
Villains Are My Sponsors!

*** [ is pleased with your ruthlessness!!] [ grants you his Mangekyo Sharingan !!] --- [ is smiling because of your intelligence!] [ grants you his Immense Strength!!] --- [ is grining as he is watching you manipulating others!] [ grants you his Conqueror Haki!!] --- [ is impressed with your resolution of World Domination!] [ lends you his Blood Vein Ring!] --- And so, the story of the World most powerful Villain start! First world: Overlord! (Mc won't join Nazarick just so you know, he will be in the New Worlds from the start) Second world: Solo Leveling (for one vol) It may be a multiverse story, but that will later be decided on how this story progresses. --- Read my Review, for more details of the story. Thank u

Dark_Crown98 · Anime & Comics
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71 Chs

Chapter 18: Information on a Treasure


[Alard PoV]

As, I and my army of hundred swordsmen arrived in the outskirts of wolven glade.

We met with Froza and David, who had few bruises on them ..while, looking at those under there command, they seemed to have suffered some casualties.

"Oh! Commander! We have caught this guy who seem to be suspiciously trying to run out of the glade." Froza reported, as soon as she saw me, while Drake also moved forward to greet me, fainted Rogar in the ground.

"Hmm, It looks like you had come casualties, care to report?" I asked, as Froza and Drake made alittle ashamed face.

"I lost 18 soldier and 34 are seriously injured, I am very sorry for my incapability." Froza first reported, as she turned around to look at a camp with medic sign on it.

"I lost 9 soldiers and 49 are seriously injured, I am very sorry for my incapability." said Drake, alittle pleased his death casualties were less then that of Froza.

"Hmm, It's okay, I hope there will be less casualties next time." I said, while I turned toward fainted Rogar.

"Take him to Investigation-division and try to make him spill out everything he knows." I said, while Froza and Drake nodded there head in acknowledgment.

"Alright!! then, Let's all head back to Stone Town now!"

"Yes, Sir!"


-10 days later-

[Stone Town]

"Hah!" Rezoro eon Kun, the 2nd Battalion Commander under my Legion, shouted as he charged toward me with his wooden sword.

'‹Sharingan: Attack Prediction ›' I opened my two tomoe sharingan, while a fist came smashing from behind me.

"‹Iron Fist›!" roar out Raiger, the 1st Battalion Commander, while I swiftly rotated my body in the middle of there pincer attack, raising my leg, gave a high kick toward the wrist of Rezoro, making him drop his sword and balance, while a uppercut straight into Raiger face, while dodging his punch swiftly.

*Crash!* *Bam!*


"Ouch!" both fell to the ground, when another attack same right straight to me.

"Haa! You lose! ‹Shukuchi: Fourfold Slash of Light›" Aho, the 6th Battalion Commander, used ‹Shukuchi› a movement martial art, as he instantly closed our distance, while he used his sword martial art ‹Fourfold Slash of Light› to give me four strikes of his sword in a single blow.

"Heh? Nice try ..but it isn't enough ...‹Shukuchi Kai›" I smirked, as just when he was about to hit me, my figure blurred out from Aho vision, while the next second, I arrived behind him, while I grabbed him with my hand from behind.

"Kuhh!" Aho grunted, while he was just 10 cm or so distant close on defeating me, I used ‹Shukuchi Kai› an improved version of Shukuchi, while ‹Shukuchi› can only be used to dash straight, ‹Shukuchi Kai› can be used to dash at any direction.

"Huff! Is Commander really 10 year old? and not a reincarnated hero?" complained Rezoro, laying on the ground, while he tried to catch some breath.

"Heh! If he wasn't even this much strong, could he still be our commander." said Raiger with grin, admitting his complete defeat, while he and Rezoro laughed, watching each other in an completely defeated state.

"Cheh! I am soon going to surpass him! I can just feel it." Aho harrumphed, as he stood up, walking away from the Train room, while I couldn't help but grin hearing it.

'Surpass me? I will be waiting to see it.'


"Commander! Commander! Prisoner Rogra is willing to tell us about the reason of Kingdom sending there troops here!" suddenly Froza came barging inside the training room.

