
The Quincy Blood War II

(3rd Person POV)


Yhwach cuts off the already dead Yamamoto's hand as he triest to hold on to the Quincy King's robe.

"Even in death, you mean to stop me? A worthless notion.", Yhwach says as he puts his foot on the dead Shinigami's head.

"Yamamoto Shigekuni ... you are a fool. Why do you thik I did not include you in my list of five notable threats? Answer me this. Why did you not heal your left arm?

You had only to give the order and that human girl could have restored it. Why did you not do so? I know the answer. You did not wish to use humans to your own ends.

I know full well how even at the height of your battle with Aizen, you were hesitant to involve the human Kurosaki Ichigo in the conflict. And still today ... bearing the weight of not only soul society, but also the human world upon your shoulders, you stood before me ... and you were defeated.

You have become weak. Yamamoto Shigekuni.

The old you would not have acted this way. The original Gotei 13 that you established were 'defenders' in name only. They were nothing less than a brutal mob of killers.

But that is precisely why, they were a force to be feared. And you, Yamamoto Shigekuni, standing at the head of that group, were a true demons of the sword. You used whatever means available to defeat your enemies and the deaths of others, even your own subordinates, carried no more weight to you than a speck of ash.

But taht all changed when you exterminated the Quincy. You had won for yourselves a world of peace. You found things that you desired to protect, to treasure ... and in doing so, you became a group of weaklings, ready to hesitate in the name of your meaningless justice or pride.

Allow me to tell you what you have failed to realise until the day of your death. Soul Society will die here today.

But the Gotei 13 ... died with us, a thousand years ago.", Yhwach finishes and prepares a Reishi blast.

"Farewell, Yamamoto Shigekuni."



Gremmy put away the TV he imagined. He thought that this was a badass monologue and yet .... it was a bit hypocritical of the Quincy King. Either that or the Quincy are as replaceable to him as he says that the original Gotei 13 was to Yamamoto.

Thankfully Gremmy knows that already and has long prepared for the time which is to come. He can only imagine what would happen when his plans bear fruit. What a funny and poetic ending it would be to this story.

Gremmy walked out of his room. There was someone he wanted to make fun of and he was in search of some entertainment. The Invasion was over and everyone had returned ... well at least those who had survived.


In a room that was reserved for the Sternritter, Äs Nödt and James AKA Mask De Masculine were talking. Friendship between the Quincy was very rare, especially among the Sternritter and so the fact that these two seemed to understand each other, was more than unusual.

"Oh, James. How nice to see you here.", Gremmy says as he walks into the room.

"Hm? I am not James. That is my biggest fan. I am Mask De-"


"NO! Mask De Masculine. Can't you see the importance of the mask? I am clearly not a musclehead. I am a hero of justice."

"So you just returned from the battlefield and have ... what to show for it?", Gremmy asks. This makes the two Sternritters confused but they understand what Gremmy is talking about.

"The medallion-"

"Yes, the medallion. I saw that instead of using your head, you punched Lieutenant Renji Abarai and didn't take his Bankai. Why is that exactly?", Gremmy taunted and had a smile on his face. He didn't really have a reason to come here today. He just wanted to fight with the musclehead and get a feel for the differences between his soul and the one from Driscoll Berci, he had taken.


"Oh, don't you have anything to say? I thought you were a hero. Did the 'hero' make a mistake? Or did the villain punch you too hard and make you forget? I mean it was embarrassing to watch you fall through the floor."

"I am a HERO! Don't you dare look down on heroes like that, you fiend? I will show you that there is nothing a villain like you can do against the justice of my fists.", Mask continued and Gremmy simply smiled.

Seeing the smile on Gremmy's face, enraged Mask and he decided to punch him. He pulled back his fist and punched Gremmy in the face, but was very surprised when Gremmy wasn't even hit. Instead, he felt a massive amount of force hit his stomach and blew a big hole through it.



Blood flowed out of the wound. Äs Nödt looked surprised as well and directed his power towards Gremmy. He directed his Schrift, 'The Fear' towards Gremmy and wanted to make him fear. But what he got was something different.

Gremmy looked at Äs Nödt and smiled. Millions of flies started to crawl up Gremmy's body and he started to decay in real time. More and more curses and diseases began to spread across Gremmy's body until ...

... they all disappeared. And what was left ... was loneliness. There was nothing anymore. Not the Quincy, not Yhwach ... nothing. Äs Nödt was all alone.

"What?!", Äs Nödt was more than shocked when everything just vanished. The fears ... they weren't Gremmy's ... they were his own. Gremmy turned his own Schrift against him and used it to break Äs Nödt emotionally.


Back in the real place, Gremmy looked at the collapsed form of Äs Nödt and shook his head in disappointment.

"Mister! Mister! You can't lose! You are ... THE SUPERSTAAAARR!!", the little man screamed and Mask's wound began to heal itself, slowly.

