
Viola's Fated Love

We all say, fate decides love but is love really fated or just a myth. Is love what we deserve or what we desire. What will happen when Viola finds out her fate is planning a great turn.

Daniel_Portia · Urban
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2 Chs

Thank god I am not late


​"Yes,I am not late this time!" A loud squeal echoed the silent waiting area."Don't shout! You are meant to be silent." A deep yet calm and sweet voice acknowledged her squeal. She bit her tongue in embarrassment.

Author nim: Ahem... Ahem... Don't you want to introduce yourself my protagonist.

"Oh yeah 😅 I forgot... So I am Viola and I am here in the waiting room for the last 10 minutes which almost seemed like ages. But I am happy that I escaped being late this time."

Author nim: hmm... Now let's continue the story.

Only one chair was vacant in the whole room; without wasting even a millisecond, Viola grabbed the chair and sat down trying to calm herself and relax. She was nervous and needed someone to calm her and someone over their was willing to do it for her."Don't be nervous." Yet again the same deep yet calm and sweet voice acknowledged her. She tilted her head in the direction to make sure she is talking to the right person. "Thank you" *she bit her tongue as she did not know how to continue*. The other person seemed to understand the awkward moment so he himself decided to continue. "Hi! I am Aden. I am here for an interview and you?" He asked raising his hand for a handshake which Viola gladly accepted. "I am Viola William. And I am also here for the interview." Again their was an awkward silence between the two until he decided to break it, "So why do you wanna join this company?" This question from Aden caught her off guard, even she did not know why she wanted to be here... She heard a lot about this company and the post of an assistant would suit her well but she never actually knew why she wants to try this field. "I- ummm..." She did not know how to continue. "Don't worry, I am not taking your interview, just tell me the actual reason you want to join this company." She let out a heavy sigh before continuing, "Actually I need really like to help people and I have been good at planning schedule and stuff so I thought this would be the perfect opportunity for me to do what I actually like." "Hmm... So..." Before he could continue, he saw her getting up and leaving. He could not process what happened, deep down he felt like his words offended her but then he saw something...

Her shining purple orbs, her golden bangs, her lips parted in worry, they were mesmerizing,...

she let out a sigh before attempting to help the nervous young man who presumably was there for his interview as well. She consoled him with the few encouraging words she knew, she realised that she was also at his place, nervous and anxious but she shrugged off her nervousness and decided to help this unknown man while on the other hand Aden was still looking at her completely mesmerized while still keeping a keen eye on her actions. Something about Viola wanted him to continue watching her actions without blinking.

Viola was still trying to comfort this unknown man, he was continuosly tugging at his suit button and in the process it broke. Viola picked it up and buried it in the nearest potted plant. She then told the man, "There's a bohemian saying- if you bury your button at a place you will surely stay at that place for a long time." This for some reason cheered the man and she assured him that he will make it. Viola went back to her seat, she looked at Aden who was already looking at her. "Was it true?" Aden asked raising his eyebrows at her. Viola chuckled before continuing, "There's no such bohemian saying". "Then what was that?" "Human psychology" Aden did not say anything but signalled her to continue. "We humans believe in things and become confident if we have an assurance, just like we do in business" she showed him a generous smile. "I will take my leave now" said Aden. "But what about your interview..." Before she could continue, he already started walking and turned back only to wave and wink at her before almost disappearing.

Viola wanted him to stay, she did not want him to be just a stranger for her, something about him wanted her to be with him, talk to him and share with him all her worries. She was all into her thoughts when the staff called her for the interview.

She went inside the office, "Hello! Mr. Winter. I am..." The person who was sitting in front of her while his back facing her cut her off before she could continue "Viola" the voice sounded too familiar, "you are selected, you can start from tomorrow." "But Mr. Winter, I..." "It's Aden for you"

he said before swaying his chair and looking straight in her eyes.


What was fate planning?