
Cleo von Hemlock

Pov. Cleo

We finally arrived in front of the mansion of Viscount Theodore.

I am really grateful to the 5 knights that decided to accompany me, even with the risk that they would be later fired because they disobeyed the order from my father...

One of the two guards that were standing in front of the gate approached us and spoke

"Your identity and reason for the visit. But I must inform you that master ordered me to not let anyone who came to meet young master Orion regardless of status" guardian spoke with a polite and professional tone

The guard was probably polite because he realized I am noble since I have knights in armor protecting me...

'But why would the Viscount refuse anyone that came to visit him? Did that boy used his status to order viscount? Is he some rich boy that grew up with everything and thinks he can order anyone? '

I am disgusted with just the thought of being married to some spoiled brat that thinks he is the center of the world and can oppress other nobles using his status.

'Just wait I will beat that boy and show him how to treat others!!'

"We are knights of Count Hemlock, guarding his second daughter Cleo von Hemlock. She came to visit her fiance that is currently residing in the mansion of Viscount Theodore, could you please contact him?" My knight with the highest rank Antony came forward, introduced us, and explained the reason for our visit

We couldn´t send a letter about our visit beforehand since my father didn´t know about it

Knight's eyes widened when he heard that and his eyes landed on me. He scanned me from head to toes multiple times and looked at another knight that had an expression on his face as if he heard something ridiculous. And tried to hide his laughter with his hand.

'Hm, what is the meaning of this? Why are they looking at me like that?'

I had no idea what kind of look that was or why they were laughing.

When Antony noticed their action he released the pressure of 4-star knights on 2 knights.

"SO WILL YOU CONTACT HIM?" Antony asked in a menacing tone that gave 2 knights shivers.

The knights started nodding really fast and took black crystal in silver frame from their pocket and informed people inside about us. After a few minutes, knights opened the gate and let us in.

In front of the mansion was waiting for an old man dressed in a butler suit and 2 maids behind him.

The old butler also gazed at me with a strange look when he saw me.

While maids behind him glared at me with looks that I knew very well..hate.

'Why are they looking at me like that? Why are they glaring at me like at their worst enemy?'

It was the look I received at home all the time... but I never expected to see the same thing here.

"Welcome lady Cleo, I am the main butler of this mansion, My lord ordered me to lead you to the conference room. " Old butler said

"And about your knights, one of the maids will lead them to barracks where other knights spend time often."

"It's possible for me to go with the young lady?" Antony asked the old butler

"Yes, of course," Old butler said and entered the mansion while one of the maids lead my knights elsewhere.

"You can do it, young lady! If anything happens just give us a signal" multiple Knights encouraged me as they were leaving

"Please follow me, lady Cleo," The old butler said and led us to the mansion

The inside welcomes us beautiful interior. There were multiple expensive items such as paintings and statues that were worth thousands of golden coins.

"Lord Theodore has a beautiful collection" Antony commented

Old butler looked behind his back and said.

"It was a hobby of our mistress.." the old butler replied with sad expression

The mansion was so gigantic that it took a few minutes just to get in front of the conference room. It was even bigger than our mansion even though the rank of my father is much higher than that of viscount Theodore.

I heard people talking about how rich he is during our travel here but this is even more than I could imagine.

When we finally arrived the older butler stopped in front of the door looking at me.

"It may sound rude coming from me but..I advise you to not persist about meeting young master Orion now if lord Theodore denies it" The old butler said and opened the door without giving me a chance to ask what did he mean by that.

'Why are all people here weird? These strange looks and even now...'

I entered the conference room and saw a small old man looking at me.

He stood up when he saw me and introduced himself

"I am the lord of this city, My name is Theodore von Botis."

I likewise replied with a smile and introduced myself.

"My name is Cleo, It pleasure to meet you, lord Theodore"

Lord Theodore sat and the sofa and gestured for me to sit on the sofa opposite him.

"I came here because I heard my fiance is currently staying in your mansion. It's possible to meet him?" I asked right away

I hate these annoying political conversations where one must hide his intentions behind fancy words...

And I don´t care about the way of living life like a noble or succeeding position of Count.

After all, as a woman, my worth is only in marriage...

That's why I spent most of my time training...To prove to them that even I.

"I'm sorry but I don´t think it will be possible" Voice of lord Theodor woke me up from my thoughts

"Why not?" I asked confused

From what my father told me..he himself wanted this marriage.

Why would he refuse to see me?

