

In the vast void-space-time (VST) there are countless multiverses, comprised of several universes. Sometimes in the continuum, the VTS conceive some existences that are all-powerful and eternal inside and outside these multiverses, and even rarer are occurrences that live outside of void, time and space, a True God, but who knows if they are really gods?

A multiverse is a humongous sphere in the VST, and a universe is a mass of energy, dark energy, matter, and anti-matter, with several kinds of shapes competing and expanding (the weak ones shrinking) to get more space inside the sphere called multiverse. When all universes inside the multiverse grow too much, they start to press each other destroying and robing energy until they achieve some kind of equilibrium or consensus.

Each universe or multiverses has its own color representing the status of energy, if the really bright, or dark energy if, they filled with darkness. These celestial objects placed within darkness are only observable through heavens eyes. Most of them are hiding, and there are several dark beings inside, namely demons, devils and even the dark itself.

Thought the years the celestial bodies create its own mind and soul and birth intelligence within their massive bodies, but this is a unique, tiring and lengthy process. To get an idea, it is needed at least 49 Days of Brahman for a universe conceive its own sea of knowledge, and 81 Days of Brahman to a multiverse develop the sea of knowledge.

"But what means a Day of Brahman? Who can say that know the answer? And most important, who is Brahman? Impossible!"

But, it is certain that since the beginning of creation every great person measures time with years, Galactic Year (230 million years), Eon (1 billion years) and Day of Brahman (4.32 eons -- 4.32 billion years).

When several multiverses gang together in a particular region of VTS, we say that exists a cluster of multiverses, and it is common that they have consciences and intelligence. Because of that several times, these clusters form some kind of combination, a formation, to strengthen themselves and protect their space and slot in time. Yes, you heard correctly, once you got so powerful, time is not more a constraint ... but this another story...!

It is unknown how many conscientious beings are living outside the void, time and space, but they are so rare that since the beginning only one existed in the previous cluster of multiverses and another in the neighborhood cluster. A long time ago the two clusters came to touch each other naturally since they were in constant movement.

But the two slumbering monsters, all-powerful and owners of the respective regions got to know each other (something nearing the impossible, but it happened), they argued, and because of anger they started a fight, and they brought destruction to each other, and both clusters were mixed in a chaotic way. It is exaggeration call the current cluster as a collection of whole multiverses, it is more likely a mass of parts of multiverses and universes destroyed and mixed.

In the beginning, the first cluster had 31 multiverses and the second one had 22, after the impact only 3 multiverses remained intact, and 6 are considered proper to maintain life. In the eyes of the higher level travelers, the nine multiverses are labeled the 3 heavens and 6 hells. These were the most stables ones, and they were able to survive the apocalypse.

"Since there are nine universes inside each heaven multiverse and eight universes in the hell multiverses, people speculated that nine was the perfect number. Maybe its just coincidence, and there is no such thing as an ideal number."

A traveler is how people, beasts or elemental beings are called when their soul reach some level of intelligence and awareness, and the traveler systems are responsible for categorizing power. The power system is mainly defined by the age and self-exploding might of a creature, which primarily represents its power. The system is fragmented into several parts, for example, the mortal beings are mostly in the Little Realms: Human Traveler, Earth Traveler, Heaven Traveler and Celestial Traveler. This kind of knowledge was no secret in the majority of the 9 multiverses.

Apparently, the heaven multiverses were more diverse and developed than the hell multiverses, there, the knowledge is broader and the Grand Realms is known: Space Traveler, Time Traveler, Space-Time Traveler, Era Traveler.

Unfortunately, in the eyes of the actual powerful beings, the pick era traveler it was nothing since their lifespan is 70 million years, just 0.3 Galactic Year, meaning nothing to them. After the grand realms, the power system gets more complicated, and you can say that after breaks the shackles of mortal and celestial existence one can enter in the God Realms and even the shocking Eternal Realms. The galactic year was common knowledge, as the eon and day of Brahman.

But this kind of knowledge and power died down with the destruction of the two clusters, and right now be alive it was the most import thing. Each cluster has its own reincarnation cycle, but this is no the case of the Broken Cluster that our history happens. Here several people recover part of their memories back after breakthrough to another realm.

Because of that, some old things stuck in some realm are willing to sacrifice themselves in other to restart their lives and get some new insights and ideas how to level up to high domains. Through the eons after the cataclysm several old farts tried that, some were fortunate, but some were cursed through the eras and never reincarnated as traveler again.

If you have a soul, though reincarnations and breakthroughs, allowing to remember past lives, you can evolve your soul and become strong. It can be said that the system applied by the owner of the cluster got travelers weaker while he increases its own strength, after their death, all the power returned to the multiverses, of course, there is some time gap in other to make this kind of energy useful again.

After the horrifying battle of cluster owners ended, 9 Days of Brahman was necessary to the remaining energy and essence started calmly down, and some fantastic changing beginning to happen. Be aware that our universe has existed for only 3-4 days of Brahman, so it was an incredibly long time to the cluster stabilize and life flourish again.

As everybody knows, if there is death then there is life. Really? Serious? Not in some cases, whatever ... enough of chitchat ... let's go through the adventures of a lone traveler.

This novel is going to summarize my repetitive dreams when I sleep. Also, train and learn how to write well.

DamnDaocreators' thoughts