
Villains Are My Sponsors!

*** [ is pleased with your ruthlessness!!] [ grants you his Mangekyo Sharingan !!] --- [ is smiling because of your intelligence!] [ grants you his Immense Strength!!] --- [ is grining as he is watching you manipulating others!] [ grants you his Conqueror Haki!!] --- [ is impressed with your resolution of World Domination!] [ lends you his Blood Vein Ring!] --- And so, the story of the World most powerful Villain start! First world: Overlord! (Mc won't join Nazarick just so you know, he will be in the New Worlds from the start) Second world: Solo Leveling (for one vol) It may be a multiverse story, but that will later be decided on how this story progresses. --- Read my Review, for more details of the story. Thank u

Dark_Crown98 · Anime & Comics
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71 Chs

Chapter 23: Labyrinth of Holy (3)


"Then my successor are you willing to accept my legacy, and become a Paladin, and carry on my Oath of Justice!"

"Yes, Sir." I said, the next second nine huge pillar of magic circle were summoned infront of me, I couldn't help but sweat feeling the power surging through it.

"Remember my successor, the second I give you my legacy, I will die ...So, I hope you will give justice to this world by protecting it from players." he said, his body levitating in the air ...as a beam of light pierced through my glabella.

"Urgh!" I grunted, my vision blurring out ...while the last thing I saw before fainting was a Paladin with 12 wings levitating in the air he was taking his Oath, nine magic circle covering and illuminating the entire empty space with this birth divine power.


"Uff! Huff! Huff!" roughly waking up, I moved my head left and right.

My area has once again has changed, this time I was in a room that was painted white all over, the entire room being empty.

When a horde of message began popping up.

[Congratulation Player! You have received a Paladin class!]

[Congratulation Player! Your overall stats has increased because of acquiring Paladin Class!]

[Congratulation Player! You have learned spell ‹Summon Angel 2nd Tier› (2nd-tier)]

[Congratulation Player! You have learned spell ‹Summon Angel 3rd Tier› (3rd-tier)]

[Congratulation Player! You have learned spell ‹Holy Light› (3rd-tier)]

'Wow wow, I was surprised by the sudden popping of the notification.' still claiming my nerves, I asked for my 'Stats'



[Name: Alard von Auguste]

[Title: None]

[Class: 4th-Tier Spell Caster, Shadow Swordsmen (low-level), Paladin: Oathless]

[Sub-Class: Shinobi (Chunin).]

[Talent: Magic Talent, Five Elements Control, All-Seeing Eye ( more Talent are accessible)]

[Race: Human]

[Affinity: Darkness, (can gain more)]

[Special Power: Sharingan (Second-stage) ]

[Age: 10]

[Attack: 400 ↑100 (damage he can give with his normal attack)

[Magic Attack: 550 ↑100 (damage his normal spell can give)]

[Defense: 68 ↑30/ average 10]

[Mana: 119 ↑30/ average 10]

[Chakra: 210 ( Chunin-level chakra)]

[Health: 3500 ↑900/3499]

[Strength: 78 ↑30/ average 10]

[Agility: 77 ↑30/ average 10]

[Intelligent: 43 ↑10/ average 10]

-Equipment: [Black-Shirt magic-enchanted (rare)] [Dark-Wolves Gaunlet (low-class)][Invisible Mithril Armour (middle-class)] [Wyvern Sword (middle-class]

-Inventory: [Steel Sword(rare)] [Steel Dagger (rare)] [Necklace of Fire God (low-class)] [Message Scroll x20 (rare)] [Teleportation Scroll x5 (low-class)] [Healing Potion x100 (rare)] [Invisible Mithril Armour (middle-class)]


—Martial Arts:

-Shadow Possession

-Shadow Slash

-Hundred Stabs

-Brute Force

-Iron Fist

-Huricane Kick

-Shukuchi Kai

-Cut of Light


-Sharingan: Attack Prediction

-Sharingan: Genjutsu

-Coercion Sharingan


-Maximize Magic

-Twin Magic

-Over Magic


-Magic Shield (2nd-tier)

-Wind Lance (2nd-tier)

-Summon Angel 2nd Tier (2nd-tier)

-Fly (3rd-tier)

-Holy Light (3rd-tier)

-Summon Angel 3rd Tier (3rd-tier)

-Ice Javelin (3rd-tier)

-Ice Pillar (4th-tier)


-Body Replacement (E-rank)

--Fire Release: Dragon Fire Technique (C-rank)

-Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique (C-rank)

-Lightning Sword (C-rank)

-Fire Release: Great Flame Flower (B-rank)

-Shadow Clone Jutsu (B-rank)

-Chidori: Thunder (B-rank)

(A/N: I will make a prologue chap at the end of this vol, where all the skills Alard has learned will be exclaimed.)


Checking my stats, I heard a call from my behind.

"My new lord, My name is Lynn ...from now I will be on your service, I hope to be in your care." I turned around, to see the same old butler from before ...he bowed his head, while he created a spatial crack and took a sword from it.

"My lord, this was the sword of my deceased lord, he has hoped for you to use it ...and as for his armor, your body is to weak so you won't be able to handle it." he said, should I take it as compliment?

"Thank you ...Lynn?" I said, while taking the sword he gave me, which I stored it in my storage.

As I was surprised with the rank the system gave it.

