
Visions of V

I like devil may cry a little too much and that is how this story gets started. (SI-oc)

Johnathan_Banks · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Can't spell team

"I have no points I can't buy clothes dumbass, and Shapeshifting into a human wearing clothes is to difficult for me right now." she then proceeded to shapeshift into an amalgamation of different colors fabrics and human flesh before shapeshifting into a girl about my height, with black-hair and purple eyes, and an more..modest figure than last time. 

I nodded and then proceeded to scroll through the [System store] until I found a black dress with purple highlights, as well as black sandals, that in their description specifically stated that they could withstand shapeshifting. 

That set me back around 2000 points. Anything to stop this torture. looking at my current point total, [3900]. I had lost the other points due to the hourly price of the training room, I sighed. This damn woman had wasted nearly all of that time I purchased with my points, I wanted my money back. 

Removing the clothes from my inventory, I gave them to Nue. Her face got red for a second before she coughed and looked away for a moment. 

"You forgot a bra and underwear idiot..." 

Oops.... I quickly found them (c-cup) and gave them to her, which set me back another 500 points. I'm gonna kill myself, maybe I should have never given this damn bird that potion. It would have saved my points and this embarrassment. Sensing my feeling through our contract, Nue responded with a quiet "thank you" before I turned around as she put on her clothes. 

"I'm done." she remarked as I turned around and observed her.

Okay she was hot, the clothes only made it worse. I'm cooked. 

"Stop staring asshole.." she replied clearly embarrassed. She seemed less embarrassed naked though. Alright enough of this cringe shit time to lock in. 

Picking up the cane and book off of the ground a serious expression grew on my face. 

"Nue return to me." My partner followed my command turned back into demon juice and returned to the tatto. 

I had a few things I wanted to try before I left for my request, which I planned to do before this hour was over. I didn't want to spend all of my points here after all. 

...Time skip 15 minutes later.....

Alright, times over, its time to start the [Request]. {I'm bored can we leave already?} the damn demon had been making comments like this throughout the entire training, it was annoying to say the very least. But now it was time to face the music! {you aren't cool} Ouch! There goes my self esteem! I opened the [Status] and selected the timer on the top right, counting down the time remaining until I was forcibly ejected from the tower. [22:04:05] Selecting it, a message appeared in front of my eyes.

[Are you sure you would like to end the wait time for a request ?] 

[Y or N]

I selected Y, before I was transported back to the dorm room. In front of me the blue system panel appeared.



[Request scenario Found!]

[Type: Group]

[Task: Eliminate Gojo Satoru] 

[Time limit: 4 years Note: Only 2 months will pass in the real world if the full time is taken] 

[Task failure will result in death]

[Group members: 30] 

[Time remaining until transportation to Shibuya October 15, 2018 9:55 pm 00:05:00] 

[The Tower of Fantasy wishes you good luck during the scenario!] 

FUCK ME!. This is a starting task? Killing GOJO FUCKING SATORU! I mean, it may be possible.... but I DEFINITELY CAN'T DO IT ALONE. I have no way past infinity, nor do I have a way past his domain expansion, and to be honest he wouldn't need to use those against me in the first place. My point is my 30 teammates better have at least some usefulness, otherwise I am screwed. {He can't be that strong can he?} asked Nue sounding a little worried in my head. Trust me, he is. {Well, shit what do we do?} As we are now we stand no chance of defeating him.... but I know someone in that world that can. {Who?} questioned the bird. No matter how much I disliked the idea, I knew there would be no better plan b than this one if my team turned out ass. With a devilish smile on my face I replied. 

"Ryomen Fucking Sukuna." 

.....Scene Change Shibuya October 15, 2018 9:55 pm abandoned park ....

30 People appeared out of nowhere. People of various shapes and sizes all observed each other as a tense silence enveloped the grassy field they were standing in. Me included Eventually a calm voice broke out through the clearing. 

"Well, *cough* how is everyone doing tonight?" 

Everyone's heads snapped to a man standing on the side of the clearing. I recognized the voice immediately and knew we were fucked. I looked over to my right and saw the strongest sorcerer of today looking at our group curiously. His white hair standing up behind his blindfold looking like a pencil eraser, and his terrible posture made it hard to take him seriously, but I knew the real story. 

This was a man you should never fuck with. I noticed that others around me did not seem to think the same way. A big burly guy was the first to speak up.

"Who the hell are you?"

Gojo, then gained a smile on his face. 

"I'm Gojo Satoru....I suppose I'm not famous enough then yet huh?" saying this in a singsong voice he then struck a pose as he finished talking.

The faces of people around me shifted to bewilderment and determination. They didn't have the knowledge that I did, so it would make sense if they thought they could win. But I knew for a fact that I could not, I was weak as shit and stood zero chance, I don't know what type of characters my group had inherited, but I knew that I had to get away before shit got crazy.

'Nue activate morningstar mode when I give the signal' 


"Alright fucker, no hard feelings but me and my group here have to kill you, so don't resist okay?" The big burly man replied cockily as he walked up to Gojo with a few others trailing behind him.

Oh fuck now I am associated with this group as well...I'm cooked. I watched as Gojo stood there as the man approached and raised his right arm to swing. 

"Heh, too scared to even run away? Looks like he already gave up, this is gonna be easy." Oh my fucking god this idiot is dumb as shit. Some of my group had noticed something was off and looked ready to bolt. Good for them. Not that I knew if it would help them very much. 

