
Chapter 1: New Life

"...Gabriel and Lily then lived happily ever after."

After reading The Beauty Within for the second time, I closed my book. This novel is a romantic story about a beautiful daughter of a baron and three other male characters; the crown prince, the youngest duke, and the hero knight.

The plot is extremely cliched. The plot is quite standard. The story's progression is quite predictable. However, there is a section that will keep you reading since it makes you curious about what will happen next, hoping that something would change. In any way, the novel remains popular.

Despite the fact that the romance of Gabriel (the crown prince) and Lily (the heroine) has come to a happy conclusion, the author has indicated that the novel will be followed by a sequel.

I'm not sure what the author is thinking, but I'm excited to see where the tale goes now that I've become a fan of the book.

It can only signify one thing if you think about it. Something is still being kept hidden by the author. The Beauty Within, to be honest, has a number of story problems. Some aspects didn't make sense at all, and some occurrences were given little thought or explanation.

As a result, I'm looking forward to reading the next book.

I'm currently riding the bus home from school. Because of my school's club activities, I'm already late. I wrapped my arms around the book and gazed out the window. Nothing compares to the awe-inspiring splendor of city lights at night.

I'm in the middle of fantasizing about something, when everything swings upside down, I felt something wet on my head and touched it. When I looked at my hand, I noticed that it was stained with blood.

My entire body was searing in anguish as I realized my head was bleeding. Looking around, I noticed that the bus I was travelling on had been involved in an accident. I attempted but failed to stand up. I examined my leg and saw a wound, so I crawled instead.

At the same moment, I was crying and screaming for aid. "H-help," I shouted, but no one seemed to hear me because everyone was also dead.

I don't want to pass away! Mom? Dad? Mio? Where have you gone?

This is a disaster. My mind is blanking out. Is this the final chapter of my life? In my 17 years of life, I've been a decent girl. I'm really sorry, Mom, Dad, and Mio, my little brother. This appears to be the end of the line.

The last thing I remember is scolding Mio for not flashing his stuff again when I was abruptly surrounded by darkness.

It's complete darkness.

Is this supposed to be how death feels? Why does it feel like I'm floating?

Since I've led a good and honest life, maybe I'll go to Heaven, right?

Golden gate with the angels singing should be welcoming me, right? I'm welcome in Heaven, right?

Then, why am I in the middle of darkness? Is this hell?

NO! Wait! If this is hell, then, I would be on fire, right? Like burning in the fire? But what the heck?! I'm just floatin' around here?


This is merely a never-ending void of darkness. Is this a different kind of hell? I was in the midst of worrying when I saw a ray of light.

Is that the way to the afterlife?

I attempted to swim into the light. It looks to be working because the light is becoming closer and bigger, to the point where I am almost blinded by the brightness. I closed my eyes and let the light engulf me whole.

"Did it work?", is what I thought first before opening my eyes. "Is this heaven?".

I took a look around. Everything is violet in color. From the furniture to the drapes to the rug to the bed I'm currently sitting on.

What the hell is going on?

I didn't know you'd be allotted a room in Heaven? Where, though, is the golden gate? Angels fluttering through the clouds, or God?

"Where am I?"

"Huh?", I was taken aback by how different my voice sounded. "What?"

I sat down on my violet bed and closed my eyes once more. Maybe I wasn't dead all along and this is all a nightmare. Even the accident could have been a dream.

Everything appears to be antique, but it is also fancy and elegant. To be honest, I'm a sucker for books set in the Middle Ages, so this must be a dream come true.

I opened my eyes after counting to ten... "AAAHHHHH!!!!" I'm still in the same room. Right now, I'm both perplexed and terrified. My heart feels like it's about to leap out of my chest. Just where the heck am I? With all of that panicking, I end up crying.

"AAAHHHH-HUHUHU", suddenly a woman in maid uniform entered. Cosplay?

"Are you all right, Lady Violet?" Violet? Is she referring to the room? Everything in the room is violet, so I'm guessing she's asking the room? "Lady Violet?" she asks, her gaze falling on me. Is Violet intended to be me?

Who the heck is Violet? More importantly, "W-who are you?". The maid was also shocked by my question.

Before she could respond, many more people entered my room. I cried even more as I didn't recognize any of them. What exactly is going on?

People around me are panicked, which makes me panic as well. I don't know them, and they're staring at me as if I'm some miserable dog who's been abandoned by everyone. I'm not sure what occurred after that, but I'm sure I got tired of sobbing and went asleep, resulting in puffy eyes the next morning.

My reflection astonished me when I looked in the mirror. I shrank, or rather, I turned into a different person. "Why do I look like a kid?" I wondered as I touched the mirror and was shocked to see that my reflection mirrored my actions. I ran my fingers through my violet wavy hair.

"Smooth" also makes me realize that my eyes are red. "Does this seem normal?" I took a look at how I appeared in general.

"Is this the dress I wore when I slept?" Isn't this too lavish for a kid?

I sat on the couch, trying to make sense of my current circumstances. It's implausible based on how individuals are dressed, talk, and the settings. It's quite impossible yet why does it feel familiar?

I gazed around the room for the second time. I believe they are still asleep because it is still early. I still have time to consider things and gather more information.

On the table, there were books strewn everywhere. I took the other one and read the title "The History of Merriole Kingdom".

Merriole Kingdom? Now, where did I hear that from? It feels strangely familiar.

I noticed a portrait on the wall. It is a family portrait. A man with dark violet hair and red eyes, as well as a woman with white hair and golden eyes, are present. A boy with violet hair and golden eyes is also present. I squinted my eyes because there is lettering on the portrait's lower right side. I read, "Glyn Family."

Wait? I'm very sure I've heard that surname before. I returned my gaze to the book I was holding. Glyn Family... Merriole Kingdom... "Impossible...", I mumbled.

All of these are recognizable to me because they were referenced in a novel I previously read. The Merriole Kingdom is, without a doubt, the setting of 'The Beauty Within'.

I know this sounds crazy but... "I'm inside a novel?!"