
Villain Sans [ MHA Fan-Fic ]

Ever wanted Sans to be in MHA, but as a villain? Well I gotchu homie, here's da book you'd fine mate. I don't own any characters from MHA, they belong to their respective owners. B)

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" Wowie Sans! There's a blue oval thingy over there! " Yells a certain skeleton.

" Woah bro, I don't think it's safe. " The skeleton's brother said.

" C'mon Sans! It'll be alot of fun! " Says the taller skeleton in a persuasive tone.

Sans doesn't think it'd be a good idea, as he's never seen this thing in any other timeline considering how many he's been through.

The taller skeleton, Papyrus, doesn't know that however and will take an adventure like going through the blue oval thingy.

" Fine bro... But we'll leave as soon as we can alright? " Sans said, still grinning as usual.

" Alright brother! " Papyrus says as he marches toward the portal, leaving Sans behind to catch up to him.

" Wowie! It's cool! Let's go through it now! " Says a ecstatic Papyrus.

Papyrus then walks through the portal along with his brother to find themself in an alleyway with a bunch of trash laying around.

" This place is quite 'Dumped' Don'tcha think? " Sans said implying a pun.


As they were arguing, the portal suddenly disappears into thing right behind them.

' Oh no. ' Sans and Papyrus thought.

" BROTHER WE'RE STUCK HERE! " Papyrus says worried.

" Ahm, it's ok bro, I'll 'butter' up this situation so it'll be 'loose.' " Sans said implying more puns.

" NOT THE TIME FOR PUNS SANS! " Papyrus shouts even more infuriated.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------( Frisk's POV )

I hugged Toriel and say my goodbyes to her. I walk down, find flowey, walk past him, open the exit of the ruins, and make my way toward Snowdin.

I walked over a branch to expect it to break as usual, but it didn't happen this time... Huh? I looked back to find a perfectly fine branch.

' Well, that's new. ' I thought, continuing my march toward the odd gates.

This time, I wasn't stopped by Sans. He wasn't even here. Where is Sans?

I ignored the thought and continued my way through toward Snowdin.

' Hm, I was expecting Papyrus to come towards the direction of Sans, but he isn't here too? ' I thought, curious as where the brothers are.

The monsters still roam around the area, attempting to fight me as I spare them easily.

I make it to snowdin, and instantly made my way toward the brother's house... Empty, I walk in to find no one.

' Not here too? ' I thought.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(3rd POV with the skeleton brothers)

Sans and Papyrus make their way toward the end of the alley way, only to find some humans at the end of it with thug like outfits.

" Hey there skeleton dudes, mind if we take your money? " Asks thug 1.

" Yeah we just need a bit of money, or you'll get a lil' hurt... " Threatens thug 2.

Sans only stares at them.

" Hello humans! Unfortunately, I have no money. " Papyrus says toward the gang of theives numbering in 3.

" Tch, I guess we'll have to beat you up then. " Says thug 3.

Sans had his guard up, preparing for any attacks that the thugs will make until...

" I AM HERE. " Roars a powerful voice.

" Shit, All Might! Run! " Yells thug 1.

" Brother, what's shit? " Papyrus asks.

" Uhhh. " Sans said not knowing how to respond.

All Might proceeds to punch the thugs with light punches, not even using One for All hitting them until they're unconcious.

" Farewell young skeletons! " All Might yells as he flys with the thugs.

Sans and Papyrus could only stare at the flying All Might.

' Did he... Just fly? ' Sans thought.

" WOWIE HUMANS CAN FLY?! " Papyrus says bulging his non-existing eyes out.

Sans was in a daze. He was in disbelief. Humans couldn't fly right? Have times change?

Sans fell out of his daze as a sudden headache fell upon him.

" Argh, my head... " Sans said quietly.

" Brother are you ok? " Papyrus asked concerned about his brother.

Sans's head filled with memories of, another Sans, being Dust!Sans. Memorizing the thousands of times the human has killed them, resorting to having the kill every monster in the underground in order to become strong enough to end the human.

" exp... exp... exp... kill... kill... kill... " Sans muttered.

Entering the portal must've altered Sans memories and adding some that don't belong to him.

" Brother..? " Papyrus said in a more concerned tone.

Suddenly, a gaster blaster appeared infront of Sans aiming toward Papyrus.

" Brother wai- " Before Papyrus could finish his sentence, it fired at him evaporating half of his body.

" Please... " Papyrus says quietly.

" T-the human, they'll kill you... Over and over and over and over... " Sans said slightly frowning.

" I-I, I understand... If its what you want... It's ok... " Papyrus said stuttering.

Sans then summoned a bone that impaled through Papyrus's torso leaving a hole behind, having Papyrus turning into dust.

" no... no... no... no... it's my fault he's gone... Papyrus... you don't understand... no... " Sans muttered.


Sans then checked himself.


Name: Sans

Description: Weakest monster in the underground

1 HP


Level: 2 ( 7/30 to level up )

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" I need more... " Sans says in a cold voice.

Sans walked out of the alley and onto the road to find it empty with very little people on it.

" Heh, I can start killing these people... " Sans said crazily, as he pulls up his hoodie.

Sans then starts to gaster blaster the human's body parts and impaling them with bones. Their screaming was music to Sans's ears and horrifying to the rest of the humans.

" P-please, I have a daughter! " Crys a man about to be killed.

Sans ignored him and stabbed a bone, which was now as sharp as a knife. Sans check himself again, as he killed around 8 people.


Name: Sans

Description: Weakest monster in the underground

19 HP


Level: 4 ( 22/50 to level up )


Sans just grinned at his stats, he was already getting stronger by the second, more health and damage. As they say, the more the merrier!

Sans continued hunting humans, counting up to around 70 gaining him many levels, health, and damage.

" Hehehehe, I'll kill you all... " Sans says as he continued to hunt down people.

He continued searching until he was stopped by a person, that person being the hero Crust.

" Stop right there villain scum. " Says the hero.

" Tch, who're you suppose to be? " Sans says narrowing his eyes.

" I'm a pro hero, Crust. We've gotten reports of a skeleton walking around and killing civillians, and that person must be you! " Shouts Crust.

Sans didn't want to bother with this person and wanted to end him quickly, summoning a bone above him, flying it toward him.

Sans was expecting this human to die a swift death until... Scales grow on his arms and shielded him? Well, that was very unexpected.

" I thought humans couldn't use magic... " Sans said confused.

" Magic? This is my quirk though. " Crust said with a slightly emotional voice to tease Sans.

" Whatever, I'll just kill you right now... " Sans then summon'd a bunch of gaster blasters surrounding him.

Sans fired it, but Crust created large shields made of scales of stone, however, he could not keep it up for long as the gaster blasters were destroying it.

" Grrr... " Crust says trying to keep his shields up.

Sans then summon'd even more gaster blasters and shot it toward him, melting the shields becoming now easy.

" Oh yeah, before you die, what're quirks? " Sans asked.

" Tch, wouldn't you like to know. " Says a struggling Crust.

Sans then had his gaster blasters pierce through the shields and absorbed Crust with his lasers, ending his life and leaving nothing else but a teared up costume.

" Well... That was anti-climatic... " Sans said disappointed.

However, Sans now knew these humans have these abilities called quirks, so he'll have to get even stronger to end these people which was a problem.

[ A/N Papyrus ghost coming soon. B) ]