
Villain Starts with the Naruto World

I did not own some of the world settings, but the remaining is all my own creation. In any world there is no villain or protagonist instead there are people with various levels of luck and opportunities. The final winner among them becomes a hero or the protagonist while the remaining people that became the stepping stones for the protagonist become the villains. The villains are actually formed because of the mistakes of the so called good and peace loving people. ………….. At chapter 121, The tutorial world for the villain has completed. The system successfully upgraded and was ready to choose a better function for the host by reading the thoughts of the host... Before the system could complete calculating he opened his eyes and looked at the scene in front of him. “Hey the people look familiar. Wait this is Minato and Kushina, fuck no…. Why am I still in the Naruto world? Wait this scene of them dying. This means…fuck I am Naruto….” Ding The system detected that the host has too much emotional fluctuations. So the system has decided to give the host emotional villain system. The system would bring back the consciousness and memories to the host when he turns 3 years old…” “Fuck you system…” Darkness filled the consciousness. …………… This is the start of the novel, A good man that was darkened by the seemingly good people became a villain. Finally after achieving his goals of revenge on the society he died happily while the people that killed him only has despair because of the after math. Congratulations host, you are the best person suited to become the host of the villain system. Your first world of entry is the Naruto world. Do your best to do all kinds of evil and suppress the protagonist and villains of the world. What? I am the step brother of Fugaku but was living as an orphan. My mother is from the Senju clan. So that is how it is. “Ding Host make you first choice as a villain. Option 1: steal the food from the orphanage’s greedy officials; you will be rewarded with the 100 villain points Option 2: live a normal life and with the low quality food provided; your stomach would have digestion problems. Attack on titans, fairy tail, and one piece, harry potter…….. These are the fan fiction worlds, While there will be other world with urban, city, martial arts and cultivation worlds too after the Naruto world. I will complete the world to the best of my capabilities hope you like it.

souryourer · Anime & Comics
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249 Chs

Chapter 43: awakening Otsutsuki bloodline

Chapter 43: awakening Otsutsuki bloodline

The reason why Suzaku has to sneak in is because Mito is dying and the security around her is more than it should be.

It was arranged by third Hokage.

They don't want the 9 tails to suddenly erupt out and go on a rampage.

When Suzaku arrived few ninja suddenly came to stop him but Mito told them to back off as she recognized Suzaku.

But they are very keen on knowing the uninvited guest is and what his purpose is.

Unfortunately for them Suzaku set up a barrier immediately to completely cover him and Mito.

"How are you Mito san?"

Suzaku asked looking at her pale complexion.

Mito only smiled at this question as she knows her life is at the end.

Then she spoke.

"They are going to make that Uzumaki girl called Kushina into the next jinchūriki.

I know that you are far different from what you appear to be in front of me and Tsunade.

I know that you have malice toward third Hokage and other.

Tsunade came here to tell me about your bet with that perverted boy Jiraiya.

Your words are very well founded.

If what you said really happens and the Senju clan falls, then I want you to take care of Tsunade and Kushina.

As a teacher that taught you may secrets of my Uzumaki clan and many other things, I want you to promise me that you would take good care of Tsunade and Kushina.

They are both strong on the outside and weak on the inside.

They need strong reliance to get through the depressing times....."

She spoke with Suzaku explaining about the situation.

"Of course Mito san, I will take care of them.

Well they have to go through few sad memories before becoming mine.

But they will be fine.

You can rest assured.

But I want to ask you to help me tell few good words about me to Kushina if you can when she comes to meet you later.

Please remember that it should not be known to other people.

Third Hokage is planning tricks to pull her away from me.

So I can only get your help in this matter.

May be this is the last time I came to meet you in this life.

So please bless me with good luck Mito san."

Suzaku said and left after removing the enchantments using the flying thunder god technique.

Mito became peaceful with the promise from Suzaku.


Suzaku returned back to his previous place and then waited for a little while before leaving.

After he left back to the Uchiha clan he started to continue his practice.

On the other hand one of the Anbu guarding Mito has left here and went to meet with third Hokage.

He explained the appearance of a cloaked person and Mito speaking to him in secret.

Third Hokage did not know who that person is or how he appeared there without alerting anyone.

So he became reluctant to act according to the plan.

Well listening to the entire incident and calculating a few things he found that the person that came might not be strong.

So he calmed down and waited for Mito to die.

Danzo also got this information and started to investigate just like how third Hokage did.

Suzaku on the other hand was practicing.

He is very close to stepping into the sage level.

For this very reason, he left a clone in his place and left the village to a more secluded place.

He is planning on using the 50 percent trigger of Rinnegan when entering the sage level.

This way he can trigger and awaken the Otsutsuki bloodline that is dormant till now.

Even for Naruto and Sasuke they have to rely on sage of 6 paths to awaken their Otsutsuki bloodline forcibly to reach their full potential.

But for Suzaku it is a natural process.

As long as he successful awaken the Otsutsuki bloodline, just after stepping into the sage level he would improve further and faster.

Because of the blood amalgamation and mutation of the bloodline, the awakened Otsutsuki bloodline along with other bloodlines can make him stronger than other Otsutsuki clan people.

But he should be able to control the power that he awakens first.

A month passed by and he was just an inch away from reaching the peak.

He really wanted a sparring partner to fight.

So he went to find Jiraiya.

He told him to step into sage mode to fight him.

Even though Jiraiya is still weak even after entering into the sage mode, Suzaku can move his body to get more connected to it.

Jiraiya was taken aback and don't know why Suzaku wanted to fight with him.

But his previous anger towards Suzaku has made him want to punch Suzaku in the face.

Still he thought that Suzaku did not require him to enter into the sage mode.

So he decided to fight Suzaku in his normal form.

But Suzaku gave him a severe beating for disobeying his words making him realize that Suzaku is far stronger than he imagined.

It is a painful lesson without any visible wounds on his body but everything is aching.

With no other choice he finally summoned the frog elders to enter in to the sage mode.

Then they started to fight Suzaku three on one.

Suzaku felt a little more excited.

What he lacks most is actually the fighting experience.

So he fought with Jiraiya more and more.

At first Jiraiya seems to have upper hand.

But the strong comprehension of Suzaku let him slowly improve.

Also Suzaku did not use sage mode or any other complicated thing.

His target is only towards triggering of stepping into the sage level like the sage of 6 paths and trigger his Otsutsuki bloodline.

For that he restricted his body and usage of chakra as much as possible.

Finally after fighting with Jiraiya for 3 hours straight without stopping, Suzaku has finally entered the strange state of completion.


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If you want to give me any suggestions please contact my mail Souryourerfate@gmail.com

Thanks to you all my readers.

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