
Villains Are My Sponsors!

*** [ is pleased with your ruthlessness!!] [ grants you his Mangekyo Sharingan !!] --- [ is smiling because of your intelligence!] [ grants you his Immense Strength!!] --- [ is grining as he is watching you manipulating others!] [ grants you his Conqueror Haki!!] --- [ is impressed with your resolution of World Domination!] [ lends you his Blood Vein Ring!] --- And so, the story of the World most powerful Villain start! First world: Overlord! (Mc won't join Nazarick just so you know, he will be in the New Worlds from the start) Second world: Solo Leveling (for one vol) It may be a multiverse story, but that will later be decided on how this story progresses. --- Read my Review, for more details of the story. Thank u

Dark_Crown98 · Anime & Comics
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71 Chs

Chapter 21: Labyrinth of Holy (1)

Standing infront of the cave, that I believed to be the entrance of the treasury.

I first decided to order an check out if it was the correct coordination.

"Adventurer Kavok, I want your scout to check if this place is correct or not ...here is a copy of the map, you can give it to your scout." I gave a copy of map to Kavok, as he nodded his head while walking toward his team.

When, I could watched Katherine coming over me, Elza the blindfolded priestess following behind her.

"Dear Young Lord~ If you are in danger be sure to come over me, I will protect you with my life." she said raising her arm up, showing her not so manly biceps, while I thanked her for the good wills, as we exchanged few words, when an annoyed Kavok marched in our direction.

"Young Lord, We have confirmed this place, we are assuredly in correct location. It seems like a Labyrinth type dungeon. What are your thoughts on it?"

"A Labyrinth? It seems like the hunt isn't going to be easy huh? Get your team together, we are getting in." I said, while the rest acknowledged my word.


Soon, heading inside the Labyrinth, we encountered few traps but escaped it without much trouble ...while we began heading deeper and deeper.

When, David and Kavok raised there fist signalling us to stop, as they looked at each other before David spoke.

"We have an unknown monsters ahead."

"What an unknown? Describe it's appearance." I asked, while David noted the appearance and described it.

"It appear as a shining white knight in armor. Its back is attached with wings, a halo glows behind its head, and wields a sword of flames."


A shiny armor wearing monster, with wings attached in its back and a glowing halo behind its head? Isn't it a description of an angels of Overlord world?

Why would an angle monster be in this Labyrinth?

From the anime, it was told Angels are summoned monsters, and in New World only Priests from Slane Theocracy's Sunlight Scripture could summon this angels?

Don't tell me I will get involved with Slane Theocracy's through this mission, I really don't want to draw the attention of those annoying people of Leader and God-kins of Theocracy, especially that black and white girl.


Quickly taking a breather, I decided to check on this angels.

"I have read from a books of my father, that they are a unique monsters, As for which tier monster they are ...for that I have to first see them personally." I said, as particularly all of this angels looks the same.

So, I have to feel there magic energy to feel which tier they are.

"Then let's head there carefully." said Kavok, while taking out his War Axe from behind him, David also half-unsheathed his sword, Hina also ready with her druid staff.

Katherine by my side, her hand equipped with her dual blades, her fiery gaze giving her an burning charm.

"Lets head there then."



There power level is as powerful as 3rd tier summon. They seems to be low-level Angel summons armed with magical flame swords, remembering correctly they were called Archangel Flame.

-Archangel Flame -

They flew in the limited space of the Labyrinth, as it was there own home.

"Commander? Should we attack?" questioned David, carrying on a crazy battle-crazed grin in his face, as he was hardly holding his hilt.

"Hmm, Sure David and Kavok both of you charge, We will follow behind." I said, making other to give me different reaction. While David agreed without any problem, as he only wanted to unsheath his sword.

As, Kavok was alittle enraged. It was clear as sky, that he was particularly being used as a tool to measure enemies strength. How could a leader of Mithril-ranked adventurer team, be used as a power measuring tool even his teammates were angry with me, giving me death glare secretly.

Clutching his grip in his War Axe, he also agreed ..as first of all, I was the one who hired them, it was adventurers code to follow there hirer words, until it was too much for them to obey. Secondly, I was a high-ranked military officer, and they were currently on a mission given by Empire, if they disobeyed. It was basically rebelling against the Empire.

Soon, David and Kavok marched infront of the angles.

"Ha!" David quickly shouted, as his sword smoothly slashed his edge toward a Archangel Flame.

But to surprise, the sword attack passed through the body of Angles.

'As expected!' I exclaimed, as I had guessed my memories didn't betrayed me, this angels were summon created by its summoner mana, so they were basically immune to physical attack, but a martial art can damage them.

And to my another attention, Kavok also seemed to had realised it, as he also raised his axe upward to use his martial art.

"David! Use your martial art!" I exclaimed, while David nodded, he positioned his sword infront of him, his eye shining like a star.

"‹Cutting Edge: Fatal Edge!" a huge aura covered the edge of his sword, while he swiftly slashed toward a Archangel Flame.


