

In an Era,when death and wars slowly took hold of the future for two powerful nations In order to fight and survive against the most advanced empire in the continent.A law was passed for every capable body of the kingdom of Echela to be recruited and trained with the intention of helping the frontline Liam was no exception,as the most promising candidates in his home town.He was recruited into the Central military academy of the kingdom for further training to one day become a capable fighter and offer help in the war. Separated from his family.Liam will soon learnt about the real nature of humanity in the academy in his perspective.His limitation against far greater foe and his own role to play in this chaotic world plague with hatred,conflicts and sorrow. This is a tale of a young marksman who aims at his one wish to be strong so he will not lose anyone dear to him to this ravaged world. ________ As this is my first book ever written,any critique good or bad as long as it helps the story and your reading experience improve are welcome:) And if you do enjoy it please throw a stone or two to help it grow.Thanks! p.s. The cover art isn't mine so if the original owner wish it taken down,please notify me and I will take it down asap

Volvo_62 · Fantasy
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18 Chs


"I see it!"

Liam yell in excitement as a settlement slowly came into view.And as they March closer to it,Liam can't help but feel amazed by the size and sight of it all.

Surrounded by a tall smooth stone wall of about 40 meters in height and a castle moat,a granite colored castle like structures can be seen standing in the centre protected and secured deep inside the walls.

Liam can tell the space inside the wall stretchs on for miles and wondered just how long did it take to build something like this.He estimate it is almost the size of a major city or prehaps it is a city?

"Thank the gods,I definitely need a proper hot bath after meeting the lich."Layla lament about their previous circumstances and sign in relief.

"For sure Layla,lets see where the entrance is…"Liam chuckles and glance at the walls to see where the entrance is.

They soon found a a draw bridges that is lifted at the moment and wondered how should they notifythe guard or officials to let them in.The top of the walls seems devoid of people so they are not quite sure what is going on.

"Halt!"A magnified voice boom across the field and made them jump in surprise and fright.Their head ringing from the intense wave of sound.

"names?"The voice said and this time a number of people started to appear on the wall.Their armored statue and nocked crossbows suggest they are the guards Liam and Layla was searching for.

"…ah… it is Liam Massoutré,sir.And the girl besides me is Layla Albrecht.We are here for the enlistment.`"Liam quickly regained his composure and explained their situation and identity .He can't help but nervously stare at the massive line up of archer on the wall that is ready to skewer them if they made a mistake.

"...Yes we have your names here,please come in with your invitation letters and documents.We will lower the draw bridge in a moment."Liam and Layla signs in relief as beads of sweat was already forming on their forehead and back.

They swiftly arrived inside the gate and saw guards stationed there.Liam glance and inspect the detailed gears of the guards during the process of security procedures.

Because the settlement is considered part of the military,each guards is also a soldier or officer that have participated in the frontline and hence equipped accordingly.

They were each holding a pike that were inscribed with runes on the blade which amazed Liam.He have heard that runes and hiring inscription specialists were very expensive and to equipped each soldier with them showed how much importance the king placed on the military.

They wear full plate armor which is dyed black,a sheathed sword at the side for sidearm and a harness that have a multitude of item straped onto it in pouches.

Overall,the equipment of their military is definitely nothing to joke at and incredibly expensive considering each of them were equipped with something similar.

"Put your hand on this and lift it off as soon as it turns yellow."The guards men point at a block of shining silver metal on the table and instructed.

Liam did as he was told albeit a bit suspicious of the metal cubes purpose.From the corner of his eyes,he saw Layla did the same but he noticed there was slight hesitation in her eyes.

He brushed it off as he knows Layla easily suspect anyone or anything that she isn't familiar with.

The guards nodded in approval when the block of metal flickered to a eerie yellow glow in both their hand,just when he was about let them through with a wave of his hand,footsteps echo behind him from the gloom of the staircase.

"Captain."A men with dirty blonde hair and a unshaven look who was clad in a more extravagant armor with a crest of the kingdom on his breast plate's left side strode came into view as the guards swiftly salute him.

He walk down the flight stair from the guard tower and glance at the two newcomer up and down with a raised eyebrows.

"So these are the new trainees the inspectors brought…well, they are not bad for their age."He nodded in approval with a amused expression.

"May the kingdom bath in eternal glory and blessings,sir!"Liam not knowing what to do infront of a military high official ,Liam can only try to offer his respect by doing a military standards greetings.Also the ridulous amount of mana aura radianting from the Captain made both him and Layla quite alarmed.

"hahaha,be at ease childs. I am Captain fortwind and as you can guess I am the captain of the guards men stationed at the academy."Fortwind laughed at the new fidgety childs and introduced himself with a relaxed smile.

"You two should go to the main hall to get your access stones and uniforms.I will send one of my guards to accompany you so don't worry."Liam and Layla nodded and thank him as one of the guards escort them to the main hall.

As the trio move out of sights and he can no long detect their aura,the captain sighs and fished out a item from a pocket"They are both quite something,aren't they? lady Laura."Fortwind said as he looked at the orb shaped equipment in his palm.

"haha,indeed.They both have incredible potential,It is fortunate to have more promising recruit this year...…but fortwind."a famine voice with a calm demeanor rang from the orb.

"I know…there might be a rat in this year recruit,I will watch over those two."The carefree attitude disappeared as he eyed the retreating back of the two trainiee.

He knows if there is anytime a hostile nation would have been interested in sending spys to the Academy.It would very likely to be now and if one of the more promising trainiee turns out to be a wolf in sheep skin,their lost from this mistake could cost them everything.

