
Villain: Reborn with wish system?

Lin Beifan traveled through a world composed of countless urban web articles and became a villain. He has a wishing system and can make one wish every day. With the ability of the system and his own ruthless actions, he defeated all the protagonists, and the world line became chaotic. So, Tiandao repeated the plot and cursed Lin Beifan. For every wish he made, the enemy would get double! Lin Beifan chuckled: “Is that so?” “I wish to keep my body temperature at 36.8 degrees!” The first protagonist's brain overheated to 73.6 degrees and died! “I wish to sleep 12 hours a day!” The second protagonist became a vegetative person and died! “I wish to be crushed to death by a 120-pound beauty!” The third protagonist was flattened into a piece of paper by a 240-pound overweight girl, game over! Just like that, the plot is messed up once again! Disclaimer Everything belongs to the original creator. If the original creator wants to take it down, please leave a review below, just found the novel and liked it so, I wanted to rewrite it here to increase my vocabulary and earn some pocket money. Support the original author in the Chinese site. Author name: steamed please support me on: p@treon.com/immortal1274. "replace @ with a"

Immortal1 · Book&Literature
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130 Chs

Chapter 18 Men are all virtuous!

At that moment, Lin Beifan pointed at Ye Xingchen and exclaimed, "This is my good brother! Whoever treats him well will be rewarded!"

Ye Xiuwen chimed in, "That's right, the reward is mine!"

The young models present perked up at this announcement and turned their attention to Ye Xingchen.

Observing Ye Xingchen, one could see that despite being a bodyguard, he stood tall and imposing, with sharp facial features exuding an aura of strength and determination. His presence was captivating, prompting two young models to approach him immediately.

"What's your name?"

"Care for a drink with me, handsome?"

Ye Xingchen suddenly caught a whiff of perfume in the air. Glancing at the two women, he noticed their heavily made-up faces, suggesting they might have undergone numerous cosmetic procedures.

As the esteemed God of War, when had he ever associated with women of this caliber? Even if noble ladies sought his affection, he remained disinterested.

Feeling increasingly uncomfortable, he couldn't sit still any longer. "Mr. Lin, I'll take my leave!"

Lin Beifan waved dismissively. "Feel free to enjoy yourselves. Don't mind me! We're all friends here!"

Ye Xiuwen chuckled. "Exactly! Sit down if you're a man!"

In an effort to gain Lin Beifan's trust, Ye Xingchen reluctantly took a seat and endured the advances of the two young models, who shamelessly took advantage of his presence.

Lin Beifan, seated beside him, watched with amusement. It was a rare sight to see the mighty God of War in such a predicament. He intended to savor every moment of it.

At that moment, He Xiuwen raised his glass. "Brother, a toast to you!"

Lin Beifan was about to decline when Liu Rumei, seated nearby, interjected, "My boss has work tomorrow morning. Let's refrain from drinking tonight to avoid any mishaps."

Lin Beifan readily agreed. "That's right! I have important matters to attend to tomorrow."

He Xiuwen looked embarrassed. "But, brother, if you visit my establishment and don't indulge in a drink or two, what's the point? I'd be embarrassed if others found out!"

"Indeed, it wouldn't be appropriate," Lin Beifan remarked, gesturing towards Ye Xingchen. "How about my brother here accompanies you for a drink?"

He Xiuwen eagerly accepted the proposal. "Brother Ye? Sounds good! Here's to you, Brother Ye! Bottoms up!"

Feeling hesitant, Ye Xingchen replied, "Mr. Lin, this isn't appropriate. I'll be driving later."

With a reassuring smile, Lin Beifan insisted, "Don't worry, I can handle the driving. But you must indulge my brother's hospitality and have a drink!"

Considering his options, Ye Xingchen reasoned that a few glasses of wine wouldn't do any harm.

"I can hold my liquor," he declared, lifting the glass to his lips.

"Excellent! Another round!" He Xiuwen poured another glass without hesitation.

Lin Beifan observed the two men drinking together and silently pondered, "By the way, System, if I make a wish, which protagonist will receive double the benefits? Will it apply to all protagonists?"

"Ding! The Heavenly Path setting is the closest to reality, making adjustments conveniently!"

"In that case, I have no objections!" Lin Beifan grinned. "I wish to get extremely drunk tonight, feeling ecstatic and euphoric!"

"Ding! Wish granted!"

As Ye Xingchen downed another glass of wine, he began to feel lightheaded.

"What's in this wine? I'm the God of War—I don't get drunk!"

When he opened his eyes again, he found his vision blurred, his face flushed. He immediately poured another round of drinks for himself and his companions, urging them enthusiastically, "Drink up! Anyone who refuses is a coward!"

Impressed by Ye Xingchen's sudden change in demeanor, He Xiuwen commented, "Your brother is quite entertaining!"

Raising his glass once more, he exclaimed, "Cheers!"

Thus, the drinking contest between the two parties ensued.

Round after round, they emptied bottles of red, white, and yellow wine.

In a matter of moments, the table was littered with empty bottles.

He Xiuwen, now sprawled on the sofa, waved his hand drunkenly. "I surrender! Drink to your heart's content! Uh..."

"Pathetic! You're defeated by so little alcohol!" Ye Xingchen sneered.

The two young models beside him cheered in response.

"Oppa, it's impressive how much you can drink! You're so brave!"

"I adore you, Oppa!"

"Keke! I'm even braver in bed!" Ye Xingchen leered provocatively.

His hands grew increasingly bold as he embraced the two models, taking liberties with their affections.

Liu Rumei's expression soured as she shot Lin Beifan a disdainful glare.

"Ugh! Men are all the same!"

Lin Beifan, lost in thought as he sipped his drink, remained silent.