
Villain: Puppeteer Narrator

After being the narrator of the bored gods for who knows how long, Auriel knew that his future was bleak and uncertain. His life was boring and hard after suppressing his true self to live a few days more to live until he couldn't. It was unknown if it was luck or bad luck but, his punishment after he made a god furious was to transmigrate into the body of a villainous piggy noble he was narrating a while ago.  This was both an opportunity for him to live a good life to spite the gods and while at it maybe torment the protagonist who he deemed as the reason for his punishment.   But for some reason, troubles were following him like a plague. Vicious fiends who possess bodies, shape shifts, manipulate the minds of people, and are more vicious than fiends, humans.  Fortunately, he possessed the power to control things like a puppet. However, this newfound ability came at a price that he didn't know… ----------- Join my Discord server : https://discord.gg/H5fw9qhk2a

Kayleren · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
88 Chs

Shapeshifter Devolved

After hearing Gordon's words, Auriel decided to get out of this auction house without thinking for more than a second. 

Though firstly, he needed to do a few things to guarantee his life and increase his survival rate. 

Hence he suddenly pulled Sebastian to himself, causing him to fall to the floor, then without minding the nervous voices of Sebastian, he injected 2 strings into him, precisely onto his other leg for more control over him. 

After his job with Sebastian was over, he turned to sleeping Elise and called Gordon to his side. Then, he injected 2 strings into Elise's body, with the ability of Gordon that made Elise sleep deeply without feeling the discomfort that was usually caused when injected string into the body.

With this, he didn't have any more capacity to control more people, as 7 of his fingers were occupied by Sebastian while the other 3 were occupied by Gordon and Elise, respectively 2 and 1.

Anyway, Auriel lifted 2 of his fingers, making Elise float into the air with the 2 visible ethereal black strings that connected to her back and neck. 

Unfortunately, he wasn't at the level to hide these strings while controlling a living puppet. But there was no need to hide these strings right now either as there were no witnesses around. 

"Where are the Monstrosities? Do you sense them?" Auriel asked, his voice was low, almost a whisper. 

Gordon shook his head gravely "No, they hid their presence." 

"Hmmm, then we will get out of this room and will walk in a clear line. In front will be Sebastian, after him will be you, then me and Elise at my back." Auriel said while pointing out Sebastian, Gordon, and floating Elise respectively. 

After receiving a stern nod from Gordon and a cowardly shake from Sebastian, Auriel just controlled Sebastian, making him stick his head out from the door. 

"Do you see any fiends?" Auriel asked coldly, which all he received was a desperate 'No!'

"Welp, use your ability to become the greatest meat shield in history, or else you will die," Auriel stated calmly and controlled Sebastian again to take a step out of the room. Then with a head sign, he sent Gordon after Sebastian and followed after them, stepping into the pool of blood while Elise was floating behind his back. 

Auriel turned around to see the situation. The once pure white, luxurious walls were cracked and smeared with the black and red blood of humans and fiends. There were human and fiend body parts everywhere, giving a very strong metallic scent. 

And a few alive red-skinned small fiends, the same as the fiend Gordon has killed. They were crouching in front of a corpse and biting, gulping something. Strangely they were munching on the metal armor of a guard, with their blackish razor-sharp teeth, instead of its flesh. 

With every meal they ate, their broken claws regenerated while becoming tougher and sharper. 

Then Auriel heard a voice from the front line, Sebastian. His face was pale and he was holding over his stomach while trembling violently. It was apparent that Sebastian was about to puke and he was trying to bend over subconsciously, but Auriel was holding Sebastian's strings tightly, not giving him control of his body. 

But this was not a good choice as Sebastian began to puke while standing straight with tears coming from his eyes, letting out some noises. 

And because of these noises, the red-skinned fiends who were munching on the plate armor turned their heads to Auriel's group sharply and their eyes widened, showing their black sclera and red eyes that shined with slight intelligence and extreme lust for blood and destruction. 

Gordon lifted his spear before they charged here but Auriel just tapped Gordon's shoulder and leaned to his ear. 

Gordon's eyes widened for a moment and nodded with understanding. 

The red-skinned fiends run towards them on all 4, exactly 5 of them. Gordon just walked in front of Sebastian and waited without lifting his spear. 

Red-skinned fiend's movements slowed down slowly but surely and when they came too close, their eyes closed and they fell to the floor like a rag doll. All of this happened in the span of 5 seconds. 

Auriel's lips stretched slightly after seeing this and patted Gordon's shoulder, pointing at Sebastian. 

Gordon just tapped Sebastian's forehead, making him fall asleep and fall to the bloodied floor. 

Auriel crouched in front of Sebastian and pulled the strings in his neck and arm, gaining 3 strings back. 

Then he injected these strings in one of the red-skinned fiends and noticed the fact that he could completely move this fiend's 3 limbs with 3 strings. 

"Hmm, this fiend is Shapeshifter Devolved but I can move its limbs finely without extra strings like a human," Auriel murmured and added with a slight joy in his voice. 

"So, size matters more instead of strength as this fiend is just stronger than Sebastian by a slight margin."

Suddenly, the red-skinned fiend got up from the floor with its eyes still closed and awkwardly lifted one of its metallic claws. 

"How strange… It feels weird to move its limbs as if I am writing with my left hand instead of my right hand. Is it because it is slightly conscious rather than fully conscious like humans?" Auriel whispered as he tapped on his chin. 

But this thought process didn't last long as he got interrupted by Gordon and his serious tone. 

"You can think this more in the Weaver mansion, young master Auriel. For now, can we test if it will be out of your control when it changes its form to a liquid-like state?"