
Villainess's Slave: I Transmigrated into an Eastern Fantasy Comic

Helpless. That's the only word that could explain Li Chen's life. At twenty one, he was the most famous author because of his ongoing book; Calamity Rise. Unfortunately, his great life took an unexpected turn as he found himself in his story and as the Villainess slave! What? A Duke offended the underworld queen and her slave wiped out the entire dukedom just by waving his hands! Follow Li Chen in his quest for freedom from his story. What will be his reaction when he discovers, People in the real world were still reading, assuming it was just an ordinary story? -------- Discord server: https://discord.com/invite/8Ufe4789YX

DD_TheDreamer · Eastern
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204 Chs

Beast Cultivators


Several blue streaks slammed the ground, revealing youths; among them were Li Chen, Tiger Yi, and Pig Yun.

Seeing both men, Li Chen's eyes narrowed. [Aren't you two over thirty?]

"We are. Go ahead, little brother. We'll settle for being servants." 

Li Chen's irises dilated. [We should move together. Once it's time for me to move further, I will.] 

Tiger Yi nodded, smiling softly.

"Tsk! Who said you were stronger than us?" Pig Yun scowled, his beard trembling as he glared at Li Chen.

Ignoring the fat man, Li Chen looked around. They were in a snowy landscape and there were countless rectangular pillars made of stacked stones arranged in a unique order.

Other cultivators were looking around while being mindful of each other.

"Brother Yun, Brother Chen, we should leave now. This is a formation. It needs a hundred individuals to activate so we need to leave before then." 

Heeding Tiger Yi's words, they ran. Seeing Tiger Yi float from pillar to pillar with swiftness and Pig Yun dashing like a rampaging rhino, Li Chen couldn't help but feel giddy.

Since all the immortal Daoists had been selected and the spot for being an inner disciple filled, the battle to be an outer student began.

Li Chen leaped over ten meters, his foot made contact with a pillar. He gathered momentum in that short span and shot forward.

"Nine Phantom Steps"! 

When he took his fifth step, Pig Yun was already behind him. Black mist swirled around the soles of his boots as he took the sixth and seventh steps. 

His hawkish eyes were glued to Tiger Yi. The white-haired man moved so swiftly that Li Chen doubted he felt air resistance or gravity had an effect on him. 

Li Chen's black robes fluttered as he soared through the air and landed atop a pillar. Without wasting a second, he took the ninth step and flickered.

Tiger Yi heard a swoosh and Li Chen was four meters ahead of him. He slid to a halt and turned back. 

Just when Li Chen was about to speak, the whistle of an arrow drilled into his ears and he drew his head backwards.

Yet the arrowhead grazed his metallic cheeks, causing sparks. 

Staggering backwards, Li Chen eventually hit a pillar. His eyes gleamed and he grabbed the hilt of his sword.

Arrows kept raining from the sky even when Tiger Yi and Pig Yun arrived. Deflecting an arrow, Li Chen turned to Tiger Yi.

[Has the formation been activated?]

"It hasn't. But whoever is attacking us knows about this formation and is bent on not letting his prey get away." 

[So we're seen as prey?]

He opened his palm, formed a bigger ball of pure light energy and turned to his right. Sensing the grave attack, those attacking them emerged from their cloaking spell and jumped off pillar tops.


The beam blew several pillars, pulverizing some. Emerging from the fog caused by stone dust, five cultivators wield bows aimed at them.

Their leader wore a white furry cloak and the dressings of others were also made of animal skin. 

[A beast tribe?] Li Chen was about to draw his sword when a stout figure dashed past him.

"Beast cultivators are attacking this great one!" Pig Yun roared, his muscles expanding at an insane speed.

His fair skin shone like bronze and with each step, his foot sank an inch deep into the snow. The arrows of the stone village cultivators bounced off Pig Yun's skin, causing them to retreat.

However, the middle one, who wore a good outfit, gathered a great deal of energy, including a few wisps of purple.

Seeing that purple, Li Chen's eyes flew wide open. "Pig Yun, don't take that attack head-on!"


The glowing arrow was released with wind-piercing momentum! The gleaming arrowhead was reflected in Pig Yun's irises. 

He crossed his cleavers and... 

Snow exploded upon the collision. Pig Yun found himself back in the same position he was before. 

Two deep trials could be seen from where he was to his current position. 


Cracks spread throughout the cleavers and they broke like glass. Pig Yun's eyes trembled, his rage rising.

He launched forward, shattering the edges of pillars with his body as he chased after the archer. Just when he was about to lay hands on her cloak, an axe came from nowhere.


A sword deflected the axe and it spun back to the wielder—a brawn man with long braided beards.

"Brother Li! Thank you." 

Nodding, Li Chen flickered.  He ran toward the brawn man, gathered energy, and at the right moment, swung downwards.

The man leaped out of the way, closed the gap, and raised his axe. "You want to fight me with that fragile weapon. Humph!" 

'What a fool.' Li Chen sighed, easily dodged the strike and swung downward. He did it with such ease that Pig Yun felt a chill crawl up his spine.

The brawn man burst into glowing particles and Li Chen picked up the axe, which had some runes.

"You…!" The archer who returned with the others furiously drew his bow, only for it to be cut in half.

A pair of cold blue eyes pierced into his soul. It felt no different from staring into the eyes of a great white tiger.


Tiger Yi clawed the archer and the archer burst into particles. Moving like the wind, Tiger Yi easily disoriented them and swept the floor with the four reinforcements. 

"We need to hurry!"

As they ran, a grunt left Pig Yun's lips as he threw the axe, which had a wild beast bone as the handle.

After accurately destroying the pillars he aimed for, the rune glowed and returned to his arm. "Hehe, I'm grateful for this immortal-grade artifact, Brother Li." 

[It's an immortal Grade artifact!] Li Chen exclaimed. 

Pig Yun tightened his grip around the bone handle when he saw the gleam in Li Chen's eyes.

"Focus on running. Destroying those pillars had reduced the number of people needed for the formation to activate."

Pig Yun's cheeks became ruddy and he avoided Li Chen's glare. 


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