
Villains deserve love too

Shimizuosdreams · Fantasy
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How my life took a turn

 It was a long night . I was running from some heroes and suddenly I ran into a deadly assassin. She did not look happy to see me again. We started fighting like always. She was fast and had some pretty annoying weapons, but I had brute strength and if I caught her... Anyway, our fun was stopped by the heroes who had been following me for a long time. We were surrounded by heroes, 2 class S and 5 class A. We had to fight together to take them down. As the girl was on the ground, her back was resting on the tree. Her golden hair tied up in a ponytail up and her emerald eyes were shining into the moonlight. She removed her mask and she noticed my scary shadow. 

"What? Aren't you gonna kill me too? You better take the chance now that I'm injured" says the girl. 

 The girl's attitude towards me was somewhat puzzling. I was expecting it to be a bit more hostile, but to my surprise, she asked if I was going to kill her in that seemingly sarcastic tone. She also mentioned that I should take advantage of the opportunity to finish her off since she was in a vulnerable state. Was she really going to let me off that easy? Not in a million years. I got close to her and stared at her with cold eyes. If she was expecting me to say something, too bad, I'm not talking. 

 The heroes' carcasses lie scattered all around, covered in blood. I have to admit, she did a pretty good job of handling them. She also seems quite knowledgeable when it comes to battle and weaponry. She then closes her eyes and sighs deeply. From the looks of it, it seems she has given up all hope of surviving. She mentions how it doesn't matter if I help her, she'll perish tonight anyway. I then took an aggressive stance and moved towards the girl. She then opened her eyes and was visibly shocked. 

I didn't answer her question and instead picked her up, then threw her over my shoulder. She seems surprised and asked

"What are you doing?!"I remained silent as she continued to struggle and squirm in an attempt to break free from my hold. 

I finally decided to speak up. 

"I can't just let your blood stain this field, especially when you helped me dispose of these worthless heroes". 

I continued walking, making sure to keep a firm grip on her while also keeping my guard up in case she decides to attack me. 

I was trying to figure out what to do now. I really had no intention of taking her with me, but leaving her here to die was just not something I could do. 

I stopped for a moment to let out a chuckle. 

"It's alright. I'm used to getting my clothes dirty". 

I continued walking in the direction of the city, holding the girl as she leaned back against my shoulder.I was quite surprised at the casual atmosphere that was starting to develop between us.I then carried on walking, and soon arrived at an abandoned looking house in a secluded area of the forest. 

"I guess I can at least have her patched up here," I thought. 

As I got closer to the house, a little nervous about being potentially ambushed, I could hear the girl speak up again. 

I immediately stopped and placed the girl carefully on the ground. My eyes darted around the area trying to identify the threat. 

"A child? Where?" my tone changed from casual to one of wariness. 

A small child in this kind of situation is cause for major concern, as they should never be exposed to violence.The girl then pointed towards a corner of the crumbling wooden structure, and there he was. 

I was surprised to hear the boy refer to me as his uncle. However I can somewhat understand that, as Tareo often looks up to me similar to how a younger sibling looks up to their older brother or sister. I then responded to him. 

"How many times have I told you that I'm not your uncle?" 

I looked at him and sighed.It's true, he does remind me of my younger self, but he should've known better than to be in a situation like this.I decided to be stern with him.It might not seem like it, but I was genuinely concerned for the young boy's wellbeing 

After addressing Tareo, I noticed the girl was struggling to maintain her balance. She still seemed to be bleeding a fair amount.I quickly picked her up again and carried her over to a table inside the house.Once I placed her down on the table, I took off the shirt I was wearing and tied it around her wound to try and stop some of the bleeding. 

Once that was done, I went back to see to Tareo.I was not a fan of children in the slightest, but having one present in this potentially dangerous situation was making me extremely uneasy. 

Tareo tilting his head while saying the words 

"Oh, is this my aunt" was a somewhat funny scene to behold. Clearly, he misunderstood the whole situation.However, the fact that Tareo was so casual about being in such a dangerous situation really irked me. 

I knelt down in front of the boy and said in a slightly irritated tone. 

