
Villain Starts with the Naruto World

I did not own some of the world settings, but the remaining is all my own creation. In any world there is no villain or protagonist instead there are people with various levels of luck and opportunities. The final winner among them becomes a hero or the protagonist while the remaining people that became the stepping stones for the protagonist become the villains. The villains are actually formed because of the mistakes of the so called good and peace loving people. ………….. At chapter 121, The tutorial world for the villain has completed. The system successfully upgraded and was ready to choose a better function for the host by reading the thoughts of the host... Before the system could complete calculating he opened his eyes and looked at the scene in front of him. “Hey the people look familiar. Wait this is Minato and Kushina, fuck no…. Why am I still in the Naruto world? Wait this scene of them dying. This means…fuck I am Naruto….” Ding The system detected that the host has too much emotional fluctuations. So the system has decided to give the host emotional villain system. The system would bring back the consciousness and memories to the host when he turns 3 years old…” “Fuck you system…” Darkness filled the consciousness. …………… This is the start of the novel, A good man that was darkened by the seemingly good people became a villain. Finally after achieving his goals of revenge on the society he died happily while the people that killed him only has despair because of the after math. Congratulations host, you are the best person suited to become the host of the villain system. Your first world of entry is the Naruto world. Do your best to do all kinds of evil and suppress the protagonist and villains of the world. What? I am the step brother of Fugaku but was living as an orphan. My mother is from the Senju clan. So that is how it is. “Ding Host make you first choice as a villain. Option 1: steal the food from the orphanage’s greedy officials; you will be rewarded with the 100 villain points Option 2: live a normal life and with the low quality food provided; your stomach would have digestion problems. Attack on titans, fairy tail, and one piece, harry potter…….. These are the fan fiction worlds, While there will be other world with urban, city, martial arts and cultivation worlds too after the Naruto world. I will complete the world to the best of my capabilities hope you like it.

souryourer · Anime & Comics
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249 Chs

Chapter 22: memorizing the techniques from forbidden scroll

Chapter 22: memorizing the techniques from forbidden scroll

This thing is of utmost importance so both Mito and Tsunade told Suzaku to not to tell anyone about his capability to use wood style.

They specifically told him not to tell about this to either his father or the third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen.

With the things proved Mito decided to pass on the knowledge related to sage techniques and other techniques related to Senju Hashirama.

Also Tsunade would take Suzaku as her student.

As for Mito passing him knowledge would be done secretly even without the knowledge of Senju clan people.

This is very important and any leakage of information related to Suzaku can lead to the war between the villages.

The reason why those villages started war is because of the death of Senju Hashirama.

They feared him and Madara very much.

So they did not dare to attack the hidden leaf village as long as Hashirama and Madara are still alive and kicking.

On the other hand after they died they attacked the hidden leaf village giving raise to the ninja world war.

Hashirama Senju is a moron that believed that everyone would be happy as long as they understood each other.

It is just like Naruto.

Fortunately they were able to become strong and make their point.

If not they would be the first one to die because of their stupidity.

Suzaku is not like them.

His goal is to take over the entire ninja world.

The reason why Mito and Tsunade were so secretive is because the sage techniques and the wood style Jutsu have the deterrent effect on all tailed beasts.

Other villages would not want a person like that to live.

That is also the reason why the death of Nawaki was so well planned and executed.

Even though it was organized by the people from the hidden leaf village, for this to work many things are solved by the other villages in the dark.

Suzaku doesn't want to die like that.

Tsunade and Mito also understood this matter after the painful lesson of the death of Nawaki.

So they don't want to make the same mistakes again.

With that Mito started to tell Suzaku about the careful warning on who to trust and who not to trust.

Tsunade on the side added words from time to time.

They are going to teach Suzaku from now on.

Tsunade would teach the medical ninjutsu while Mito teaches sage Jutsu and sealing techniques.

They have already decided to make Suzaku as their successor.

Mito can fell that her life is not going to last for long.

So she decided to teach Suzaku first and takes most of his time.

Tsunade on the other hand would act as a cover using his shadow clone that goes along with her to act as distraction.

Suzaku can maintain a shadow clone with the amount of chakra he possesses so they taught him the shadow clone technique first.

Suzaku learnt the shadow clone technique.

With the amount of chakra he possess he can maintain a shadow clone easily even thought he is just 8 years old.

Originally Tsunade and Mito wanted him to quit the academy and study under time full time.

But Suzaku doesn't want to do that because it was too risky and to arouse the suspicion of third Hokage, Danzo and even the Uchiha clan head Ryo.

On the other hand he left a shadow clone with Mito so that he can learn everything continuously.

Every evening when he visits Tsunade his clone would be replaced for the day.

He would get all the memories and started to practice just like this for the time being.

This worked well and he first learnt the yin seal technique from Mito.

The reason for this is to let Suzaku have more chakra than anyone.

Along with his massive chakra having another reservoir of massive chakra would help him in the battles in the future.

Suzaku did not tell them that he already has yin seal but learnt it quickly in few days without wasting any time.

He wanted to maintain the least suspicion on him.

After few days when he formed the yin seal he was taught other sealing techniques along with the previous things.

During this time Mito called third Hokage to bring the book of seals to check on some of the things.

She is the hidden boss as long as she is alive.

So she can do anything, including taking the hidden book of seals.

She copied the book of seals into small version that has techniques accumulated in the entire clan.

All these techniques were taught to Suzaku.

This includes the flying thunder god technique developed by the second Hokage.

Techniques of the first Hokage and some of the techniques related to the third Hokage.

There are also techniques from Madara Uchiha clan including Izanagi that was previously recorded in the book of seals.

All of these were originally for the future of the village.

But they were taught to Suzaku one by one slowly by Mito with her vast experience.

During this time Suzaku wanted show his newly opened Sharingan to Mito and Tsunade in secret.

Because of the strong chakra, along with physical energy and spiritual energy she was able to automatically unlock the Sharingan to three tomoe.

This is what she wanted to tell Mito and Tsunade.

Well this was the truth because of her strong bloodlines she was able to awaken the things smoothly without needing to go through the strong stimulation.

Both Mito and Tsunade would be shocked.

But finally he chose not to.

It is not that he did not trust them but there are other reasons.

Because of the prejudice of the second Hokage and the anger of Mito towards Madara they always thought that Uchiha are evil.

They need to see the death of their loved ones to open their Sharingan.

This is the first time they understood that the strong stimulus to awaken the Sharingan is the forcible process and it will cause blindness quickly.

On the other hand the process that Suzaku awakened the Sharingan is very natural after reaching the required chakra and physical energy and spirit energy.


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If you want to give me any suggestions please contact my mail Souryourerfate@gmail.com

Thanks to you all my readers.

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