
Luna makes Samuel Steal 1

As per my usual days, I went out to hunt, this way I'm trying to level up. The concept of level up is just getting stronger since leveling up is a concept that does not exist in this world. 

The world has a power system. A simple one at that. 

It's called "Absorption rate". How does this power system work? Well quite simple. Every single living being has its set max status. Every time you do a task this status gets pushed far, but doing something repeatedly has its limit. 

That's why there are monsters and dungeons. For every monster, you kill their mana and some of their statuses go to you. 

Pushing your status limit to a new height albeit a short change, in other words, you're absorbing the monster's limit and making a new limit for yourself. 



Pulling out the short sword off the goblin's chest I wiped off the sweat that had built up on my forehead. 

I then took out a dagger and started dissecting the goblin and later took out a bluish stone. 

"That's Magic stone number 48"

I placed it down in my bag which has spatial magic. I've been hunting goblins for a few hours now. 

"Well, should we go to a dungeon?"

[Be safe]

{Oh! Oh! How about I tell you a specific dungeon?}


[He doesn't trust you anymore HAHAHA!]

{Wha— it's just because I don't remember things clearly! I'm sorry, please Sammy listen to me!}

"ha…. Fine, what dungeon?"

Luna sounded desperate for some reason. I just sighed and listened to her, since Luna always has both saved and put me in trouble I might as well listen to this one. 

{Okay okay, there is this Dungeon, just above the previous Viscount territory}

The viscount territory that used to terrorize the marquisate got swallowed by the marquisate and become its territory. 

The viscount citizens weren't faring well because of the greed and tyranny of the previous noble. Due to this, the Marquis has a hard time doing some territory work. 

I asked if I could help, and somehow. He said yes. All of us were surprised but since I asked I can't back out on my words. 

And what do you know, the previous viscount territory improved. It's still not that good for now, but in a few more years it will show more improvement, same with the Marquis territory. 

Now, since the Marquis and Viscount territories are one, the land owned by the Marquis, Lennon, became vast. It's almost the same territory a Duke would get. 

So we are expecting the Marquis to become a Duke. But Marquis Lennon refused, saying that the powerhouses might put more pressure on him. 

He already had troubles with the other nobles he doesn't need another one from being a Duke. He said that he could take the promotion later when problems are properly solved. 

Anyways, the Dungeon.

{Go to the upper region of the territory.}

[Isn't those just Mountains?]

{Yeah, three long mountains I may say, there is going to be a space in the middle. That's where the dungeon was}

"That's too specific. And going there would be days."

{pish— just use the sacrificial chanting and teleport yourself there}

"That only works if I've been there once dummy"

{Teleport to the uppermost area of the city. Then boom. Minute walk.}


I went back to the marquisate first, my clothes are quite dirty so might as well change my clothes. 


The next day. 

Afternoon, I've done all of my duties and I started hunting. At first, I did what Luna said, I've been in the Viscount territory scouting the whole place for any slave traders and their hideouts. 

Anyways, after chanting I got teleported to the outskirts of Deluma town, the last place I ever visited in the previous Viscount territory. 

It's on the edge and of course the outer area of the town. I already packed my necessities so I started heading out. 

From this distance, I could see the mountains over here. I took my pace and walked slowly, the sun is still high and it was not going down anytime soon. 

Half an hour and I'm in front of the humongous mountain. 

"Okay, you're telling me to climb this without any equipment?"

{Err… I didn't expect this}


{You… can try to circle the whole mountain}

[Luna that's a long walk not gonna lie, he could do it but the sun could probably set by that time.]


{Ugh… well, you still have half of your mana left, could you use flight with sacrificial chat?}

"How do you know I have half of mana left?"

{Markus is sensitive with swordsmanship I'm sensitive in Magic, now what's your answer?}

"I'll try…" I said with a sigh "I sacrifice Half of my mana, give me enough duration to fly on top of this mountain"

{Brrrrr. Being drained of mana felt weird.}

Luna must felt something, I only felt dry, as if I'm dehydrated. Anyways I know water won't solve that so I used the [flight] that was given to me. 

I flew towards the top of the mountain. I thought it would be easy but then the air currents made it hard for me. 

I had to fly low where trees were covering me because it was so hard just directly flying on top of the mountain. 

It took a few minutes till finally, I was at the top. It was windy as fuck, if I jump I would probably be synonymous with a leaf because I would be flying like a rag in the sky. 


{Look below the mountain!}

I did look, there is an empty space in there and a conspicuous-looking cave. 

{go down!}

[Look where you step Samuel]

I looked down and what I saw made me glad that I listened to Markus, it was a crack big enough to swallow my 10-year-old leg. 

I sighed, I shouldn't have listened to Luna I swear. 

"Okay, what treasure are we getting here?"

{...A skill scroll}

"Nice what does it do?"

{... It'll probably unlock some of your sealed skills… }

"Okay now that's a good treasure"

High-risk high rewards I guess. I carefully managed my footing and went down the windy mountain just to go to the dungeon surrounded by mountains and ridges. 

In the end, it took me hours and a couple of near-death experiences. 

"And I have to leave after too, dammit."

The sky is already showing that the sun is setting. 

"How much mana have I recovered?"

{Almost all of it}

[It's a good thing Mana and Stamina aren't correlated or else you would be stuck here for a day.]


The land below isn't windy, there are some vegetation and trees but it's not as thick as you could see the other mountain on the other side if you looked from the edge of the mass of trees. 

I took out a dagger and marked a tree with an X. Now I have a landmark when I teleport here again. 

"Alright, I Sacrifice with my remaining amount of mana teleport me to the room I have in the Marquis mansion."

With the same transition earlier, light surrounded me, and by moment's notice and I'm already in my room. 


I yawned and somehow I felt sleepy. 

{Woops, you barely have any mana left, I guess you were too specific. Goodnight Sammy}

[Yep, you're sleepy. Goodnight]

I don't know what to do with Luna so I decided to make her that specific sibling that's actually a bad influence on you XDD




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