He cleanly cutted the angel in half, as his sword slashed his left torso and it cleanly cutted all of its way to the right-side of torso.

Suddenly, all the roaming Archangel Flames noticed us, while soon more then 50 angels hovered above us.

As, they were ready to strike us with there sword of holy flame.


"‹Maximize Magic: Ice Javelins›!" I quickly chanted, summoning over 10 ice javelin in air, while they all strikes forward against the angels.

*Boom* *Boom*

My attack blasted the angels body, while the whole Labyrinth temperature dropped.

"Physical attack are useless against this monsters! Everyone use your martial arts and magic attack to deal with them!" I then shouted to make sure all heard me clearly, as I equipped my Wyvern sword dashing forward.

"‹Shadow Possession: Shadow Slash›!" I used my martial art, my shadow engulfing my body entirely while I sneaked behind the Archangel Flames, as I slashed the angles, splitting there body into two.

"Wow! Young Lord is so handsome~ I am here to support you." I then heard a mature flirty voice behind me, when I watched the rosy red adventurer behind me, winking me before she used her dual blades.

"‹Ability Boost: Dragon Fang Thrust›!" her overall ability were boosted, as she consecutively two-time gave a piercing attack to the angles.

"Ezy Pzy~" she said trying to gain my attention, while I quickly turned over to watch over Hina.

"Twin Magic: Twine Plant›" she chanted, many vines sprouted out from the ground, as it thrusted it's tip against the monster.

"‹ Mass Cure Light Wounds›" once again chanting, a huge green magic circle appeared on top of her head, sparkling dust raining from it, as all of our allies light cut and bruises were magically healed.

"Oh! Is it a druid? There healing capacity is even higher then that of clerics!"

"Thank you, Lady!" all the healed adventurers around her area thanked her, when I felt a killing intent aimed towards me.


I dodged the attack, as I looked toward the attack.

Once again it was angle, but!

This angel was embodied in armor with a long robe covering up its legs. It wielded a huge mace made of divine power and equipped a round shield with an image of the sun on its left arm. Compared to the Archangel Flame, this angel has four wings, given its rank is higher than the former.

-Principality Observation -

A mid-level angel summons, dang it!

I thought, as a destructive mace attack once again tried to hit me.

"‹Shukuchi Kai: Cut of Light›" my body blurred out as I got behind the angels, using ‹Cut of Light› my family techniques, as my Wyvern sword shone as bright as Light, a overwhelming aura shrouding the area, while my sword began growing bigger and bigger.


I downed my overwhelming sword strike against the mid-level angel Principality Observation.


Immediately the shield came in the way of my attack, blocking my strike, while I chopped down its left hand.

"Damn that shield!" cursing out, I once again spun my sword in air, while the angel also countered my attack with it's divine mace.

[<Ghost of Uchiha says "Use you Sharingan! Show them them the might of Uchiha."]

[<I am not Freeze!> is scratching his chin "Hmm, Cheh Cheh! This fight is so childish."]

[<King of Heroes> sneak peaks the fight and leaves the room.]


The entire ground trembled with our collision, drawing the attention of everyone toward us, as my sword and his mace faced each other.

"‹Brute Force› ‹Brure Force› Haaaa!!!" I roared, while my muscle bulged up.

[Strength +10 (temporarily)]

[Strength +10 (temporarily)]


A crack noises echoed the area, as many crack appeared in the divine mace of the Angel.


Swiftly the divine mace burst out, while my sword cleanly chopped the torso of the Angel in half.

*Fussh* *Fussh*

When, a huge light illuminated the entire room, this time more then 20 mid-level Principality Observation were summoned.

"Darn it, Who is summoning this many angels and how?" I muttered, as I opened my Sharingan.

"‹Sharingan: Attack Prediction›"

I dodged a attack from the right from one of the angel, while another mace came swinging in my face.

"‹Shadow Possession›"

"‹Over Magic, Maximize Magic: Ice Pillars›" I chanted, summoning two ice pillar, it thrusted more then 4 angels as there body brushed open and disappeared in light sparkles.

"‹Brute Force›!"

[Strength +10 (temporarily)

"‹Shukuchi Kai: Hundred Stabs›" my body blurred out, while I teleported in a comfortable position, while I began stabbing the angels from the tip of my sword, while they also tried to block it with there shield.

But because of the boost in my strength, I could pierce through there shield with ease. As, my Stabs created hole in each one of the angels body that came in my range, while there body disappeared in light.

When, A huge light hit my eyes ..I couldn't help but shut close my eyes, opening my eye I was suddenly caught off-guard.

Everyone Katherine, Kavok, David, Hina and all others that frozen up in there place ...same could be said to those annoying angels, while a new figure had appeared infront of me.

"Welcome to my home, youngling. I welcome you to my Labyrinth of Holy!"

[<King of Heroes> copied his word like a joke "Welcome to my land Babylon, Mongrel!"]