
Chapter 8) Ritual 2

[I reread the last chapter and I liked everything, let's go to this one ].[I've figured out where I can use --]

"Okay, let's get started."

Daphne went into the circle while I laid out some sacrifices and checked again that I had drawn everything correctly.

I sit down in a meditation pose and offer my hands to Daphne.

"Well, I'll start reading the spell and the parents too, all you have to do is absorb the magical energy from the outside and tone up your core with magic."

Daphne nodded her head and concentrated.

"Faciens sacrificium, voco in magicis industria, ut colligitur in hoc circulo, et dare in me in imperium" -By making a sacrifice , I call on the magical energy to gather in this circle , and succumb to me in control-

"Mundare et confirmation meus virtus" -Purify and strengthen my power-

"Da mihi occasionem ad ortum" -Grant me the opportunity to rise-

"Luna, dona tua benedictione" -Moon give me your blessing-

The incantation continued to be sung by mother and father until I felt pure magical energy rushing into my body, it was truly intoxicating. But it's also dangerous, if I don't take control of it now, it will start damaging the magic core. Concentrating, I began to gradually send magic into my core. And all the excess into the Void.

I also focused so that the magical energy from Daphne, which is obviously superfluous for her, I also sent into the Void. While I was trying to do all this while maintaining my multitasking, I felt the Void begin to react and actively absorb the extra energy from both of us.

Little by little, little by little, I began to get used to this pace and began to actively absorb magical energy from the outside myself. After a couple of minutes, Daphne started doing it too. The more time passed, the stronger I felt. As it turned out, the theory was correct and the stronger the wizard, the stronger his body should be. At least while the energy was breaking into our bodies in this way , it also strengthened and purified them . I felt my muscles fill with strength and energy, my bones grow stronger, and my heart beats at breakneck speed, driving blood, kidneys filtering it along the way.

But the problem is that the magic core is not responding. That is, the magical energy cleanses it and strengthens it, even seeps into it to fill it more. But it doesn't beat. The further the process goes, the more disappointed I become.

"Brother, we have to channel the magical energy even more directly into the core."

"Sister, you know how dangerous it is and that this way we can remain squibs."

"That's true, but if we don't take the risk, the ritual won't activate our cores."

I'm starting to think it's true, of course, but the risk is not worth the profit to me. But Daphne obviously also wanted to awaken her magic very much, and if I can't, then there won't be a better chance anymore.

"Fine, but increase penetration slowly and with extreme caution."

She nodded her head and began. I also started to increase the pace a little thinking. Minutes passed and I notice that the cores are starting to shake , but again there was a problem . They cannot withstand such a load. At this rate, they will definitely break down. I started thinking and I see that the Void is still very actively feeding . I'm ready to take the risk again.

"Daphne, focus more on the direction of the lunar energy."

I focus on the direction of the Void energy. I also send it to Daphne, but not so that she absorbs it, but to suppress the Lunar energy and to accelerate the healing of her core. When we started doing this from the outside, you can see how my Eyes begin to glow with a dark purple light. While Daphne 's eyes began to glow bright silver . The mother fidgeted with her hair and held her wand at the ready.

"Will they be all right ?"

"Don't worry, it's all part of the ritual."

Although his father's voice sounded confident , the more time passed, the more clearly he was worried.

Time continued to go on and the ritual circle began to fade little by little . It was at this moment that all the magical energy burst into the area . There was an explosion and two children could be seen lying in the center of the magical disturbance and breathing heavily.

After everything that happened, somewhere in a dark place.

"Ruler of the blood, you called me.

"Yes, 2 interesting individuals have just been born and I want all vampires to investigate this. "

"My lord, we will begin the search now, but where should we start? "

"There is a catch, I can feel that great beings were born, but where they are now and what kind they are is a complete mystery here, and as my most devoted follower, I want you to find out all this."

"I will not let you down, my lord."

Somewhere else in a dark place.

"Great Alpha, I have just been told that the soothsayers have seen the rise of two beings."

"Hmm, I wonder what else they found out?".

"Nothing else, my lord, but they said that we should definitely look for them, because this has never happened before"

"Hmm, well, send several packs to investigate and inform everyone who operates on the surface so that they also look for information"

In a distant castle, an old man.

"Dumbledore , Sybil Trelawney , has just predicted the rise of two great beings "

"Has anyone heard her ?"Yes , three professors and 5 students heard it . "

"So it's true, 2 more powerful creatures will appear, how wrong time we just defeated Voldemort"

"What should we do Dumbledore?"

"Nothing Minerva, let's hope that this is not a new Dark Lord"

It also happened in many places where powerful wizards, magical creatures or seers live. It was definitely a sign for something big that would change the whole Magical World .

That's the chapter, tomorrow there will be the consequences of the ritual and something interesting will also appear.

mamun_220creators' thoughts
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