
Villain With The Strongest System

For as long as records about humanity and monsters existed, so did the tower of ascension. Those amongst men who were chosen to enter the tower were given the tag 'Climber' and were worshipped as warrior's who had transcended mere mortals. Rocky, who had aspired to be a Climber for as long as he could remember, found his dreams and nightmares merging on the very day he was endowed with powers as the very day that he got selected as a climber became the day when his sister was abducted, ensnaring him in a web of conspiracies that spiralled far beyond his wildest imaginations. Bound by a system not meant for him, Rocky gained unparalleled power and attention that came with his position as the 'Champion' of gods, however, without the strength to back his position, he became an easy prey for envious vultures. In this tale of ambition, power, and vengeance, Rocky's journey through the Tower of Ascension promises not just answers to his darkest questions, but a confrontation with his own nature. Will he emerge as the saviour he never intended to be, or will he succumb to the darkness within, becoming the very villain he fears? This is a story of how the line between hero and villain blurs when faced with the ultimate stakes, making Rocky's ascent a thrilling saga of survival, betrayal, and desperate choices. Discord - https://discord.com/invite/PPhnY3ZAqH

Raj_Shah_7152 · Games
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237 Chs

Massive Improvement

(Rocky's POV)


As Rocky finally woke up from his slumber, he looked around and realized that he was still floating within that icy cold lake.



Swimming towards the shore, Rocky used all the strength in his body to make it to the shore, as he dragged his exhausted body out of the water.



Spitting out a mouthful of water, Rocky removed all the water from the soul lake that he had accidentally consumed while he was unconscious, as he slowly regained his wits.

The ordeal he had undergone within the soul realm was undoubtedly a dangerous and unforgettable experience, however, the benefits he had received from it were immeasurable.

As Rocky gasped for air, he felt an unprecedented vigor coursing through his veins.