
Volcanic Love

They were strangers until their parents forced them to get married in an arranged business marriage. He was a renowned playboy. She was a beautiful socialite, the dream of every single young man. Read how their love for each other erupted like a volcano.

Abiee · Urban
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2 Chs

Chapter 1

"Fiona Williams! A-R-E Y-O-U S-I-L-L-Y?! ", Pearl Johnson shouted as she ran out of the kitchen with a wooden ladle in her hand. Fiona, her best friend, stood in the balcony, threw the last piece of chocolate cupcake into her mouth and munched on it with a devious look on her face. Licking her lips and fingers in a provocative way, she said, "Catch me, Pearl. And that's if you can".

"Do you dare to repeat that sentence, you silly thief? You stole five out of the fifteen cupcakes I made!" Pearl exclaimed with a pout.

"But you are a good cook. It's just... just that... I... I was tempted so I..."

Pearl humphed as she raised the ladle in a threatening manner when Fiona suddenly seized it.

"Hey, hey, girl. Don't act aggressively", Fiona said in a sing-song way. Throwing a playful glare at Fiona, Pearl stomped her feet into the kitchen, her face twisted with helplessness.

"Hey, hey, girl. Don't act aggressively", Fiona sang continuously while waving the ladle in the air like a choir mistress.


" I'm a dazzling queen, shining brightly, always... ", a ringtone sounded, piercing the quiet night. The figure on the bed, furrowed her brows in annoyance, as she used her pillow to cover her ear. Some seconds later, the ringing tone stopped. The figure had just relaxed her brows when she heard, "It's mommy calling, darling. So pick up the call." Forcing herself not to let out a swear word from her mouth, Pearl sat up on the bed and glared at the phone. That ringtone was a voice note made by her mother, exclusive for her mother's contact. Removing the blanket from her body, she picked up the phone and went to the window.

"Hello, mom", her voice which sounded hoarse due to sleep sounded.

"Oh! were you sleeping, dear? Sorry, momma missed you. So how are you?"

"Fine, mom."

"Darling, forgive mommy. Okay?"

" Okay".

" That's good. I called to tell you something. A friend invited mom for a small tea party today, but since mom is in another country, mom requests that you go in her place."

" Mom", Pearl didn't know how to reject her mother. She knew exactly what the tea party was about.

"Another blind date?!", she inquired.

"Darling, mom is getting old", her mother said, sounding pitiful. Fiona resisted the urge to release a swear word for the second time that evening. "Mrs. Williams, you are just forty - four! So how are you old? You are even pregnant. Can an old woman get pregnant?"

Yes, her forty - four year old mother was five months pregnant.

"Yes, she can. Remember Madam Sarah in the bible, wasn't she old? Listen, Fiona, it's good you know it's a blind date. If you don't go, I promise to post all your childhood naked pictures on the internet! So, darling, choose wisely. " Hearing her mother's words, Fiona raised her right brow and gave a silent yawn.

"Mom, I'll... ."