
family lunch

In the next six months, I would do my best to find more proof and then get them behind the bars. Then I would be free from all the burdens and face my redemption.

"What do you mean father?" he asked and I smiled.

"I will give you six months to try to get the family you desire," I said and he looked at me with confused eyes.

"You are not that smart as I had thought you to be,'' I said and he pouted, since when did he learn to pout.

"Are you making a pout?" I asked, amazed and he kept his eyes low.

"Mother said I look good this way." he defended and I chuckled.

"Marianne is making you a kid again," I commented and he nodded.

"Yes, her (Marianne) thinking is just opposite of mother(Elizabeth), she always used to say that I should be adult, I should be mature, I shouldn't laugh publicly, she was a very strict mother(Elizabeth) I think she had a lot of expectations from me, father," he said in a reminiscing tone.

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