
Chapter 04: Unfair Reality{Edited}

As the last person melted out of the room, the heavy silence left behind tasted like indifference, tinged with a hint of pity.

It was as if Leo had become invisible, his presence dismissed as inconsequential by those who just moments ago shared the suffocating air of tension.

The practiced efficiency of the maids as they retreated was like whispers fading into the wind, and the butlers followed suit, their departure marking the end of the suffocating drama that had just unfolded.

Yet, amidst the exodus, a single shadow lingered, a lone specter in the echoing emptiness, none other than Rio.

"Long time no see, brother," his voice crackled, laced with an irritating amusement.

"I heard the gossip about how you mistreated that sweet little thing. So, just out of curiosity, was it spite against Father? After all, you have a fiancée… oh wait, I should say had, since she dumped you," His chuckled with a gaze of unveiled disdain.

'Mistreated? What is everyone talking about? And what fiancée? This is getting messed up,' Leo thought in annoyance, at this intricay of his plight.

Perhapes his missing memories had something to do with this?

With such thought clouding his mind, he ignored Rio's jibes and headed towards the exit.

This, however, was a misstep.

Rio sprung into action, his voice hardening as he grabbed Leo's shoulder.

"Wait," he hissed, his grip tightening. "Did you just walk out on me?!" he asked, his face contorted into a grimace, and his voice dropped to a dangerous growl, "Seems you've forgotten I hate that."

The venom in his words was unmistakable, and before Leo could react, Rio spun him around, his grip unforgiving.

But in that split second, something shifted within Leo…

Was it desperate, primal instinctual reaction?

Or… was it something else?

Well, what it really was, though, remained ever elusive to him…

However, the fact remained in that split second he was spun around…

His fist suddenly moved.


His fist connected with Rio's solar plexus, a blow meant to stun him, to create an opening.


That wasn't the case.

To his greatest shock, it landed with barely a ripple.


Panic surged through him like wildfire as he stared at Rio, whose rage seemed to intensify with each passing second.

Suddenly, Rio's grip tightened further, his fury palpable as he prepared to unleash his wrath.

However, just as his fist drew dangerously close…

Another presence intervened with the swiftness of a phantom.


"I wouldn't recommend fighting in the Duke's mansion," the man who appeared, dressed as a butler, spoke, his voice devoid of emotion, yet chillingly effective.

"The consequences are rarely pleasant." He added.

The air crackled with tension as the butler's words hung heavy, his indifference a stark contrast to the turmoil raging within Leo and Rio.

Throwing one final, contemptuous glance at Leo, Rio retreated, leaving him to grapple with the harsh reality of his situation: he was utter weak and powerless.

"Was I supposed to be this weak?" he muttered, the weight of his predicament settling heavily upon him. His mind raced, his thoughts a tempestuous sea of uncertainty and doubt.

The grand plans he had hatched just moments ago now seemed like childish fantasies.


As the sun slowly descended beyond the horizon, leaving behind a golden glow that faded into darkness, the sky was transformed into a vast canvas of twinkling stars.

The silver moon appeared, casting a soft light on the world below. 

It's rays filtering in, through the curtains of Leo's window, gently illuminating the space with a warm, inviting glow.

Leo was seated on the bed, deep in thought, as he wrestled with the weight of his emotions and the turmoil that threatened to engulf him.

His mind was a tempestuous sea, tossing and turning with waves of uncertainty and doubt.

He had many plans hatching in the corner of his mind if things went south, but, those plans were now silly fantasies at this rate.

"Mel, how can I get stronger?" he asked with a deep breath, his gaze of his palms.

[Stronger in what way exactly?] the enigmatic voice replied.

"What do you mean 'in what way'? Stronger to fight, to defend myself!" Leo snapped, frustration gnawing at him.

[Oh, you discovered you're weak. Well, I did tell you were more of a weak extra, didn't I?] the voice responded promptly.

"This isn't funny, Mel! I'm serious. How can I get stronger?"

[Alright, how about this, just say the word 'status,] the voice instructed.


With a deep breath to calm his nerves, Leo muttered, "Status,"

Suddenly, a translucent blue screen materialized before him…



NAME: Leonardo Constel,

Title: Stepping Stone, [Villain]


MANA: Error.

VITALITY: 130pts.




LP: 0pts.

SS: 0pts.

EXP: 0pts.



"Level zero? What sort of joke is this?!" Leo exclaimed.


"Shouldn't I, at the very least be at level 1?" he asked, annoyed by the whole thing.

[Indeed,] the voice confirmed, devoid of any sympathy.

"So why?"

[You… You are an exception,] it added.

"What do you even mean by that?!" Leo screamed, his frustration finally bursting forth.

[You are currently inhabiting the body of the most hated individual in the plot of fate. And you are also distasted by the god of @-$+$(@8(##,] the voice, which was now more inclined to a feminine tone, explained, it's words carrying the weight of a cruel truth.

"Hated?" Leo muttered, not realizing the sudden yet subtle shift in it's tone.

[Yes… hated,] Mel said bluntly.

 [Plus, you practically have no luck,] Mel's voice dripped with disdain, her words a cruel reminder of Leo's dire circumstances.

"So how the fuck am I suppose to carry out your freaking mission, if I'm not even strong enough to protect myself?!" he roared, in rage, "Or does this mean I'm just here to suffer?!" Leo's frustration boiled over, his hands trembling as he ran them through his hair, a futile attempt to grasp onto any semblance of control.

[It's retribution, What did you expect?] the voice spat venomously, its words a venomous reminder of Leo's grim fate.

Leo's shoulders slumped in defeat.

"Haa. You keep saying retribution. Just what exactly did I do to deserve this?!" he asked.


As always…

[UNAUTHORIZED,] the voice declared, its words echoing through the chamber like a death knell.

Leo's world spun as he struggled to comprehend the gravity of his situation.

"....Haa.." he choked out, his breaths coming in ragged gasps as he fought to maintain his composure.

It just kept getting frustrating with each passing moment.

Striped of memories and thrust into the body of a weakling, for a mission which he wasn't ever going to be aided on.


At this rate, he doubted if he would ever get his memories back.

[But this doesn't mean there is no solution,] Mel's voice cut through the darkness.

"Really?... Then, what is the solution?" Leo's mumbled, with disinterest.

[You can just get yourself a new manacore,] Mel suggested, her words hinting at something he never thought about.

"That's possible?"


"Then, you should have said so from the beginning," Leo said in slight relief, a faint hope raising in his chest.

[Don't get too happy though, the pain cames with a manacore transplant would no different from ripping your torso off your conscious body,] the voice interjected.

"What?" Leo's hope faltered, his resolve wavering in the face of such daunting odds.

[Prepare Leo, this is only the beginning,] the voice intoned ominously, its words a chilling reminder of the trials that awaited him in the days to come.

Next chapter