
Void Mage’s Proposal

Mage? Swordsman? Countless Worlds? Infinite magic power? A student of Lemore Academy Shito Mahinu was forced to go to an academy that was for mages despite wanting to become a swordsman. A person who lacks motivation but likes swinging his sword around. Magic was something that he already grasped so going to a school to learn more about was something he didn’t want to do. And his sister was known throughout the world as the ‘strongest’ mage in existence, but there were more secrets that lurked in the world, in which the public had no idea about. This is a story about an overpowered protagonist, who wants to spend time with his family and journey through the world without using his full power to fight.

LunarFall · Fantasy
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124 Chs

Episode 31- Calming A Mother’s Worry.

"We're back at the dorm room, big sister. Let's hurry up before someone finds out that we are gone. If Mama finds out I don't know what could happ—"

"There is no need for that. Look around the area, little sister. We are already too late."

After hearing her sister's words, Illayaka took a quick look around and noticed that the sun had already started to rise. That was the signal that told the two little girls deep down that their parents were probably already up and dressed so they could go to school.

Opening the door to the dorm room, the two girls walked into the room and noticed that the room was still dark. Seeing that could of sight made their eyes light up because they were thinking that no one was up.

Illayaka quickly turned her head towards her sister, "I think, Mama and Papa are still sleeping. We still have a chance to get away with this, but we must be quiet enough for them not to notice us walking by them."

"Yeah. we might be able to get away with th–"

"What are you two going to get away with exactly? With me sitting here waiting for you two. After all, we have to have a talk after you decide to sneak out in the middle of the night."

A voice suddenly interrupted them as they were talking, the voice was calm and had a lot of power in them, a power that could make the highest-level beings shake in fear but that didn't really matter to the two girls. Just from hearing the voice they intuitively knew the person that was talking. Looking in the direction that the person was talking, the two girls could barely make out the figure that was talking.

The lights in the dorm room suddenly turned on, and they finally could see the face of the person. The person was their father, Shito Mahinu, and he sat in the chair with his legs perched up on the chair with his arms crossed.

Nothing was wrong with them sneaking out since they were strong enough to protect themselves but there was another reason that he decided to say something to them. He particularly had no reason to be made because the power of the void exists inside of them.

"P-Pa… Papa…!?" The two girls uttered; their words could barely form complete sentences. Shito. Shito Mahinu. The person that became their father and there was no way they were going to get him mixed up.

Shito looked at his daughters and let out a deep sigh, "I'm not really mad that the two of you went out it's just—"

"Illayakaaaaaaa! Illyaaaaaa! Where are the two of you…?!" Tenka shouted, worried about the safety of her daughters, "Shito have you found our daughters yet!? I'm worried that something could have happened to them!"

"I've found them. They are sitting in the living room… Go ahead and finish getting dressed. I'm going to have a talk with them,"

And with that, he turned his gaze over to his daughters, Shito looked at his daughters who were standing still with their heads down. They knew what they had done wrong, and they couldn't look their father in the eye. The sin of making their mother worry about them, because even though they are strong they are still children and have parents that genuinely worry and care about them. Even though they had been with their family for a while they never really grasped how worried their parents would get if they found them missing in the middle of the night.

They never really had parents that cared about them so… they thought no one would worry too much about her being gone for a little while.

"I know what you two are thinking but," Shito got up out of the chair he was sitting in and walked over towards his daughters, putting his hands on their heads. "You have a family now, so please don't make your mother worry about you. She loves you two very much, so her being riled up is not out of the ordinary."

"We are really sorry, papa. Even though we went out for a short amount of time, we didn't think we would make you two worry about us so much."

Shito quickly advert his gaze to the corner of the room and sees a beautiful woman standing in the doorway of their room. The woman had, well-groomed straight hair, which was smooth and lustrous. The girl's milky-white skin complication is beautiful and above anything that could be considered 'beautiful'. Her eyes, nose, and lips were perfectly shaped, her lashes were delicate and long.

