
Villainous Dimensional Chat Group Alternative

Reboot of my Original Villainious Dimensional Chat Group, why did I Reboot this? well the whole reason i dropped the Orginal is that the direction i was going wasnt interesting and the whole entire 2nd quest that was done along with the first quest wasnt too interesting after thinking about it so ive decided to Scrap it and make this New one instead. Im sorry if you liked the Original but i didnt as much after looking back on it after making plenty of other stories since then so i decided to restart this one all over again. you can read the original Synopsis on the original one but short of it is Dio woke up 60 Years earlier than cannon and somehow got a Smartphone to make him part of this Chat Group. though this time this is completely DIO and not him merged with someone else this time so he knows his own plot being a major difference and some of the original chat group members will change as well with only a few staying from the original one. This is a complete Restart so this will go differently than before, hopefully. And the Cover is obviously not mine and belongs to their respective artist and all characters belong to their respective creators.

OneMoreScore · Anime & Comics
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140 Chs

Level 6

"You, I remember you, we met on Jaya." Luffy said pointing at Blackbeard.

"Teach!!! What the hell are you doing here?! Or maybe I should call you BlackBeard now!" A FishMan, Jinbei, yelled at him from seeing him.

"Jinbei! Man I'm seeing many old friends today, first it was Ace before he was carted off on that navy ship and now you?! Must be my lucky day! ZEHAHAHAHA!" He said while giving a hardy laugh.

"Blackbeard? You're Blackbeard?!" Luffy shouts out at coming to the realization that the one that got his brother sent here was right in front of him.

"Huh?…. Oh right I did forget to introduce myself back then, then again that probably saved your life that I didn't say my name because if I knew that you were Aces brother back then…." He says before giving an evil sneer on his face.

"I would have just killed you on the spot and you wouldn't even be alive right now…. Then again do you have the time wasting what little time left your brother has on little old me?" Though saying that me and Medusa move up and I, reluctantly, pat Teach on the back.

"Well while you two clearly have somethings to talk about, we will be moving on ahead, Medusa? Would you kindly help me get up their?" I say pointing up into the air way above us.

She just smiles before crossing her arms as a large Vector goes across the ground before jutting out and pointing up.

"Well have fun with your 'chat' you two." I say back at them before me and Medusa run hitting the Vector and sending us both flying way up into the air with a perfect birds eye view on the prisoners and guards below.



"Heh, this is checkmate!" I smirk as I open my jacket revealing an extremely large assortment of knives as I aim at every single random guard and prisoners skull even taking more out from the inventory just so I can hit every single one of them.

I grin as I cross my arms as I stare down at them, "Time moves forward."


"GAH!" I hear from everyone below that had no time to react as, nearly every guard and some of the prisoner has their skulls pierced with a knife killing them almost instantly.

Medusa smiles at the bloodbath I had created with a litteral boiling blood lake beneath this battlefield as she makes a new vector that we ride that leads us downward before we landed in the area where for some reason a woman was tied up and hung in turtle bondage.

"Are they in your crew Teach?!" Jinbei says in both shock and fear as he watched us basically cut down most of the fighting forces on this level.

"Unfortunately they aren't, but let's just say I'm paying them combined nearly an islands worth of riches just to get them to help me out on this big plan of mine! Oi! DIO! Medusa! Will catch up real soon, but be careful of a big guy with horns, he's pretty dangerous!" Teach says giving a fair warning to us even though we both don't need it.

I just wave him off and ignore him as I look at the woman as my eyes shine as I look at her before looking away and moving on as she suddenly stopped struggling and completely went limp as we moved on.

"Magellan is pretty troublesome, I can redirect his attacks with my Vectors but I can't exactly hurt him though." Medusa says as we continue on as we can clearly see the warden not to far off with a new group of guards following his lead.

"Don't worry, all you got to do is use your Vectors to send me flying at him and I'll handle the rest." I said as I looked at her.

"Alright, I think you got this." She says as she makes a ⏩ that I run and touch before it sends me shooting off at Magellan and his group.

"This is your end! THE WORLD!" I shout out before Magellan even has a chance to react.


As the speed lessens dramatically but still sends me far enough forward that I just reach the huge man as I cover my arms in Armament Haki.


"MUUUUDDDDDAAAAAAAA!!!" I shout as i pierce right through his chest and crushing his heart in the process before I drop down and turn away and cross my arm as I look over my shoulders.

"Time moves forward!"


*BOOOOOOMMM!* a loud explosion is heard as Magellan is sent flying before crashing through the concrete wall and not getting up, nor will he ever again.

(Hidden Objective Revealed) Kill the Warden of Impel Down, Magellan, Complete!

"W-W-Warden Magellan!!!" His men shouted out to their leader but they didn't get any response back.

"He's not gonna be getting back up ever again, but you should be more-" I say as they all got pierced by vector arrows going straight through their hearts, "-worried about yourselves." I decide to finish what I say as they all fell before me before shrugging.

Everyone, excluding Medusa, was shocked in awe and fear at how easily the two of us dealt with the warden of Impel down, as for BlackBeard….

"ZEHAHAHAHA!!! I'm so glad their on my side! Now my plans will go off without a hitch! But what was I saying? Oh yeah! Your lucky strawhat! We were planning on killing you and using that to join the Warlords of the Sea but Ace got in our way before we could and mentioned that you two were brothers so we had to change plans and handed him in instead!" BlackBeard said as he began to gloat at a slowly progressively getting pissed Luffy.

But as for me I didn't really care about their stupid conversation that they were gonna have as I went to Magellans corpse and took his Jailers Keys, "Well let's get this done with, the sooner we get what we came for the better…." I say as I twirl they keys in my hand as me and Medusa go further down.

As we proceed to level 5 Medusa talks to me, "Your power is quite interesting, though I have a guess as to what your doing from what I saw so far." She says as she gives me a sidelong glance.

"Oh? By all means, tell me what it is?" Most people would assume it's instant teleportation or something like that from what I can do but she's a genius so it wouldn't be hard for her to figure out after all.

"You…. Stop time don't you?" She says as we make our way through the frozen hell of level 5 as we cut down rabid wolves and any random guard we see here and there.

"Maybe i do? Though does it matter? Because if you really wanted to no one, except for maybe Ainz, can counter that ability of mine, so you knowing doesn't change much as you and everyone else can't exactly do anything against me with that info." I say in response as I pull out a knife and chuck it with enough force to cut a man's head off as we keep walking until we find a makeshift hole in the floor that was made by Luffy and co.

"Well I guess your right, nothing I can exactly do against that I guess." She says with a shrug and doesn't think about it anymore.

During this quest me and her have surprisingly gotten along with one another so we don't have inclinations to kill one another or betray each other for the most part, less than say friends but more than acquaintances is our current relationship but I won't lie that a mad scientist of a woman that she is that she isn't good to look at.

If the situation permits maybe will become something more? But who knows most of the women I want to bed I only care about their looks and possibly the taste of their blood, but she would be a bit different than all the rest, if that happens.

"Well here we are." I say as we reach the bottom and see the many cells with many different prisoners from all walks of life looking at us.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, you want your freedom? Well you'll be getting it, but we don't need weaklings so here's what you can do." I say as I pull out several knives and thrown them into every cell, just enough for each one to have a knife.

"All you got to do is kill your cell mates and you'll get your freedom!" I say with a wide evil grin on my face.

"After all only the most evil and blood thirsty are worthy of joining MY crew! Now let's get this party started!" I shout at all of them as they all looked into my glowing eyes before they grabbed their knives and began their own fights to the death.