Liam and Layla quietly observed the their surroundings with equal measures of curiosity.Liam was especially attracted by the line up of various intricate structures that made him think that the place is indeed very similar to a major city.

After a long stride of almost half an hour that made them even more aware of the huge amount of space available in the walls.They have arrived infront of the towering castle,looming shadow of it casted on their figures with the setting sun.

"Go straight in and head to the counter in the back of first floor,you have find what you need there."The soldier muffined voice instructed under the helmet,Liam thank him and Layla gave the solider a brief nod as he walked back to the post with another long stride.

Liam grimace and wondered if they will have to do the same and walk all day in a full suit of thick metallic plate armor under the scorching sun when they will also be enlisted.

The inside of the entry floor was as vivid decorated as he would imagine in a castle belonging to nobility.The floor was of polished marble that shine under the cast of warm glow from a massive chandelier attached to the ceiling.

In front of them,a series stair that led to what liam assumes to be the next floor was embedded in the back of the room.A counter was set up by the left of the stairwell,a lady attendants with black hair tied in a Tony tails was shuffling a series of parchment and notes behind the counter as the pair arrive before her.

Looking up from her work as she took notice of the approaching footsteps,she eyed the pair with curiosity for a moment before a warm and professional smiles spread across her face,the heavy black bag under her eyes suggests she might prefer to be alone to finished her work earlier.

"Greetings,we are both new recruited trainnee that were late for enrollment due to different circumstances,we are here to retrieve our uniforms and other equipments…"Layla took the lead this time and explained their situation to her in simple facts,the attendants nodded without further explanation and went to the back of her counter where a series of cabinets was stationed.

She returns in a few moments and putted two light packages on the counter."The package will contains your access stone and your uniform."

she paused and lifted up a small palm sized tablet made of pale blue stone from her pocket.A symbol intricately was etched onto it's surface indicating it is a magic tool.

"The stone will allow access to your own room and other facilities that you might enter under permission or for lessons so please take great care to not lose it under any circumstances,as it will also be a form of your identification."

A thread of mana emergde from her palm and inject into the tablet,a pale blue floating imaginary of what seems to be the attendant's picture and some details such as home town and position.

"We have been notified of your situations earlier in the week,so you have already been arranged into your class and your lesson will start tomorrow morning 10 minutes after breakfast.Other rules and guidelines have been included in the information in your tablet so read them carefully when you have arrived in you quarters.The map of the academy have been included in it as well."

Liam and Layla gave their thanks and took their leave,excitely walking up the staircase to the their supposed quarter recorded on the floating map image.

In the meal time, liam and Layla also peered the various paintings depicting battles of armored solider and generals in glorious battles against monster attacks as well as some recently drawn pictures of the army of the kingdom demolishing the ranks of a army of heavily armored battlelion arms with advance weaponry , Liam can tell these are soldiers from the lopis empire.

The detailed drawing of the metal warriors aiming their weapon which spit out barrage of fire into the king's army made Liam wondered what must the soldier be feeling when they are matched up against their enemy.

A single slip up can ended in a hole made on their head and deafening sound of their firing squad rang across the field,casting fear on the whole frontline of soldiers or so he was told by his uncle.

"Let's hurry up Liam,we should get some shut eyes when we can.Gods know we are gonna needed to concentrate on our lessons if we don't want to be left in the dust further behind for being late."Layla warned with a sigh,it make sense and Liam quickly catch up to her with a sheepish smiles.

After a few more flights of stair,Liam arrive on the entrance of the third floor,where the male cadets

quarters are located on his map and he looked at his newly made friend with some regrets.

"So I guess I will see you sometimes soon then..."Liam said,a sad smiles hung on his face as he noted that they might not even ended up in the same class or department at all.

Considering that she is skilled in melee combat and although she can cast spell of low range.She will likely ended up in the department of knight or perhaps trained in a class of a magic swordmens.

"At least,she will have good treatment with that skill sets "Liam thought with a rueful smiles,it is well known that front line warrior are generally much more respected in the kingdom or army.

Liam can hardly blame them for their belief,as being a ranged fighter generally was perceived as receiving much less risk of injury or dying in the war.Especially so if they have to face a hail of pellet to protect the back line of ranged units in this war.

"Why?Prehaps you are already starting to miss me?"Laim face redden with embarrassment,Layla laugh with the easy success of her teasing attempt.Although she was teasing him,she too felt a bit alone at the thought of leaving her only friend in the foreign land.

It was not a easy burden to carry,For in her 14 years of life she was always loved and accompanied by her family and siblings.But she steeled her resolve with a sighs."I have to do this,only I can do it."She nodded to herself.

"Well,we can certainly met for lunch or when we are free ,so go take your rest now.Goodnight Liam."Layla smiles and wave at him,He smiles and wave back as he watch her disappearing into the next set of stair for the girl's quarter on fourth floor.

"A friend…"Liam grins as he made his way over to his room,the thought of making a friend that is not his family member was foreign to him.

In his hometown,he either was training with his uncle ,playing with her cousin or hunting for the weak monster and games in the Vincity of the town.

Anytime he approached a child of his own age,they told him the same thing.That their family wouldn't let them play with him.He heard rumored back then,when the adults lecture their children for trying to warm up to him.That he was cursed by a God and will bring misfortune to those around him.

He thought it was unfair and seems ridiculous,his family that were the dearest people in the world have suffered no major accident with him and his uncle told him they were just a dumb superstitious bunch.

It was even more strange now that he was considered and identified as the child of artemis.How on earth could he be cursed?

Siddenly,as he racked his brain for the possible reason they think of him that way.A memory long forgotten from his childhood resurface and he froze in silent as the event appear in clarity in his mind.

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