
Villain Retirement

16 years old-- most boys would be falling in love, as their hormones all rise to unprecedented levels. Riley, however, at age 16... killed the world's number 1 superhero. Warning: MC is in the spectrum. Very Edgy.

Romeru · Urban
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1070 Chs

Chapter 893: Chain Dance

"Roger, Boss."

Somewhere in Luz city, a shadow was walking across a room; seemingly just having finished whispering to someone, but no other shadow but his was there. He walked toward the window, only for the colorful lights dancing on the walls of the brothel across his room to reflect on the visor covering his eyes.

And he just stood there, neither enjoying nor watching anything. He had his eyes closed, just seemingly waiting for something to happen.

And very soon, a voice came knocking from the door of his room.

"My name is Father Edmund. We have permission to break into your room," the words seeped from the outside and into his room, "But I much prefer for you to just let us in, traveling god."