
Villainous Love

Onyx was tired. He wanted revenge to the people said he was who had been bullying him. He wanted revenge especially to Grant. Days and night he tried to make a new invention. And every time he made one people would fear him for it. He started to get bored so he did some more crimes. Until one day.. he met Scarlett.

AuthorHiroshi · Fantasy
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4 Chs


When I got back to my underground lair, I couldn't stop thinking about Scarlett. Her beautiful wavy brown hair and her gorgeous brown eyes. Gosh why was it so hard to stop thinking about her?

I looked down at my hand with the invention. I then pointed it at a random object in the lair and shot the laser out making it disappear into the invention. I don't know why I did that. It was just a random urge to do it. I looked at the clock in the corner and noticed it was late.

Gosh, why couldn't it be morning or something other than it being nighttime.?

I mean yeah I get that it's late and all, but I just really, really, really wanna see Scarlett again. I just can't stop thinking about her. Before it wasn't that much but now it's like non-stop, and the fact that she talked to me made my heart beat like crazy. I just wanna go back there and talk to her again.

Before I knew it I fell asleep. When I woke up It was only then I noticed I had fallen asleep on a lounge bag. But seriously how the heck did I not notice that I was falling asleep on a lounge bag, was I that tired that I didn't even know what I was sleeping on? Eh whatever. I then looked at the clock in the corner of the lair and noticed it was early, I was still tired but I at the same time didn't feel like going to sleep. So I decided to go up to a rooftop and just stay there for a while until I came up with something to do. Wait, what if I saw Scarlett? I stood up fast and started running through the sewers and up to a rooftop. I looked at the apartment entrance where Scarlett was living and waited until she came out of it. I wasn't really sure if she even was going out today but might as well give it a try. I sat on the rooftop waiting for some minutes but what felt like hours. Then I saw her. Her beautiful wavy brown hair and eyes. She had a brown beret on with a light brown long coat. She was so pretty. I was unsure where she was going and I didnt mean to stalk her. I would never do that. But just this one time, I would say I was just making sure she was safe and nothing bad was happening to her. So does it really count as stalking?

I watched as she went into a cafe and stayed there for a few hours. I then saw her coming from the back of the cafe. She was wearing a uniform with the same logo the cafe had so I was guessing it was because she worked there. For some reason I didn't move, I just kept staring at her while she stood there looking at something on her phone. She stood there for a few minutes before she went inside again. I just kept sitting there waiting until she came outside again. I sat there for probably 3 to 4 more hours and by that time it had gotten a little dark. I was close to falling asleep by that time. Until I noticed her finally coming out, I got excited and started following her again. I saw she went into her apartment and waited a few minutes until I could go in and surprise her.

After a few minutes had passed I jumped onto the balcony from the rooftop I was at. I opened the balcony door to the living room and this time I was careful and made sure I didn't fall or get stuck in something again. I heard the shower head on and guessed that she was in the shower right now so I just went over to the couch and sat down there and waited until she was finished and came out. I sat there for a few minutes and looked around. It was quite messy with boxes and some other stuff. Probably because she moved in a while ago. I continued to sit there waiting, while I was waiting my mind was completely blank. After a few more minutes she came out. She had wet hair with a white sleepwear dress. She had a towel with her to dry her hair, she was rubbing the towel against her wet hair and after she noticed me she stopped and completely froze.

"Ahhhh!!" She screamed in complete shock. My face had burned up by then and I could tell she was also flustered.

"Shh! Shh! Calm down please, I just wanted to surprise you, not scare you!" I said with a worried and whispering voice while coming towards her.

She stopped screaming and just stood there for a few seconds before reacting with:

"Why the heck would you do that?! How did you even come in? Do you know how scared I got?!"

She continued to lecture me and tell me how scared she had gotten. I just continued to stand there not knowing exactly what to do.

"Are you even listening to what I'm saying?!"

I stood there in silence before replying with: "Yes?"

"Ugh! Seriously! Never do that ever again!" She told me. I stood there and laughed a little in embarrassment.


"Wait, what are you even doing here?"

"Well, I wanted to surprise you! But as you can tell it didn't go as planned, heh."

"Oh my god.." She said, like I had just said something stupid.

"Well you clearly failed."

I looked down a bit.

"Yeah, I know."

We stood there in silence for a few minutes until she broke the silence by saying:

"So is there a reason you wanted to see me?"

