
Villain Starts with the Naruto World

I did not own some of the world settings, but the remaining is all my own creation. In any world there is no villain or protagonist instead there are people with various levels of luck and opportunities. The final winner among them becomes a hero or the protagonist while the remaining people that became the stepping stones for the protagonist become the villains. The villains are actually formed because of the mistakes of the so called good and peace loving people. ………….. At chapter 121, The tutorial world for the villain has completed. The system successfully upgraded and was ready to choose a better function for the host by reading the thoughts of the host... Before the system could complete calculating he opened his eyes and looked at the scene in front of him. “Hey the people look familiar. Wait this is Minato and Kushina, fuck no…. Why am I still in the Naruto world? Wait this scene of them dying. This means…fuck I am Naruto….” Ding The system detected that the host has too much emotional fluctuations. So the system has decided to give the host emotional villain system. The system would bring back the consciousness and memories to the host when he turns 3 years old…” “Fuck you system…” Darkness filled the consciousness. …………… This is the start of the novel, A good man that was darkened by the seemingly good people became a villain. Finally after achieving his goals of revenge on the society he died happily while the people that killed him only has despair because of the after math. Congratulations host, you are the best person suited to become the host of the villain system. Your first world of entry is the Naruto world. Do your best to do all kinds of evil and suppress the protagonist and villains of the world. What? I am the step brother of Fugaku but was living as an orphan. My mother is from the Senju clan. So that is how it is. “Ding Host make you first choice as a villain. Option 1: steal the food from the orphanage’s greedy officials; you will be rewarded with the 100 villain points Option 2: live a normal life and with the low quality food provided; your stomach would have digestion problems. Attack on titans, fairy tail, and one piece, harry potter…….. These are the fan fiction worlds, While there will be other world with urban, city, martial arts and cultivation worlds too after the Naruto world. I will complete the world to the best of my capabilities hope you like it.

souryourer · Anime & Comics
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249 Chs

Chapter 215: the contents of the hidden envelope

Chapter 215: the contents of the hidden envelope 

Naruto did not make any move yet and waited for the entire thing to calm down.

What he wanted to know right now is how much Orochimaru improved over the time.

He wanted to see if he could plant the soul servant seal on Orochimaru now.

Orochimaru is very slippery and can escape at any given moment if his life was endangered.


Naturally the cover or Yamato was broken and the three people that are hiding appeared on the bridge.

Naruto took the initiative to speak.

"Long time no see Kabuto, Orochimaru.

It looks likes your hand is healed.

Is it permanent or temporary?"

The face of Orochimaru is not good.

The face of Kabuto was neutral without any emotion.

Well he is the spy of Naruto and he has already sensed the presence of Naruto.

So he acted normally.

Naruto did not rush to attack Orochimaru.

He continued to speak without waiting for the answer from Orochimaru.

"Well I don't care if you don't answer me.

I sent you two gifts 2 years ago.

Did you get them?

It did not appear like you have received them properly.

If not you would not look like this right now?

Well you still owe me a snake to eat as meat.

You have been hiding like a snake for so long…."

Naruto's words are full of insults like rubbing salt to the wounds of Orochimaru.

The face of Orochimaru is like the small snake that swallowed a big rat and choked on it.

Naruto did not care about this matter and said.

"I forgot to tell you that the Kusanagi sword that I took from you given as gift to one of my girlfriends.

I got a kiss from her you know."

Well Naruto really got a kiss from Tenten before and it was also a lip kiss and the first kiss of Tenten.

This made him really happy at that time.

Pulling her into his side is really a hard thing.

Many girls would like him with normal gifts but Tenten would become impressed with him when he gives her more weapons.

Even thought this is strange she really like weapons more than flowers.

But Naruto did not care about this matter.

Instead he was fascinated.

Every person is unique and having so many unique women is what Naruto liked the most.

Naruto continued on without a care for the expression of others and said.

"Oh… look at my memory.

I forgot to mention that your old partner and the traitor of the hidden leaf village have sent you a secret letter throughout new team mate.

 Sai don't waste other people's time.

You can send the letter now and discuss it quickly.

I still have things to do back at the village.

The hot babes are waiting for me there."

Naruto said to Orochimaru and Sai quickly making the entire situation even more complicated.

Naruto directly branded Danzo as a traitor.

If Sai really took out the letter now then it is not different than telling that Danzo betrayed the hidden leaf village.

Also the contents of the envelope are enough to cause even more problems for him to directly send him to his death.

Sai don't know how to react at this moment.

The moment he was discovered about this content and their plan is the moment their plan already failed.

In order to escape Danzo can directly push the blame on Sai saying that his subordinate went rouge and escape from the tight spot.

While he is thinking Naruto looked at Orochimaru and said.

"By the way, how is Sasuke?

Did he become strong or still a sissy like before.

Let's go to your base to take a look.

I want to see if he can defeat my clone properly this time."

Orochimaru don't know how to answer the questions of Naruto.

He was completely irritated by the words of Naruto.

Kabuto was in battle stance without any expression on his face.

But in his mind he is laughing happily.

Since no one spoke Naruto walked over to Sai and pulled out something from his pack.

It was the envelope that Danzo prepared to send it to Orochimaru in the name of cooperation.

Naruto opened the envelope and a big list of all the Anbu people was clearly mentioned in the list with complete description of strengths and weaknesses.

Danzo is doing this to get the Hokage position.

To get that position he is willing to kill everyone in his path and even destroy the hidden leaf village.

It is so hypocritical that he said that it was all for the sake of hidden leaf village just like how third Hokage says this nonsense of will of fire.

Well Naruto did not care about this matter and gave the envelope to Yamato to check.

The face of Yamato changed looking at the information.

He wanted to question Sai but Naruto said.

"Don't bother asking.

That traitor Danzo used a special seal on all the root people and placed it on their tongues.

They can say any secret of the hidden leaf village but they could not speak about him.

If they did then their brain would be fried directly leaving nothing behind.

So don't bother asking him anything.

Instead I want an answer to my question from before.

Sai tell me the answer."

Sai still put his fake smile and said.

"I am just a tool in the hands of Danzo sama.

I did not have any sense of belonging to anywhere."

Sakura immediately become enraged and wanted to beat up Sai.

Naruto could not let her destroy Sai.

He still needs Sai to become the husband of Sasuke.

So Naruto stopped her immediately and said 

"Sakura don't act like a stupid woman.

How can he have good feelings when he treated as a tool to the point of killing the only person that he thought of as a brother with his own hands?

His situation is same as us jinchūriki…."


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If you want to give me any suggestions please contact my mail Souryourerfate@gmail.com

Thanks to you all my readers.

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