
Where Am I?

I opened my eyes to total darkness and the sounds of traffic outside.

"Where am I?" I said while recalling the previous events.

"For all I know it could've just been a dream." I said not knowing if I was sleeping in my room or not.

Well I guess I'll check the time to see how long it is until the next tournament. After all in PERSIST there are tournaments on each day of the weekend. I couldn't afford to miss a single one with how low my balance was these days.

"What, how did a week go by? It was the tenth yesterday now it's the seventeenth. What's more it's not even the same month. How in the heck?" The screen on my phone was definitely not wrong however I turned on the lights and checked my computer just in case.

"What? Year 2025, that's like five years ago. What is going on?" I said in bewilderment.

"Persist Isn't even released until the twentieth if I recall correctly. Is this one of those weird dreams that I've heard about? But if so, why can I smell the weird odor my old apartment was filled with?"

'Is this some joke that God set up, if so then can you just let me rest. I've had enough stress lately.' I thought in annoyance.

" Wait I got it. If I talk to someone at school or something then it should set this straight. After all I was in my senior year in high school in 2025. Since today's a Monday then I should check it out. But wait what time does school start again?"

"Well it probably won't matter if I'm late. I'll just go at ten."

I then put on some rugged clothes and did my regular morning routine to start the day as normally as the previous day.

When I got to school I immediately went to the front office to sign in. However, I only went to see the current situation and if they recognized me. I am not going to come to school ever again, since I've already had enough to last a lifetime. I checked the door handle, but it didn't budge.

'Why isn't it moving? Have I gotten weak from all my time gaming?' I thought with confusion.

"Oh hey, Mark. How's it going over summer break?" Startled, I quickly spun around. Then noticed my math teacher, the only high school teacher I liked.

"Mr. Dean, right? It's good to see you... wait do you say summer break?" How could I forget about the best time of being a student? The time I spent as a gamer completely cause me to not remember what it was like when I grew up.

"Hey Mark are you ok? You don't seem that well in the head?"

"I'm fine just remembered I have to go somewhere, bye." I quickly retorted then rushed to get back to my abode.

'Well the fact that he remembered me shows that I'm back to the past, but if so, what am I going to do? I really am not that skilled in much and the knowledge I obtained from the future won't help that in real life. Darn it, I should've paid attention to other things besides grinding in Persist. Well what's done is done. I should just wait until the game's release to start my gaming career over.'

So like that three boring days spent inside my apartment doing nothing, passed by uneventfully.