"Hmm~, Lead me there!" I said, while I was still half-naked, when I could see Froza flinch alittle.

"Ca-Commander! Wear your cloth first!" she said, as I made a 'O' realized face.

"Sure, Sure ..lead the way." I said, as I covered my toned, and bulky build, with my training dress.


Quickly heading to the Investigation-division, Froza opened a metal door, while a dark room greeted me ...an single bulb hanging in the middle of the room, illuminating the entire room with its dull light.

While, Rogra right below the bulb, was binded into a wooden chair.

His clothes were all badly torn, his blood has dried up in his own skin, his right arm, both legs, and torso skin were peeled off, while the burn mark of hot oil pouring in his peeled off skin was there, giving a disgusting sight.

"P..pp..please le..let me go."

"I..I wa..want tt..to live." this were the only word, Rogra was muttering, as his whole body trembled in fright, when he heard the door opening.

"Pll..Please let me go!! I will tell! I will tell! I will tell everything! please let me go!" he pleaded, as he struggled in his sit.

"You will live, if you tell the entire truth with a lie, We have a lie detector just so you know." I said to him, as he nodded his head, his dried lip trembling.

"So, tell the entire truth ...what was the reason you came here, what was the goal you want to accomplish here."

"Y..yes, We were ordered by His Majesty, The King, to look for a treasure."

"Treasure?" me being followed by Froza and co, all exclaimed at the same time.

"Ye..yes! We were ordered by the King to search for a treasure in the glade!"

"Then where is the map or any proof that can justify this statement, that you were really looking for treasure." I said, as I didn't found any lie in his sentence, and it wasn't coming from any lie detector or any other thing but my personal experience ...in my 20 year long experience of being assassin, torturing or tormenting other to tell the truth, had made me tell in a glance wether they are lying or not.

"Now after the following two days, A commander will come to the glade with the elite knights of Kingdom! He ..he will also have a map with him! Believe me! That map will have the location of the treasure." said Rogra.

"Okay then, Even if it is true that there is a treasure, how did you know it?"

"This is Empire's territory, A information even the Empire didn't have ...how did your Kingdom get it?" I said, in a serious tone, currently there were only two things I could guess.

First, He is telling lie, but it is nearly impossible, the lie detector orb that Froza was carrying didn't glow, meaning he wasn't lying ... neither my own experience was telling he was lying.

Second, being Empire have a traitor! and there is a high chance the traitor being Margrave Steelshield, who is the lord of this land, Stone-town is also one of many town under his jurisdiction, and if he really were to be traitor, the Empire will sure gonna be on huge turmoil.

Margrave, not only being the one of the member of Court Council, a group of various nobles who are in-charge of administering the Baharuth Empire's.

He was also one of the Five Great Noble, he hold a huge power in Empire.

"I don't know.. I don't know! Please believe me, I don't know anything else then this, We are just following the order of the King." said Rogra trembling from fear of getting tortured again.

"Hey, No need to be so scared ..I promise you won't get hurt again, So just tell me how do you communicate with the Kingdom, and you will be released." I said warmly, show a warm and comfortable-side to a traumatized person, they will take you as there angle.

"Yess..Yes, We don't communicate, when the commander arrives at the border, he will send a knight to check the camp, and he will speak in a code, we just have to reply there code and they will be cleared if it is safe to cross border or not."

"So, What is the code? Please can you tell us?" I asked as much gently as I could.

"Thh..this, It is ... Question is "Bandits! Go to hell!" and answer is "Bandit will go to hell, if you want."."

"Oh, Then thank you, now you shall be released as I promised." I said, as I could see a huge smile on his face, a face of relief, a face of happiness.

"You shall be released from this cursed world." I said, as just when his face turned confused, I chopped his head off his neck.


His head fell to ground, while Froza was alittle surprised with the way I killed him with no emotion.

"Lets go, Froza put some soldiers in that camp, under the disguise of bandit, and tell them the code."

"Ye.. Yes, sir."

"And make them sure to report me, when the code messenger has left after confirming the code." I said, as I used my finger to clean the slight blood in my face.


Hey guys!

I want to know, If I should write a torture scene of not...

If you want, the next time out Mc have prisoner, I will be sure to write a torture scene.