

I watched the minutes go by slowly until the time hit 4:00.

"Yes, finally lets show them who's boss!" I shouted then quickly put on the gear and jumped in the game.

"Hello, welcome to Persist. What would you like to be called?" Said the never changing voice when I logged in.

"Restless Blade" I responded.

Last time I picked the name 'Everlasting Blade' which is kind of funny considering that I came back alive even after I died. However, this time I decided on restless because of my mission to overtake everyone.

"How would you like to distribute your stats? Remember each one has a minimum of one and maximum of fifteen." A screen came up with the stats for STR, AGI, INT, WIS, and STA. I put one in wisdom and intelligence, five in stamina, and nine a piece for agility and strength.

"Ok, I finished." I then said.

"Which village would you like to start?" The program asked.

I looked and saw 'Winterdale' as an option and picked that.

'Oh I thought it was Wintergreen, but whatever it doesn't matter anyways.' Then my vision blacked out.

"I appeared with many others in the middle of a dirt road in a small village With a practice sword in my hand. They all looked around in amazement while I hurried to the blacksmith's shop.

When I entered I asked politely, "Do you have every sword of the esteemed warrior?"

He then responded, "That's an interesting question. I actually don't, but it you are able to find them all then I'm willing to make you something good from them."

Just them I heard a slight ring then the words "Quest available-Becoming the best warrior- Will you accept?"

"Accept" I thought. Then I left the building.

'Well this is going well. The method that guy advertised actually worked.

The warrior unique quest was the first one found of the starting village from a man called 'Bad to Bones'. He wanted to find out which weapon suited him best and asked the blacksmith to make each one. But surprisingly he got a quest instead. Being a very fame seeking dude, he posted how he did it and caused the envy of many, especially me.

Mobs in Persist drop items according to their rarity. Common monsters drop garbage like teeth or fur except for humanoid ones, which drop common equips. Rare monsters can drop equipment and elite monsters and up can also drop weapons. So to find the swords I need to beat elite monsters at a low level.

There are a total of five swords for the warrior class: broadsword, short sword, katana, rapier, and long sword. Just like there is five swords there are a total of five elite mobs. Since this is the starter village they are not that hard to defeat but the cool down of each on is an hour so I need to beat them soon to not waste time.

I hurried over to a fox hunting ground with level three mobs.

"Time to get warmed up!" I screamed as I ran up to the first opponent. I chose to face the foxes first because they are independent and low leveled. After storming through the first ten I gained a level. Each level gives five stats to use as the user wants.

"All in agility." I said as I increased agility to fourteen.