
Wooing my wife

Cassius pov 

I knew that she did that intentionally. She could have shared food with me yet she chose to eat with Killian. I could see the mischief in her eyes. I shook my head at the thought that she would be easy to win over. I was sure she was going to make it difficult for me and I deserved that.

I looked at the fork that was sting in mid air and sighed. I heard the chuckles from James and worried faces of others but I lied back. Soon the atmosphere turned normal with my laugh and they all started talking to each other with a happy face.

Soon the dinner ended and they all retired in their chambers since everyone was tired with the long journey. A smile of mischief formed on my lips when I saw Killian also moving to his chamber after getting a kiss on his forehead from Marianne and Monique.

I walked to my chamber and took a bath, but instead of sleeping there, I left for her chamber. When I came she was coming out of her bath.

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