As the big man swung his fist at Gojo it got close to him and....nothing happened, there was no noise or impact. Everyone looked confused. Except for me I knew what was happening. 

"Praise the sun bitch!" I screamed as black wings sprouted from my back and a lighting bolt aimed towards Gojo fell from the sky. I then in conjunction with Nue proceeded to book it the hell away from the park. 

Flying quickly through the air, I searched for a place to land. Hopefully this would draw his attention away from my group, allowing at least some of them to escape. What was my plan after this? I had a very good one. Use the ring if he chases me. I flew away {Your plan is shi.... LOOk OUT!'' Halfway through jinxing the hell out of my plan, Nue materialised and took the brunt force of an red, which grounded us into concrete. After being hit, Nue wrapped around me and took the impact of the fall as well. 

"*cough* .....Shit"

I noticed that Nue was now almost out of demonic power, and I was in no condition to fight with this shitty ass body of mine. 

"Nue*cough* return.." I slowly got up from the rubble to see Gojo standing in front of the rubble. 

"Aww...D=did that hurt?" Gojo stated as he stood before me hands behind his head. 

"Well...it was a good run but I'm fucked. *cough*" I stated as I used my cane to support my stance and looked at Gojo. 

"Well... I'm not into men so you won't be fucked... I am going to kill you though." Gojo replied in his singsong voice that was increasingly becoming more annoying. 

"Can't we talk this out?" I asked half heartedly as he started walking towards me. 

"Nah~, I gotta go catch your friends, so I have to hurry." He replied. 

"Can you at least give me second to write my will?" 

"Only if you address its contents to Gojo Satoru~."

"Well it was good talking to you but I think I stalled for enough time...,.Talk to you later?" was my response as the ring fell out of inventory and I slipped it onto my ring finger. Once again I disappeared from sight. 

.........5 Minutes ago Gojo pov........

I was strolling through a park totally not playing pokemon go... when suddenly 30 people appeared out of nowhere. I wasn't exactly surprised when it happened, but I was when none of them had any sign of cursed energy, I mean, everyone has at least SOME cursed energy, except "That Man." but he was a special case. I could at least sense that these people were here after all, "He" was different in that aspect. I observed them for a little bit before cutting the tense silence that had appeared when they had been summoned. 

"Well, *cough* how is everyone doing tonight?" I said lightheartedly, as everyone's heads snapped towards me. Wow I'm famous! Studying their faces for any sign of recognition, I see one man's expression turn to pure fear. He had black hair and green eyes, wore ripped jeans and a black hoodie and looked like a twink. I wish I had my phone out to take a picture. Interrupting my thoughts was a big guy asking me a very important question. 

"Who the hell are you?"

I smiled, well this confirmed the fact that that black haired guy was the only one who knew me. 

I decided to respond. How could I not with this guy asking me such a cute question?

"I'm Gojo Satoru....I suppose I'm not famous enough then yet huh?"

Heh, well that's interesting, all of their faces lit up in recognition the moment I said my name. Which means they know who I am, but the only one who felt threatened was the black haired guy huh? The big guy, seemingly coming to some form of conclusion in his head stared to walk towards me with his little entourage, before speaking up. 

"Alright fucker, no hard feelings but me and my group here have to kill you, so don't resist okay?" 

I almost burst out laughing when I saw the black-haired guys expression. He looked like he was about to cry. But seriously....kill me who does this guy think he is? He walked up to me and began to ready his arm for a right hook. 

"Heh, too scared to even run away? Looks like he already gave up, this is gonna be easy." This big guy was so stupid, it made me want to use my domain expansion to fix his brain. He then punched me. 

Or at least tried. It was not very effective, with Infinity up and running, I was nearly invincible. Getting ready to retaliate with a punch of my own, that WOULD connect, I heard the same black haired man from earlier scream 

"Praise the sun bitch!" as he grew wings and began to fly away. 

Oh yeah he also generated a lighting bolt and threw it at me. I almost forgot over the sound of it not getting through infinity. I could tell he wanted me to follow him, so I decided to play his little game. 

Using an application of Lapse blue I predicted his flight path using the six eyes, charged up a reversal red and shot him to the ground. Color me surprised when a pretty woman wearing a black dress appeared with a panicked expression on her face, tanked my red, and saved the poor guy from dying, before disappearing. 

I landed on the ground and looked down upon the crater formed from the black haired guy's fall. I watched as he slowly crawled out of the ground and onto the street, coughing as he hoisted himself up standing using a nice looking cane. 

"Aww...D=did that hurt?" I said mockingly as I put my hands behind my head. 

"Well...it was a good run but I'm fucked. *cough*" This guy was funny, can I keep him? 

"Well... I'm not into men so you won't be fucked... I am going to kill you though." Was my response as I started walking towards him, I knew with one good punch he would fold like wet cardboard, his body condition was absolute dogshit. 

"Can't we talk this out?" Oh man I almost didn't want to kill this guy. 

"Nah~, I gotta go catch your friends, so I have to hurry." I had already wasted a little too much time on this guy. 

"Can you at least give me second to write my will?" 

"Only if you address its contents to Gojo Satoru~." I was starting to feel like the bad guy here. 

He then grew a smirk on his face before putting his hand in his pocket and pulling out a ring. Curious about what he was doing, I didn't smack him just yet. 

"Well it was good talking to you but I think I stalled for enough time...,.Talk to you later?" 

He put the ring on and disappeared. But not completely. 

...............End of chapter.................