
Visor of Blood

Stephen Weissman was a detective known for his dedication and skills in solving Belgranna's notorious cases. One day, due to overload of work he became exhausted. His best friend, Nate Clarkwell, advised him to take a vacation in the City of Vastile, where he could watch an artifact exhibit of the famous Stella Appleton. The exhibit was going smoothly and interesting, until an accident happened. The chandelier hanging from the ceiling came crashing down, crushing Stella Appleton to death. However, the police investigated and concluded it to be an accident, but to Weissman's clever mind - it was no accident but a massive case. Larger for even him to imagine...

Aurora_Raven · Action
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23 Chs

The Reality

~ C H A P T E R F O U R T E E N ~

Again, Walter's expression turned cold and emotionless as he started to speak.

"A day ago, I used the Mask to hypnotize Cain Abrams to make him kill Brennan Pereira."

Stephen's anger is now turned into distress as he starts to realize that the president's life is now endangered and they might be already too late.

Walter speaks once more, but now with an expression of amusement back on his face. "The Mask has the ability to hypnotize at least two individuals, which is why you were able to exact information from me while Abrams is still entranced, but it's such a shame, I ordered the president to be killed yesterday."

Walter Müller laughed as he stares into Stephen's worried eyes.

"He might be dead already." Walter continued to mock him that it sent Stephen on the edge. He punched Walter, knocking him out cold.

'Cain Abrams is the trusted secretary of the winning president, Brennan Pereira. The president is known to be a Jew, and this must've sent the Nazi organization in turmoil, and thus devised a plan to kill the president without disclosing their hidden organization. The plan was to look for the Mask S.E.U invented back in World War 2, but Stella Appleton found the Mask first, leading them to kill her..." Stephen's mind lingered as he stood there, connecting the dots in the humid air.

"As to what happened earlier, the Mask must've hypnotized Walter when I was asking him. But when he finished answering, his senses seemed to come back. This must mean that if a certain task is given, then the hypnotization would only end once that task has been completed!" Stephen mumbled loudly to himself as if he just connected all there is to connect.


Creation is hard, cheer me up! ;)

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