
Viscous dragon

What happens? When Oberyn Martell decides to raise Jon as his bastard.... Hello guys this is my first novel so there will be mistakes so plzz let me know if u have any problems in comments hope u enjoy..

shiv6511 · Fantasy
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11 Chs

2-Oberyn’s bastard

283 AL


The day was warmer than usual for summer but, Doran didn't mind. He loved days like today. Clear skies and endless sun were always welcome in Dorne. He looked out his window and smiled. The Northman and his entourage were slowly making their way to boats that would soon take them away to Kings Landing. They must be dying right now, Doran thought to himself. Sure enough, right after he thought it, a North man with a trident, upturns his whole canteen over his head.

"Stupid Northerners, they should know better than to wear full cloaks in Dorne." Doran said to his faithful servant Areo Hotah.

The big black man laughs and nods to his prince.

"I guess the Dornish summer disagrees with them my prince." Areo says.

Doran laughs from his seat overlooking the window.

Suddenly, a cool breeze enters the room as the door to the solar is opened. Oberyn Martell walks into the room with a bottle of summer wine in tow.

Doran looks at Areo and discreetly tells him to leave the room.

As soon as Oberyn reaches Doran's side by the window he hears Areo close the door.

"Is it done?" Doran said.

"Yes, Eddard Stark is on his way home, with his sister in tow." Oberyn said.

Oberyn fills his and Doran's glass with wine.

"Are you sure we're doing the right thing?" Doran asked.

Oberyn looks out the window and pauses before answering.

"I don't know. But, what's done is done."

Doran sighs.

"The boy belongs with his family." Doran says.

Oberyn shakes his head.

"I made a promise to the poor girl that I would protect him. If I told the wolf of his nephew someone is bound to figure it out. Stark has only been in Dorne once. How would it look if he came back to Kings Landing with his sister's bones and a bastard? "

Doran took a sip of his wine. The Northerners were now barely visible but, he could still make out their black and grey clothing amongst the sea of colors surrounding them.

"You're right of course. But, what happens if the king finds out about him? I don't think my head would do well on a spike." Doran says.

Oberyn smiles.

"That's already taken care of brother."

Doran looks at him angrily.

"Do not toy with me Oberyn. This is not a game. "Doran said with an edge.

"But, I am not toying with you brother. I already have it taken care of." Oberyn said in an all too arrogant way.

"What have you done?" Doran asked.

Oberyn points to the west garden where a young brunette maid and her mother were talking to a couple of the palace guards. Doran followed his gaze and spots the maid and her mother. The two women had long faces and pale skin that simply did not belong in Sunspear.

"You see those two women over there by Areo's son?" Oberyn asked.

Doran nods.

"One of them is a barmaid from Seagard and the other is her daughter." Oberyn said.

"So what of it? You're proclivities are not the answer to our problems. What would the stag care if you bedded a barmaid and her daughter? That oaf of a king will see the Targaryen babe and have us taken to the gallows." Doran says.

"Ahh, but, my proclivities are the answer brother. That barmaid is named Myra and her daughter Jenna happens to be Rickard Karstarks bastard."

Doran rests his hand on his chin and gives Oberyn a wondering look.

"Rickard Karstark acknowledges them but, he has given them no support. When Lyanna was first spirited away here, I had them brought down from Seagard to be her midwives and companions. I thought she needed northerners around or else she'd fall into a pit of despair that neither her or her baby could survive."

Oberyn says with a flourish.

"Go on." Doran says.

"After Lyanna's death I concocted a plan. In exchange for their silence and a generous purse. The maid, Jenna, will come forward in front of all Sunspear and present Jon as my bastard. Then, I will have him recognized as my bastard for all the word to see." Oberyn says.

"I see. And since the Karstarks are an offshoot of the Stark line, no one will question the boys features. "

"Exactly, we'll keep Jon a secret for a year and then have her present him to me as her bastard. After that, we pay her off and send a raven to the Karstarks. From what we've heard of Rickard, he could care less of his bastard offspring or their kids. We'll then pay them off and then send them to Essos looking for a fresh start."

"What happens when they get to Essos?"

"The ship will never make it to Essos. I have pirates lined up to who'll ensure that they'll never get past the narrow sea." Oberyn says.

Doran nods in approval.

"I approve, it seems that you have thought this through."

"Of Course brother, you didn't expect me to risk our family's lives on a whim did you?" Oberyn said with a smile.