
Chapter 51

Alice looked at the tall white building in front of her. She climbed up as the stairs that led to the main door. Today, Alice came with her family to the Church. Yesterday the duchess asked everyone to visit the Church, praying for the Duke's health.

After the prayer, the Duchess asked Alice, Daniel, and Stella to visit around as she still got some work with the priest. They gladly accepted her offer and looked around. It has been since they came here.

As they played around, Alice heard a loud sound of a crying child.

"Is someone crying?" Stella asked.

"Let us go and see" Alice suggested.

Daniel and Stella nodded at once.

They looked around and found a boy, younger than Daniel, crying loudly.

"Hey kid" Alice asked kindly, "what happened? Why are you crying?"

"I..am…lost" the child said, wiping his snot.

"Whom did you come with?" Alice asked.

"With my mother" the kid said, "she works here. I insisted her to bring me here today."

"Don't worry. We will help you?" Stella said with a smile.

"Let us go and look around" Daniel said nodding.

"Mother said not to go with strangers" the kid crying loudly.

"Don't worry. We are not bad people" Alice tried to convince him.

"Sister" the child turned towards Alice said, "can you search with me. You look like a good person."

"But…" Alice hesitated.

"Sister" he said hugging her hard, "I am really scared" and shivered as he cried.

Alice sighed.

"Daniel. Stella. You can play around. I will return soon" Alice said.

She got up and brushed her dress. She then held the young child's hand and walked away, leaving her siblings behind.

"What is your name?" Alice asked as they walked around.

"It is Fred" he said looking back.

"What happened? Is something the matter?" Alice said looking at the hallway where she left Daniel and Stella.

"Nothing" he said and looked in front.

"I know this place" he suddenly said and started to run.

"Wait" Alice called the child who suddenly dashed off.

Alice ran behind him. After running for quite the long distance, she was completely tired. Before she could realize, she was in an unfamiliar place.

'Where am I?' she thought.

"Is this the place the servants stay?" Alice mumbled to herself.

Being the noble, she doesn't know the servant's residence in the church. But something feels off. The place was empty. There was no one around.

"Where are we?" Alice asked, looking around.

"This is the place" the kid said, stopping in front of an open room.

Alice walked towards the Fred and looked inside the room. It was empty. The curtains covered the windows, blocking the sunlight, making the room completely dark.

"What is this room?" she asked, turning towards the kid who was standing behind her.

She then saw a small smile appear on his face. He suddenly pushed her into the room. Alice fell on the ground with the force. She saw the door getting closed in front of her eyes, taking the remaining light with it.

'What is happening?' Alice thought.

"Alicia" she heard a voice calling her name, echoing in the empty room.

She then felt another person's presence suddenly. She turned right to look at the source of sound. He has short silver hair that glowed brightly in the dark room. With the white clothes he wore, made him look like he was a pastor of the Church. His thick silver eyebrows and long silver eyelashes, covering his ocean blue eyes, reminded her of someone who is unfamiliarly familiar.

"Alicia" he smirked as he called for her.

'Cyneric Byrd' she recognized him.