
Villain Retirement

16 years old-- most boys would be falling in love, as their hormones all rise to unprecedented levels. Riley, however, at age 16... killed the world's number 1 superhero. Warning: MC is in the spectrum. Very Edgy.

Romeru · Urban
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1057 Chs

Chapter 734: Hannah Bananas

"I knew this would fucking happen!"

"No, you didn't! I am getting tired of your nonsensical comments, Hannah! No one knows anything about your brother anymore, no one!"

"And whose fucking fault is that!?"

"...Should we stop them?"

"Let them—Wait, I've received a report that someone sighted Riley Ross!"

Back in Shirtless Hannah's penthouse, or what they decided to call her for the duration of Elevator Hannah's stay, Nannah—short for Native Hannah. As for the native Bernard, they all decided to just call him Bard, as that is what he was actually called by the few friends he had in this world.

Nannah has been watching her other-world counterpart from the comforts of her sofa. And of course, she now changed into a shirt. Hannah was making a fuss for almost an entire hour now… and she sort of agrees with her. The only thing she found quite irksome was that she was arguing with her mother… without fear.