"You live close? Can you go to your home? Or do i need to do it" 

As expected, a young boy being out until this late at night would definitely cause the parents to be worried. 

I then sighed, and said to Tareo in a stern voice 

"Do you want me to take you home?" 

This was not something I wanted to do but, I had no choice.If I let him go back on his own, anything could happen to him.I got the feeling Tareo would listen to me when I spoke with confidence and authority. 

 After Tareo refused to be taken home, my face turned to one of annoyance.I didn't like having to worry about other people, especially children that aren't even related to me. 

The boy goes to the girl and sat on the table next to her.He began to play around with her hair, trying to be helpful.I sighed deep, and decided to try a different approach. I was surprised to see that the girl had regained consciousness. 

 However, she looked at the boy playing with her hair and was visibly confused.I took a deep breath, trying to hide the annoyance on my face.I picked Tareo off the table and held him by his hands. 

I spoke to him sternly with a serious expression: 

"Go home. Now."Tareo pointed at the girl and insisted he knew who she was.He was clearly referring to her by some name, I believed it was Megumi.He mentioned how he and some other children used to play near her house. 

The girl then tried to speak up 

 "I will take him to his house, later." 

She sounded very exhausted and was struggling to maintain a steady voice. I could tell she was in major pain. 

I could see that the girl was starting to really struggle. She sounded exhausted and it was clear her wound was causing alot of pain and discomfort. 

I sighed deeply. It seemed like Tareo was unwilling to leave her side.And by the looks of things, the girl was also somewhat reluctant to send the child home. 

I tried speaking to Tareo again in a gentler tone, hoping he would listen to me. 

"Lets go Tareo, youre hungry aren't you?"As I sat at the camp fire eating the delicious grilled meats, I noticed the girl finally woke up and was slowly making her way towards me using objects close by to act as a crutch.She was walking very slowly , and I was quite impressed by how determined she was. 

When she approached, she spoke out to me 

 "Oh, are you teaching him how to hunt now?" 

The comment was a tad bit amusing because I wasn't teaching Tareo anything. However, it seemed to have struck a cord with the boy as he spoke up next.Tareo had a look of pride when he boasted having captured the wild boar that he had caught earlier. 

Megumi chuckled at the boy's accomplishment and patted him on the head. 

"He learned fast." I added, trying to praise the child. 

This interaction really was an eye-opener for me. Even though I am not a fan of kids in general, it was quite endearing seeing Tareo bond with the girl.The fact that Tareo and Megumi were both confused at my sheer speed at which I devoured the meat was quite funny to me.Truth be told, I was quite hungry after all the activity I had engaged in with this girl. I was not used to slowing down at all, let alone spending time with other people.

 I took another glance at the girl and I noticed she was taking her time, and only eating slowly.It seemed like she was still feeling the pain from earlier, she was even rubbing her wound as she was eating. I felt at ease with the peaceful mood the entire atmosphere carried. Even the slightest sound seems to amplify the peacefulness of the whole situation. The fire crackling, the crickets, the crescent moon and the gentle wind, everything just seemed to melt together so perfectly in the I could finally chill out a little. 

 This was such a huge contrast to all the violence, death and destruction that occurred just an hour before. It was actually kind of soothing. The town was silent and looked beautiful under the moonlight. The people were all sleeping peacefully. It truly was a sight for sore eyes after all the violence and carnage from before. The wind was gentle and made the leaves of the trees dance around us. 

 After we led the kid back home to safety ,Megumi sighed and closed her eyes for a moment. She looked peaceful, despite the pain she was in. She was probably thankful for the peace after all the turmoil earlier. 

I was just observing everything until...an elderly couple spotted my presence and ran away screaming. I decided to ignore it and continued taking in this beautiful moment of peace with the girl. The incident with the elderly couple might have been a bit unexpected, but it was hilarious. They seemed genuinely afraid of me and ran off, despite me not doing anything remotely close to threatening. 