As he continued to look at the girl, Tenka had already disappeared and reappeared in front of her daughters. The girls could barely sense their mother move so they quickly looked up and noticed that she was already in front of them.

"I was so worried about you two… Please don't do that again! You are supposed to tell your parents when you want to go out and do something."

The girls could feel the worry in their mother's tone of voice, and they gently embraced their mother and smiled.

"I-I'm sorry… mama… we will make sure to be more careful." the two girls kissed their mother on the forehead, "Please don't be mad at us. We needed to do something, and we caused you to worry too much."

Shito Mahinu sighed, there was enough reason for her to be worried on the surface but other than that there was no reason for her to worry so much. They were strong enough to protect themselves because of the power that they received from him, but he thought that it was a part of his job to be a parent. They had a barrier around them that even they probably were not aware of, that instantly kills anyone that they could not handle. He had the power to instantly kill anyone no matter how infinite or eternal their life is, they would die in front of him if he used the skill. He encased his daughters in that energy and programmed it so that the ability would automatically activate if they were in a dangerous situation that they could not escape. The energy was called nihility.

"Tenka, you worry too much, I know it's a parent's job, but they are our children. They are strong enough to protect themselves."

Hearing those words, Tenka focused her gaze on Shito. Even though she knew he was correct on the matter, she also wondered why his face was still expressionless after seeing that their daughters were missing. After all, she didn't know about any of the abilities he had.

"...Why… Why are you not worried about your children…? As a mother wondering if your children could be in danger, is a terrible feeling."

"A spell of mine is cast on them that would instantly kill anyone that is problematic or a threat to them. I can also sense them no matter how far they go. They could travel through other worlds, and I would still be able to tell where they are. That is why I don't worry about them because if they found themselves in a dangerous situation the person would be killed and there is no way to nullify the effect. No matter how infinite or eternal the person is they would die. Even if they 'transcend' death or was above the 'concept' of death they would be killed too—since nothing escapes the ability and nothing is outside of my range."


Everyone was in complete silence after hearing everything he had just said, not even one of them could utter a single word, and the only thing that was left was their flabbergasted expressions. There was not too much to say after all, finding out that your daughters have an ability that kills anyone that comes close to them was shocking.

"Father! Since when was that kind of barrier protecting us!? How long was it there? And what kind of conditions do we have to be in before it activates!?"

The two little girls started bombarding their father with a series of questions, they wanted to know all the details that surrounded the skill that was protecting them. With expected expressions, the eyes started to sparkle, and they held their hands together waiting for their father to answer the question.

Of course, he knew that he had to give them some type of answer to at least ease the level of curiosity they had.

"Well, to answer your first question, the barrier has been around you all for a while now since the first time I decided to take y'all in. The conditions for the skill activating are that if you think you are going to die, the skill will kill the person or if your body feels the instinct of you getting killed it could activate too."

"I see, I see," the two little girls said, "No, that is very interesting to hear. That means you were always worried that we would get into some serious trouble, so you decided to place a barrier around us to keep us protected."

Tenka slowly started to walk towards Shito and his daughters, "I'm sorry to think that you didn't care about our daughters… even though you took the will to change them into our biological daughters. I was so sensitiv–"

"No need for you to be so apologetic to me. Anyone with any common sense would think I didn't care because of my lack of showing emotion, but even so, these girls are my daughters so I'm going to make sure I protect them…"

Shito looked out the window and noticed that the students were walking out on the campus. From their room, they could see almost everything that was on the campus.

"Well, we have to hurry up and go, battles are going to start soon so we need to hurry up and get to the battle arena."

"Ooookkkkkk!" The three shouted, they were happy to get their day started.

Thus, the family started to walk out of the dorm room and head to the arena but, they also still remembered that they had to go up and meet their aunt. Even with that in mind, Illayaka and Illya still walked to the arena with their parents.