
Precipices of insanity{Edited}

The captain stared at Leo, a cocktail of fear and disbelief churning in his gut. Even the fiercest warrior wouldn't emerge unscathed from such an attack.


Leo remained seemingly unaffected, solidifying the captain's suspicion: something was wrong with this kid.

The captain instinctively tried to move back, but… terror seized him as his attempts to retreat proved futile.

He was rooted on the spot.

Was it fear…

Or… was it instincts?

He couldn't tell what it was, really, but in that split second…

Something moved.

And suddenly…

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" he let out a bloodcurdling scream as his arm contorted at an unnatural angle as if an invisible hand was trying to rip it from his body.



An unimaginable amount of blood gushed from his twisted arm.

"Hah...Hah…Hah… Please!"

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