
Villain Retirement

16 years old-- most boys would be falling in love, as their hormones all rise to unprecedented levels. Riley, however, at age 16... killed the world's number 1 superhero. Warning: MC is in the spectrum. Very Edgy.

Romeru · Urban
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1070 Chs

Chapter 518: Dramatic

"Theran… don't you think it's just similar to Earth?"

"Not at all, Katherine. The ground, the objects, and everything else that you see and touch is much stronger and more durable than their Earth counterparts. Even the chair we were sitting on earlier would take at least a little effort to separate and destroy."

"I'm talking about the themarians."

"Oh… then my answer is the same, Katherine."

Somewhere in the hallways of the Supreme College, Riley and Katherine were just casually walking around without any destination. Katherine had just been following Riley, not really knowing what was on his mind.

Was he just waiting for something? Does he have a plan in mind? It truly was hard to discern with Riley. At one point, it feels like everyone is a puppet that just dances over his palm; and at times, he's just a leaf that's flowing with whatever fate has in store for him.