
Villain: Reborn with wish system?

Lin Beifan traveled through a world composed of countless urban web articles and became a villain. He has a wishing system and can make one wish every day. With the ability of the system and his own ruthless actions, he defeated all the protagonists, and the world line became chaotic. So, Tiandao repeated the plot and cursed Lin Beifan. For every wish he made, the enemy would get double! Lin Beifan chuckled: “Is that so?” “I wish to keep my body temperature at 36.8 degrees!” The first protagonist's brain overheated to 73.6 degrees and died! “I wish to sleep 12 hours a day!” The second protagonist became a vegetative person and died! “I wish to be crushed to death by a 120-pound beauty!” The third protagonist was flattened into a piece of paper by a 240-pound overweight girl, game over! Just like that, the plot is messed up once again! Disclaimer Everything belongs to the original creator. If the original creator wants to take it down, please leave a review below, just found the novel and liked it so, I wanted to rewrite it here to increase my vocabulary and earn some pocket money. Support the original author in the Chinese site. Author name: steamed please support me on: p@treon.com/immortal1274. "replace @ with a"

Immortal1 · Book&Literature
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130 Chs

Chapter 20 I usually don't laugh unless I can't help it!

Upon joining the company, I was met with curious stares from all directions.

"That's him, the most flamboyant bodyguard in history!"

"I didn't expect him to be from our company!"

"Last night, I watched that video and laughed until dawn; it cured my depression!"

"Haha, it's hilarious! His dance moves were so over-the-top, like a mini electric motor!"

"I almost burst out laughing!"

"It's unbelievable! A sunny and handsome bodyguard turns out to be a secret show-off! Our security team is full of surprises!"

"Enough, I want to reminisce about it now!"


The protagonist, Ye Xingchen, felt embarrassed and wished he could disappear.

Covering his face, he slipped into the crowd and hurried to the security department.

However, you can't escape your own workplace.

His colleagues in the security department were already in fits of laughter.

"Who knew our little leaf had such a flamboyant side!"

"I'll give it to him; he's now an internet sensation!"

"If we ever need a performer, we'll have him do it! He can shake his booty, and the applause will be thunderous!"

"Haha, I can't wait to see it again!"


The protagonist, Ye Xingchen: "..."

Just then, the security department manager entered with a stern expression. "Enough laughter during work hours; focus on your duties! And Xiao Ye, come here; about last night..."

Ye Xingchen quickly explained, "Manager, I didn't mean to..."

The manager waved it off. "Don't worry, Mr. Lin informed me that you were doing it for him! You did well, just be more cautious in the future and watch your drinking!"

Ye Xingchen breathed a sigh of relief.

The manager wasn't holding it against him.

Losing his job over this incident and missing the chance to get close to Lin Beifan would be a huge setback.

"If you have free time, go assist Mr. Lin! Stick close to him and there will be rewards for you! Off you go!" The manager waved him off.

"Yes, Manager!" Ye Xingchen turned to leave.

As he did, the manager called out, "Wait, I have one more thing to say!"

Ye Xingchen turned back. "Yes, Manager, what is it?"

Suddenly, the manager adopted a playful tone, flashing a coy smile. "You're quite the showman; I like it!"

The protagonist, Ye Xingchen: "..."

"You're quite the attention-seeker; I like it!" Laughter erupted once again.

The protagonist, Ye Xingchen: "..."

Ye Xingchen quickly made his escape from the security department.

He then headed to Lin Beifan's office.

Seeing him, Lin Beifan remembered the flamboyant dance from the night before and couldn't help but chuckle.

"Sorry, I rarely laugh, but that was too much! Haha!"

The protagonist, Ye Xingchen: "..."

"You made my day with that performance! Let me compose myself first, and then we can talk. Haha!"

The protagonist, Ye Xingchen: "..."

Ye Xingchen hastily explained, "Mr. Lin, believe me, that's not my usual self! I suspect they spiked my drink, causing me to act recklessly!"

"Don't worry, after drinking so much, anyone would lose their inhibitions, no need for spiked drinks!"

Ye Xingchen: "..."

"I just never expected you to become so flamboyant when drunk. It was hard to recognize you! Truly unbelievable! Haha!"

Ye Xingchen's face reflected exhaustion. "Mr. Lin, that's not..."

Lin Beifan stifled his laughter. "Xing Xing Xing, I believe you; you're innocent! But I must say, you put on quite a show! My friend, the bar owner, asked if you'd like to join him sometime. It's free drinks, plus a commission!"

Ye Xingchen shuddered, vehemently shaking his head. "No! Absolutely not!"

One visit, and his dignity would be gone!

A few more, and he'd be a laughingstock!

If his comrades from the underground found out that he, the mighty God of War, was prancing about in a bar, he'd never live it down!

"Alright, no worries. Get going now; we have Lin Investment Company matters to attend to. Here's the car key. Go downstairs and get ready!"

Lin Beifan tossed him the key.

"Yes, Mr. Lin!" Ye Xingchen exited the office.

As he approached Liu Rumei, intending to exchange a few words, she shot him a disgusted look. "Stay away from me, you pervert!"

Ye Xingchen: "..."

Another blow to the heart!

Ye Xingchen sighed, steeling himself once more.

Never mind; as long as he could defeat the infamous Lin Beifan, enduring such indignities was inconsequential compared to his past life's hardships!