[Excalibur (Divine)*sealed]

It was a divine rank weapon! Though I expected to get one later ...It was to early to get one, even if it was sealed I know it is probably the strongest weapon I have in my aresal upto now.

If I remember correctly, the rank of this items goes like ...from Common to World.

[Item Rank: World - Divine - Legendary - Relic - Legacy - High-class - Middle-class - Low-class - Artifact - Rare - Common.]

"I guess you liked the sword." Lynn said, seeing my happy face as he was acting indifferent to me, likely he was observing me.

"Yes! This sword is so beautiful! Thank you Lynn." I said enthusiastically, while Lynn gave me a nod.

'Then my lord, lets us first get you a Oath ...being a Paladin, you must get a Oath at first, as for what Oath the Paladin gets. It will be known by the nature of Paladin." he said, while I gave a confused look.

"What do you mean by that Lynn?" to my question, he took out a mirror and placed it infront of me.

A beautiful, hot and awesome male face was reflected infront of the mirror.

But the main thing that attracted me was a symbol in my glabella, I had a sword probably Excalibur designed symbol in my glabella.

"What is this Lynn?"

"This is the blessing symbol, with it you can get a Oath for yourself to follow." he said, when he lightly tapped my glabella, whereas a huge light shone from my glabella.


'Urgh!' fucking once again I am in a new place!

Grunting in annoyance, I once again looked around ...a huge ball of light was in my view this time.

"Welcome the chosen Paladin, I am the one who will give you the Oath." the ball of light spoke, while I didn't even knew what to do, a voice echoed in my ear.

"Follow after me." as I subconsciously followed the words this light spoke.

"I the chosen Paladin, from now and here on! shall take my Oath! I Alard Von Auguste! Will take my Oath and follow it through my entire life, O the cursed Oath of Death! Death shall follow everywhere I go! But Death shall not consume me! Death shall be my sword! Death shall be my shield, I Alard the Paladin of Death shall take my Oath of Death!" I spoke, when a another notification popped.

[Player class Paladin: Oathless has changed into Paladin of Holy Death!]

[<Ghost of Uchiha> likes this class name!]

[<I am not Freezer> is cleaning his tale.]


Once again, after my Oath finished ...I again returned in this white room.

"My lord, Congratulation on getting your Oath! I am curious what may your Oath be. My deceased Lord Oath was Justice." Lynn asked, while I was still in process of claiming my mind.

The movement I took my Oath, many vision flashed through my mind.

A vision of a war, slaughter, a massacre. I felt like I was experiencing all of these wars I am having the vision off.

While in the middle of my vision, I saw and felt a lonely man in full-plated dark armor, that had been painted red from the blood of his enemies.

Everytime he thrusted his sword, a body of his enemies fell. I also have this sensation of my hand gripping a sword which was cutting right through the flesh and bones of the enemies.

'Huff! Huff!' my breath began to turn heavily, as the dark armoured guy keep on killing his enemies ...he alone in the battlefield, kept on swinging his sword while everytime his sword swinged enemies lifeless body fell into ground, there flesh fell for the beasts to feed on, there blood painted the ground all crimson, there bone fertilized the dried ground soil.

The vision kept on playing..


[In the vision]

The darked-armoured man, lunged forward as his sword was emitting death aura.


"Damn it! He is here! Soldiers prepare yourself!" shouted an enemy commander, while he raised his sword.

"Kill that cursed being!" another commander shouted, his eye filled with rage ...as he unsheathed his sword, but the next movement he was beheaded.

Fresh blood flooded from his behead head, while another commander roared in rage as his sword clashed against this crushed being.

"You damn wretch! Just die!" another soldiers shouted, he thrusted his sword forward to behead the dark-armored man.

But before the sword could kill him, he as fast as light, rotated his body 360° chopping of the first commander hand, while he kicked him in chest making him fly away.

While he blocked the sword that came after his head, his eye glowed deadly red ...his body began to engulf itself into a sinister aura.

"‹Death Art: Death God Strike›" he said, his body emitting extremely sinister aura suffocating every normal soldiers in the battlefield ...while two huge skull silhouette formed behind him.


"Kughh!" grunted the enemies, as all of there head burst open in the pressure of Death Art.

"Damn you impious! You are disgrace to all of us!" the enemy commander said his final word, while the next second ...his entire body burst open by the pressure of Death.

"I? Disgrace? You damn hypocrites dare say such word!" he roared, while he leaped high in the sky, his body still emitting the deathly sinister aura.

"Death Art: Death God Annihilation!" he roared in the sky like a Dragon, his sword engulfed in dark thick mana, while the entirety of sky turned dark from his aura.

While, still in the air, he swinged his sword downward the ground, dark thick mana in his sword charged leaped down.

Forming a huge black flame, in a mere amount of seconds, black flame flooded the entire battlefield, burning million of soldiers to death in the battlefield.

"Just wait! I am coming back soon!"


[Player has acquired ‹Death Art: Death God Strike› (mastery: 1%)]

[Player has acquired ‹Death Art: Death God Annihilation› (mastery: 0.5%)]

While in a space located in the unknown, the goddess who send Alard in New World received this notification.

"What! He unlocked his first seal earlier then I thought." the goddess exclaimed in surprise but that soon changed into a beautiful smile.

"Heh! I guess something will never change, huh?" she muttered to herself as she summoned a screen infront of her, to look at what Alard was doing sitting in her lonely throne.