
Vodou the protector issue 1

Waynehead803 · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs


It's been a few weeks since came from Africa and she haven't been able to sleep since. She thought after going to Africa and making her ancestor she would be at be but she was more confused than ever.

"Now that i have this power what am I supposed to do now. Do i go out and pick fights with criminals at night? To be honest i could've did that without my powers. Meant for something more i can feel it."

Vodou started going out on patrol at night stopping a few petty crimes but nothing to serious. She was getting frustrated because she haven't had a chance to use her powers yet. She decided to get a police scanner. It still wasn't much action then one night the was an apartment fire

"Attention all units please report to west faith apartments. There are a people at trapped on the 3rd and 5th floor. Repeat residents trapped on 3rd and 5th floor of west faith apartments"

"Damn this sounds serious i better head over there". Vodou headed over to the burning building. She could finally put here speed to use.

When she arrived she heard people saying saying that the 2 people trapped on the 3rd floor were kids and the it was teenager on the 5th. She rushed into the burning building with no hesitation. Rushing to the get the kids out first. Her speed allowed to go to room to room very quickly searching for the kids.

She finally found the kids and one of them was passed out. The kid that was conscious was scared of Vodou's. He grabbed his brother and started screaming.

"Hey calm down kid im not here to hurt you. Im here to get you outta here. Is this your brother? What happened to him"? The kid still didn't answer. He was still frozen with fear.

"C'mon kid you gotta snap out of it. Now i can't carry you so you gonna have to get on my back and hold on so i can carry your brother."

She took her mask and wiped his face to let him know everything was going to be ok. The boy stopped crying and nodded his head. Vodou put the little boy on her back and grabbed his brother. She took them into the hallway and realized that the fire had gotten much worse. She wasn't gonna have to time to dropped the kids off and come for the other person trapped. Vodou rushed up the stairs while holding the boys. She was lucky enough to find the other kid quickly.

It was a teenage girl trapped in her bedroom. Vodou followed the girl's voice to her room and kicked down the door.

"Help me please. I was home alone sleeping when the fire started now im trapped"! "Don't worry i got i just gotta figure out a way to carry all three of you at once. Damn i didn't want to do this now but i have no choice. Listen what your about to see is going to be a bit scary and weird but we don't have to for questions. Put the little boy on your back then when i transform hop on my back." "When you transform?"

Vodou put the boys down and took a deep breath. This was her first transformation since she came home. She transformed into a large beautiful lioness and the kids where in shock for a moment but snapped out of it. The teenager put the boy on her back and hopped on Vodou's back. Then vodou grabbed the unconscious boy with her mouth and was about to leave the room when someone suddenly came crashing through the window.

It was somebody with a mask and hoodie on. He also had a sword on his back. Vodou didn't have time to see who he was. She took off running down the stairs. The strange man started running her yelling for her to stop but vodou was to fast for him to keep up.

The building was about to collapse and all the firemen had to retreat out the building. At the last minute vodou came running out the with all the trapped. The police and firefighters were in shock to a giant lion coming out of nowhere. A policeman pulled his gun and aimed at vodou

"No she saved us. She saved my and my big brother". But the cops didn't listen. All them drew their weapons on Vodou. She sprinted off before the officers could get a shot off. She waited to she was far enough from the cops to transform back to human form.

"I can't believe they were going to shot me. This city sucks!" "Yeah you're right this city does suck. That's why im here to save it"

Vodou turned around quickly ready to fight. It was man in the burning building.

"Who the hell are you and why are you following me." "I'm not following you im just interested. I go into a burning building to save those kids and i see giant lion saving them. The that lion turned into a beautiful woman."

"I don't have to explain anything to you now stay away from me". The boy took off his hood and mask revealing his face.

"Look lady we agree with you. This city does suck and that's why we're trying to change it". "Who's we?

Suddenly the masked hero Fade thats been all over the news came out of nowhere. "Hey im Fade and this is Breeze. We could use your help".