Not only that, Gremmy could feel that he had grown more powerful than before. His strength and durability were much higher now. The concept fascinated Gremmy and he wanted to see more of this.

"Haha, to think that you would create a fan for yourself for your Schrift and then you name him after yourself. What a loser you must be.", Gremmy says, realising how James' Schrift works. It was rather sad.

"I am MASK DE MASCULINE and I will defeat you!!!!", he screams and jumps towards me. He has both of his feet outstretched and hits my body with it.


"And again!!"


"And agaiiiiinnn!"




"Again again again again ... ..."

*BOOOOOM* x100


"That will teach you not to speak like that to a hero of justice. To think that even Quincy could have such vile hearts and attack their brethren ... I am disappointed in you, fiend.", Mask says and looks at the dust cloud.

"Now that was embarrassing.", the voice of Gremmy was heard from the dust cloud.

"Huh?! You're still-"


A fist hit him in the face and broke his skull. The bones were bent inwards and some of them even punctured his brain. The force of the Shockwave shot Mask de Masculine to the back and made him hit the wall with a 'splat'.



"M-m-mister ... wake up mister ... MISTAAAA ...", the little chubby boy screamed as he looked at the bloody remains of Mask the Masculine.

But as soon as he screamed and cheered, Gremmy could feel it again. He saw the very crude and basic variation of 'belief' manifest into power and change reality to suit the wish of James. This might be confusing, but James is the Quincy, who calls himself Mask de Masculine.

The little 'fan' is the manifestation of James' Schrift, who he also called James. But the little 'fan' acts according to James' will. His job is to make sure to cheer James/Mask de Masculine one, in order to keep him basically immortal and make him stronger.

The little fan's belief and 'need' manifests something along the lines of ... divinity. That's right, the concept is the same. If James (the fan) is not around anymore, Mask de Masculine won't grow stronger and can also be deleted permanently. But through James (the fan), he can grow stronger and survive.

That's why Gremmy was interested. He wanted to see this very very basic form of divinity in action. And he had to say, it was impressive that this was something Yhwach could grant. But it also taught him some things about how he will eventually grow into something more than just a Quincy.


True to his word, Mask de Masculine regenerated and stood in front of Gremmy with new power. There was no way, he had ever wielded this much power as he did now. His body was ridiculously bloated with muscles.

He screamed and attacked Gremmy with his most powerful punch yet. He kept on spouting nonesense about justice and how Gremmy was a villain, but after a while, Gremmy had seen and heard enough.


"What?!" Mask screamed as his strongest punch was caught by Gremmy, who held him in place ... with one finger.


"If you won't realise it, then let me show you, just how much of a gap there is between us.", Gremmy said in a very low voice. He was now serious ... slightly at least. No more playing around. He reached out with his right hand, with his palm facing upwards. 

Nothing was visible for a moment but then ... a small black swirling orb began to form on top of his hand and it grew bigger. The swirling mass of gravitational and other forces as well as Reishi in its purest form formed a ball of blackness with Gremmy held there. 

It began to affect the surroundings and after a few seconds, the Hollow saw the entire world get twisted by the basketball-sized ball of destruction.


"Do you see?", Gremmy asked in a low voice, "this is what it looks like when I don't control the smallest fraction of my power. I am surrounded by paper and this is what happens when I take the paper and fold it together to form a ball out of it."

Gremmy's voice sounded menacing and somehow ... far away. Like the sound wasn't supposed to reach Mask de Masculine. Gremmy spoke slowly and clearly about what was happening. And then ... he dropped the final bomb.

"What you are experiencing right now, is gravitational forces of such magnitude, that it bends space-time. And it does that so much, that what you are experiencing is slowing down more and more. Until what you experience is so slow that your perception is lagging behind mine."

"Wh-what ... d-does that m-mean?", fear could be heard in Mask's voice for the first time.

"Don't you understand? You are already dead. This is just you experiencing it that slow."


"I can't imagine ... the pain you must feel ... getting ripped apart slowly as your perception slows down more and more...", Gremmy said and everything turned darker and darker for Mask as he died, but in the past.


Gremmy broke the dimension he had created for their fight and dropped the two Quincy to the ground. He made sure to leave them in the state they were when he found them originally. He didn't want them to die like that ... eh, who was he kidding? Äs Nödt would probably never be the same again and Mask would also feel the aftereffects of his very very slow death for the rest of his existence.

But that wasn't a problem for Gremmy. He had achieved what he wanted, for now, to get the first glimpse of divinity. The truth of the matter is, that he could theoretically also imagine divinity, but it was much more powerful if he understood it better. And Gremmy didn't want to have the same divinity as the Greek Pantheon or something like that.

Gremmy wanted to perfect the system. He could already imagine how much more powerful he would get.

Next chapter