
Villain: Reborn with wish system?

Lin Beifan traveled through a world composed of countless urban web articles and became a villain. He has a wishing system and can make one wish every day. With the ability of the system and his own ruthless actions, he defeated all the protagonists, and the world line became chaotic. So, Tiandao repeated the plot and cursed Lin Beifan. For every wish he made, the enemy would get double! Lin Beifan chuckled: “Is that so?” “I wish to keep my body temperature at 36.8 degrees!” The first protagonist's brain overheated to 73.6 degrees and died! “I wish to sleep 12 hours a day!” The second protagonist became a vegetative person and died! “I wish to be crushed to death by a 120-pound beauty!” The third protagonist was flattened into a piece of paper by a 240-pound overweight girl, game over! Just like that, the plot is messed up once again! Disclaimer Everything belongs to the original creator. If the original creator wants to take it down, please leave a review below, just found the novel and liked it so, I wanted to rewrite it here to increase my vocabulary and earn some pocket money. Support the original author in the Chinese site. Author name: steamed please support me on: p@treon.com/immortal1274. "replace @ with a"

Immortal1 · Book&Literature
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130 Chs

Chapter 24 Excited protagonist, let the storm come more violently!

"Although these investment options seem promising, the returns are still too slow," remarked Lin Beifan.

"Even in the most lucrative industries, it takes over a year to see significant returns. I'm not willing to wait that long! I want to see substantial achievements in the short term, preferably making a significant amount of money!" he added.

Rolling her eyes, Liu Rumei retorted, "Might as well buy a lottery ticket if you're in a hurry!"

To everyone's surprise, Lin Beifan responded seriously, "Buying lottery tickets isn't a sound investment. You either win a mere 5 million or lose everything. It's not worth the risk."

In this world, lottery regulations dictate that each prize pool is limited to 5 million yuan, split among the winners evenly.

Turning to Lin Beifan, Ye Xingchen suggested weakly, "Perhaps we could consider gambling on gemstones?"

"Gemstones?" queried Lin Beifan.

Ye Xingchen elaborated, "I meant investing in the jadeite industry. During the mining process, jadeite's true quality is often hidden beneath its weathered exterior. Cutting the stone reveals its worth. This uncertainty makes it a gamble, and many have profited from it."

Excited by the idea, Lin Beifan exclaimed, "Excellent suggestion! Let's give it a shot!"

Half an hour later, they found themselves at the entrance of a gemstone market.

Liu Rumei turned to Lin Beifan, questioning, "Are you seriously considering gambling on gemstones?"

"Absolutely. Why else would we be here?" Lin Beifan responded matter-of-factly.

"But it's incredibly risky. You could either make a fortune or lose everything in an instant. And considering your lack of experience in this field, I strongly oppose it," Liu Rumei remarked coldly.

Lin Beifan countered with a smile, "Every investment carries risks. Even stocks can plummet."

Unmoved, Liu Rumei reminded him of her authority as the custodian of his funds, threatening, "I'm entrusted by your parents to oversee every financial decision. If necessary, I can intervene to prevent losses. And let's set a limit; if you lose, you return home with me."

"Just 5 million? That's too conservative! How about 10 million?" Lin Beifan proposed.

"Don't be unrealistic! Stick to the limit," Liu Rumei insisted.

Undeterred, they entered the gemstone market.

After consulting with an experienced expert named Master Wang, they selected a few rough stones.

Observing Lin Beifan's enthusiasm, Ye Xingchen felt a surge of excitement. He knew from past experience that Lin Beifan had no expertise in this area, making his venture into gemstones a risky gamble.

As they examined the stones, Lin Beifan secretly made a wish: "I wish for a 20-fold increase in the value of the stones I choose."

However, the wish was denied. Frustrated, Lin Beifan attempted various increments until finally, a 20-fold increase was granted.

With a triumphant grin, Lin Beifan pointed to the most valuable stone and declared, "I'll take this one!"

The shop owner confirmed, "This stone is valued at 4 million. Are you sure?"

Attempting to dissuade him, Liu Rumei interjected, "Think it over, Mr. Lin. Perhaps a smaller stone would be wiser?"

Lin Beifan remained resolute, "No need for second thoughts. I want this one!"

With the payment made, the shop owner agreed to cut the stone on-site, free of charge.

As they left, the atmosphere was buoyant. Lin Beifan, the protagonist Ye Xingchen, and even the shop owner were all filled with excitement.

Unbeknownst to Lin Beifan, Ye Xingchen reveled in the prospect of his eventual downfall.