"A few days ago his health suddenly worsened...he barely survived and now he is resting. If you want You can write a letter and I will personally deliver it to him" he said calmly but I could feel various different emotion´s in his voice.

It's possible that cowards is hiding?

He ordered viscount Theodore to send me away because he is afraid to face me personally!?


That´s why servants looked at me like that? They were afraid that the son of the duke will punish their master...

It would fully explain Butler´s words...

"Viscount please let me meet him...I promise I will hel-.."


Before I could finish my sentence. He slammed his fist into the table.

Antony immediately covered my body with his hand.

Lord Theodore opened his mouth to say something but the sound of someone knocking on the door interrupted him.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

A beautiful lime-haired woman in maid clothes entered the room right after. I and Antony were just looking at the elegant woman in a maid's dress slowly walking towards the viscount with a frozen expression.

The whole awkward situation dissipated because of her.

I never saw someone as beautiful as her even when I was forced to attend banquets in the royal capital. Her golden eyes looked as if they shone like the sun in the sky and her perfect figure made Antony that is a master rank knight lose his cool.

If she didn´t wear a maid uniform I would think that she is a high-rank noble.

The maid bowed towards me and then whispered something to the ear of lord Theodore.

His expression changed multiple times while the maid was whispering something into his ear.

"Who told him?" he asked angrily

"One of the maids saw her entering the mansion and informed the young master about it...I apologize for my incompetence.." The maid spoke in a weird robotic tone.?

Huh? Why is she talking like that one actor that forgot his text.

Lord Theodore ignored the way the maid talked and sighed.

He then shifted his gaze at me.

His sharp gaze felt really uncomfortable.

"You can go visit him, but only you alone and for a half-hour did you hear me?!"

Why did he suddenly change his mind?

Anyway, it doesn´t matter...For someone like him, a half-hour is enough...

"Uriel show her the way and you knight you can stay here."

Antony wanted to protest but I stopped him. It was better for me to be alone with him.

And I doubt someone like him will posses a threat to me.

It is more like he will need a knight to protect him from me.

The golden-eyed maid gestured with her hand for me to follow her.

I could feel the viscount´s gaze the whole time until I left the room.

"Where is he?" I asked

"Ori-....I mean young master is in his room"

I followed behind the maid until we got into a long corridor with only one door at the end.

"I must say you are the most beautiful person I ever met...But why are you working as maid?" i couldn't help myself end commented

It was weird no matter how much I look at it.

Someone like her could catch an eye of every nobleman, with her beauty she could have probably even a chance to catch the eye of the king and become one of his concubines.

The maid stopped walking and looked at me with her emotionless face that had a smile glint of surprise in it.

" I guess you could say It's because of the 'will' of gods" the maid replied melancholically

So she is a religious person...

Without me noticing we were already at the end of the corridor in front of the door.

"I guess your first place change pretty soon," the maid said and opened the door, pushed me inside the room, and right away locked the door without me being able to react to anything that was happening.

I tried to open the door but it was locked from the outside.

No really what is wrong with servants working here??!

"Hello big sis.." a weak gentle voice coming from behind me interrupted my thoughts

When I looked at the source of voice my expression froze

No, it was not just my expression...it was my entire existence

My breathing stopped and the only thing I could do was stare at being in front of me. I called it being because there was no way that boy in front of me was human like me. Silky purple hair covering one eye, Smooth skin white like milk, Red lips like petals of a rose, And an innocent expression untainted by the cruelty of the world. And a small body that looked like it would break from the slightest touch.

Beautiful? No, he is something more... Incomparable.

"Big sis, are you okay?"

His gentle voice woke me up from trance.

No what is this?? How can he be like this?

He should be a spoiled brat rotten to the core...but what is this???

No!No! calm....because he is beautiful doesn´t mean he is a good person yes! I must find out.

While I had chaos in my head. The expression on Orion´s face for a short moment changed from that of an innocent rabbit to that of a poisonous snake that caught its prey.

[A/N Here is a new chapter. I am sorry for the late update but there were a few personal problems that made it difficult for me to write so I will try to write another one tomorrow.If you want to support this novel please write your opinions in the comments it will really help to know if the chapters are good or not cuz it's hard to tell for me when I wrote them myself. The review would be good too. I have now an available function where you can send me gifts...yeah not happening lol. Like always I love you all]

I am planning to start playing NierAutomata XD.

nemusislolcreators' thoughts
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