 Megumi chuckled at the whole situation. I think she was surprised by my lack of reaction. She was probably expecting me to fly off the handle and attack the old couple like I usually do. But this time I just let it slide. As we walked, I noticed that Megumi was having trouble keeping up with me. She was limping and the wounds she had sustained earlier must still be causing her a lot of pain. My gut told me that I should carry her back to her house since she clearly seemed exhausted and in pain, but I ignored it. I was being nice already by not attacking her or leaving her on her own. There was no way I was going to be her "knight".

 Megumi looked shocked when I finally picked her up and carried her on my shoulder. She was completely thrown off by this sudden change in attitude. It was amusing to see her try to understand why I suddenly decided to help her . At first, she was hesitant, but I didn't put her down. I kept walking and carrying her as if it were completely normal for me. 

 As we walked, I noticed she was too tired to say anything so I continued to walk in complete silence. Megumi thanked me quietly as I dropped her off at her house. I just nodded my head dismissively and turned around to leave. I wasn't expecting her to say "Thank you" although it did feel a bit good to receive some appreciation for once. However, I still wasn't going to let this get to my head. I'm not a hero or anything like that, I just did what I thought was right.

 I was about to leave when I heard her say my name. Out of curiosity, I turned around to look at her. She sighs and says

 "Would you like.. I don't know, some wine? That will go with the streak we ate 20 mins ago ?"I was completely taken aback by her offer. Is she really asking me to come inside and have a drink with her? How am I supposed to respond to that? 

For a brief moment, I hesitated and contemplated whether to accept the offer or not. I never got this kind of treatment before. Should I go? I mean, it's not like I have anything better to do anyway. I slowly nodded to her question and headed inside the large house. It looks more like a mansion. I guess being an assassin pays you pretty well. I do the same thing, beating the heroes asses and get nothing ofc. Maybe i should....I couldn't believe I was in her mansion drinking fine wine with her. This was an entirely new experience for me.

 The wine was starting to kick in, and I was starting to feel more relaxed and comfortable with her. I was quite surprised by her willingness to listen to me. I was about to tell her what made me a villain. I hope the wine doesn't make me say things I shouldn't....Well, the wine did make me spill my heart out. I began explaining to her how I was a normal and weak human being before, and how all of my life experiences have led me to this moment. Being mocked and bullied by other people, as well as seeing the corruptness in the heroes and the unfair balance of power in this world made me bitter and angry towards humanity. I was very lonely back then, and no one would ever listen to me or understand where I am coming from. I was on the verge of shedding tears as I was telling her my story. 

 The wine and the warmth of the fireplace made Megumi a bit dizzy. She was still listening to me talk, despite her discomfort. 

 I kept opening up to her because I knew she would be the only one to understand. She listened intently as I poured out my heart for the first time ever in my entire life. I realized that I haven't felt this close to anyone in a long time, and having someone listen to me made me feel all kinds of emotions. It seemed like our hearts connected on a deeper level despite our differences. 

 As I finished my wine, I took a look at Megumi who was also finishing her glass. She was very drunk by this point, but her beautiful eyes were still looking at me with interest. She tried to get up to refill her glass, but I quickly stopped her. She then gave me a sleepy and hazy smile and called out my name. I couldn't help but feel touched by her actions. We both closed our eyes as we listened to the soft sound of the fire burning. I was getting pretty sleepy myself... the wine is really starting to kick in. Megumi then started to laugh while leaning on my shoulder. A wave of dizziness suddenly hit me and I also began to laugh uncontrollably. I tried to talk but it seemed like I was slurring my words. Megumi was now laughing very hard, and I was laughing with her too. We were now acting a bit like children. I closed my eyes and let her rest against me. The warmth of the fire, the wine and Megumi's body was making me feel all kinds of things. My heart was beating a little bit faster. My drunken mind went on autopilot and I leaned in towards Megumi. I had gotten so lost in the moment that I accidentally went in for a kiss. I couldn't believe this was really happening. This was my first kiss ever... and it was with an enemy. Her lips were so soft, and her taste was intoxicating. I couldn't help but to go for a second kiss. At this point, we were both in a daze due to the effect of the alcohol, so our kiss became increasingly passionate, and we were slowly drifting towards...