I looked to the side a bit and then back at her. I can't tell her the reason for that! She`ll think I'm some creep or weirdo or maybe both!

"Uh well I was just bored and thought why not visit you again!"

Damn Onyx that was smooth.

I looked at her face and noticed something with her expression. She did not believe me.

"Alright then?"

There were a few more seconds of silence before Scarlett talked again.

"Anyways, you want some hot chocolate while I dry my hair?" She asked with a smile. My heart started beating fast again.

"Yes! I mean, yeah that sounds fun."

She laughed at my reply. Then headed to the kitchen and made some hot chocolate. She pointed over to a dining table.

"Sit over there while I go and dry my hair." She said handing the hot chocolate over. I looked down at the hot chocolate and noticed it was too hot right now. So I sat down by the dining table and waited until the hot chocolate was cooled down and until Scarlett was done drying her hair. I sat there and heard the blow dryer start.

It went on for about 10 minutes and then after a while she came down. By that time I had finished drinking the hot chocolate.

"You liked it?" She asked with a smile on her face.

"Mhm, it's really good." I replied, and I wasn't lying. It was really good.


"So uh how have you been?" I asked her with a smile on my face. She then started smiling towards me. It was such a pretty smile.. Wait. What the heck am I even thinking? I have never thought of someone like I am thinking of her. Do I like her?

"I've been alright, you know the usual. Well actually.. Today I felt like someone was following me the whole day. I really don't know how to feel about that." She said with a nervous voice. If I'm being honest it also made me nervous. How was I gonna tell her that I was the one following her? I can't tell her that. It'll ruin our friendship. I can't let that happen.

"Heh well there are a lot of people here and also police.. maybe a cop just wanted to make sure you were safe!"

Scarlett laughed.

"And why would they choose to make sure only I was safe when there were a bunch of other people too?"

"Don't ask me! Ask the cop!"

Scarlett laughed. Gosh I love that laugh. It was so cute. I could listen to it for hours.. Wait. I'm doing it again. I'm thinking about her like this again. What the heck is wrong with me?

"Soo how have you been?" Scarlett asked me with that cute smile. My heart started beating fast and it felt like there were butterflies in my stomach. Seriously. What the heck is wrong with me? Why am I feeling this way towards her? I've never felt like this towards a girl.

"Oh uhm I've been good. Just been working on some inventions." I replied with a smile on my face. Damn Onyx that was smooth.

"Ooo that sounds cool! What do they do?"


"The inventions? What do they do?"

"Oh! Uh.."

Shit. What was I going to tell her? I didn't work on any inventions, I was busy following her and spying on her. I'll just tell her about some of my old inventions.

"Well one of them can make absolutely anything into coffee." I said. I had made that because I was way too lazy to make coffee but for some reason I had the energy to make a whole new invention for it.

"Wait what? Really? Like anything? So your saying it can even make a basketball into coffee?" She looked at me amazed when saying that.

"Yup. Absolutely anything."

She started clapping her hands and then said:

"Oh wow, Onyx! That actually sounds cool! Do you know how much money you can make of that?"

I looked straight at her. Didn't she know who I was? I thought it was obvious with the outfit!

"Uh you do know that I'm a villain.. right?" I asked her, waiting for a response but instead she just stared at me for a few seconds. Until bursting out with laughter.

"Yeah I know about that! But can't you still sell it?"

I looked down at my legs.

"I wish. But I don't really want to sell any of my inventions. I'm not doing it for money. Just to prove to everybody that I'm not as evil as they think and that I'm actually smart and good for something! But.. that will never work.. They see me as some super villain so if a super villain is what they want then that's what they'll get." I said while still looking down, my hands turning into fists.

Before I knew it Scarlett had walked behind me and hugged me.

"I don't see you as some super villain.." She said, her voice so soft and so sweet.

My heart was beating faster than ever. I laid my head on her arm and just smiled.

After a time had gone by I had to leave. It was getting late. But for some reason I didn't want to leave.. I wanted to stay here with her. I wanted her to continue to hug me.

But I had no choice but to leave.. I went back to my underground lair but when I arrived there all I could think about was her touch and how good it felt when she hugged me. It was so warm and comforting, and her smile, the way she laughed. Absolutely everything! Gosh I wanted to be with her.. Wait a damn minute.. Does this mean I.. I like her?!