
Villains also get second chance

Marianne e de Luca got married to the Arch Duke of Forchestier Empire, as his second wife. In the greed to have her own child, with her husband, She hated Killian the current heir and only son of Duke Cassius. She made every attempt to torture him and even made schemes to kill him. She even became crazy to the limit of forgetting Duke, the love of her life. Killian, when became an adult the first he did was to kill his evil stepmother. When dying, she realised her faults but it was too late. "If only I will get a second chance, I will be a good mother to him" that was her last words when she died. But the next morning when she woke up she was back to the time when she got married. Would she mend her ways or follow the same destiny again. THIS BOOK IS BRONZE TIER WINNER OF WPC#153, THE WORLD OF VILLAINS. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The cover page is not mine. if the owner claims i can take it down

nishidurani · History
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386 Chs

Selfless Sacrifice

Marianne pov 

"We all need fruits and water kids, let's go. We do not have time to waste on your romance since you have already wasted enough of our meat last night." said a bulky man while the other one elbowed her. He snarled at the first man.

"What, we have lost the meat for a week. Now either we are going to stay hungry or we have to come tomorrow again for hunting. This would make us live in the woods for four cntinuous days." shouted the first bulky man again.

"Hey, are you forgetting today is my marriage ritual too. I want to go back to the village at the earliest." said another man, whom I remember was the husband of shui.

"Have you ever seen the condition of your bride? Forget about marriage for a week. Just go and take care of her, she fought so bravely for you." teased another man and everyone chuckled.

They were completely different from the serious and silent man they were yesterday.