
Villainous Me: Help! The heroines are yanderes!

[Under thorough editing] A young man woke up to a world of magic and endless possibilities. He was transmigrated. Great! Only that he now had three huge problems. One, he had no memories of his past. Two, he was a villain destined to die no matter the outcome. And three, the heroines were all kinda... should he say, obsessed? Yeah, he was fucked. [Note] No Yuri. Conflicting emotions of MC due to loss of memory for the first part. Huge plot twist, so don't fall for whatever you see. NTR? Not. But probably netori. Beta MC? Big No. Harem? Yes! Don't ask me how but I'll make it possible. ..... More golden tickets for faster updates!

Secretly_A_Villian · Fantasy
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110 Chs

Chapter 02: The Invitation{Edited}

"Ahh!" With a panicked exhale, Leo's eyes snapped open.

He quickly sat up the moment his bleary vision gave way, his gaze flitting around the opulent bedroom, each unfamiliar detail prickling his senses with disquiet.

But then…

He remembered.

"Mel?" he rasped, reaching out into the echoing silence.

[… Yes,]

"What happened? Why am I on the bed?" he demanded, his mind a whirlwind of every worse possible case scenario he could think of.

A pause…

Then a reply came, [Honestly, I don't know. I was more focused on the memory integration that was taking place, rectifying sudden errors and lethal glitches, so your physical state was not on my radar.]

"Hold on, lethal what?!" Leo exclaimed, incredulous.

[Calm down,] the voice soothed.

[It's not a permanent glitch, just a minor malfunction.]


Before Leo could delve deeper, the door creaked open, revealing a maid with wide eyes and a trembling hand holding a bowl and towel.

"Young master, you're awake!" she exclaimed, relief and excitement battling in her voice.

"Are you okay? Does anything hurt?" she asked, as she knelt besides him after placing the items on a nearby stool.


At that very moment, the realization of what might had happened, dawned on him, "Just a little migraine, no worries." He responded.

He offered a reassuring pat on her head, with a smile on his face.

But just then, her cheeks turned flushed like a red apple, and she fled the room in a flurry.


Why did I do that?

He looked at his palm deep in thought.

[Pretty smooth, I would say. But be warned, you're digging your own grave with those instinctive actions,] the voice said.


He hummed, still gazing at his palm.

He couldn't tell why, but he just did it so naturally.


But that aside.

"Yeah… says the one who asked my option on the memory assimilation, but ignored it in the end!" Leo retorted, an annoyed expression tugging at his face.

A pregnant silence then followed.

But soon after, he spoke up, "Ha! no use crying over spilled milk, I guess. So, how exactly do I view this memories?" Leo inquired.

[Just try to remember your past,] Said the voice.

As the young man closed his eyes, he delved deep into his memories, trying to piece together his past.

Gradually, he began to recall bits and pieces of his life.

He remembered his name- Leo. 

It wasn't his though, but the name of the body he currently possessed.

He recalled his childhood, marked by his mother's absence and his siblings' cruel treatment.

His father's lack of affection towards him had also left a deep impression on his young mind. 

He delved even further deeper into his memories, and he recalled the grand mansion he lived in.

It was built specifically for his mother, who was the only woman the duke was ever said to have loved. 

The other wives lived together in another part duchy, but their residence was not as grand as the Grand mansion.

He remembered how he was the only one living in this spacious mansion after his mother's demise.

The memories flooded back to him, transporting him back to a time when he was just a child living in a world of opulence and loneliness. 

"I… see, but…" Leo frowned, frustration gnawing at him. "Why can't I remember this part?"

[I have no idea,] the voice shrugged. [Just how Leo's memories are.]

"Lovely," Leo remarked sarcastically.

"And just for clarification, I'm not exactly the hero here, am I? More like a pawn in someone else's game."

[Exactly,] the voice confirmed. [The weak extra, if you will.]

"And these plot holes…" Leo trailed off.

[Unauthorized,] the voice cut him off curtly.

"Figures," Leo sighed.


The door swung open again, the maid this time holding a sealed envelope as she stepped in.

"Message from Lord Clause," she announced.

"The message, right," Leo mused, remembering his amnesia-induced lapse.

"Dinner invitation at the Duke's Mansion, with the family," she explained.

"Duke Clause, huh? My old man," Leo realized, a wry smile playing on his lips. "And when's this…. dinner?"

"Four o'clock sharp," the maid replied promptly.

He glanced at the clock on the corner. 3:35.

"Guess you'll be my escort then," he declared, turning to the maid.

She bowed, blushing furiously. "As you wish," she said, as she retreaded.

"Any hints on those plot holes?" Leo pleaded as he hurried down towards the wardrobe.

[Unauthorized,] the voice echoed, finality ringing in its tone.

"Ugh, just so infuriating," Leo groaned, rolling his eyes.

Reaching his wardrobe, he grasped the handles and pulled.

An array of clothing options came into view - from elegant formal wear to casual outfits, and even athletic attire. But what caught his attention the most was a section filled with sleeping attire!

As he stood in front of the wardrobe, he felt a bit perplexed, unsure of what to wear for the important event he was attending.

But after a few moments of contemplation, he decided to opt for a classic look - a red suit paired with a crisp, white shirt and a perfectly balanced bowtie and cufflinks.

He meticulously picked out the ensemble, ensuring that every detail was in place - he adjusted his tie knot, straightened his collar, and checked his cuffs.

After a few minutes of preparation, he gazed at his reflection in the mirror, admiring his dashing appearance. The suit hugged his body perfectly, the bowtie and cufflinks added a touch of elegance to his outfit.

"Though he looks pretty lean, he does boast a dashing look," he declared, striking a pose.

[Narcissism detected,] countered the voice.

"Oh please," Leo mumbled, rolling his eyes.


As the door creaked open, the maid stepped into the room. Since the mansion they were headed to was another building on its own, the maid also dressed more professionally.

Her usual maid attire had been swapped for a sleek corporate suit that hugged her alluringly curvaceous figure.

Despite her attempt to conceal her hourglass shape, it was impossible to miss.

"You look pretty good in that," Leo muttered out his thought.

[Why do I even bother at this point? You just don't listen, do you,] it voiced, in annoyance.

But Leo ignored it.

"Thank you," muttered the maid, as she bashfully looked at her feet.

"Okay, lead the way. " Leo ordered.

"Hmm," She nodded and turned towards the door. 

Add to library! you know you want to.

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