

boy who had his life a little not very good due to an accident had his life taken away and receives a second chance to start his life over again

angleila · LGBT+
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I never thought I would die this way and.....so young lol, I shouldn't be laughing while I drown, this is Hilarious...wow what a headache..... .....


Nick :on

I open my eyes a little slowly, I realize that I'm in a very, very white place, I try to think about the last thing that happened, I remember being swimming and suddenly I drowned, I was with a Severe headache spin my thoughts I hear a sweet and gentle but thick voice.

God :___Nicolas space___

Nick:___Yes, who is calling me?___answer immediately

God:___I am the one in your world they call me God___

Nick:___~~Haa.....so that means I really died~~___I said almost in a whisper

God:___Well first I have to apologize due to a mistake your life was taken from you so we decided to reincarnate you in any world you want and you can have powers if you want too What do you say?___asks the voice hoping to give an answer.

Faced with this wonderful offer, I didn't even care that they took my life by accident, I thought a lot and gave my answer.

Nick:___Lord God, I ask that you send me to an era where the cultivation of powers existed and that I can use any power that may exist in this world___I felt a little abusing God's offer.

But to my surprise he's just agreed .

Upon your request, you will be reincarnated in the era where motivators existed and you will be able to learn the language at the same time the person speaks to you, you will have all the powers that may exist there. But you are the villain due to a misunderstanding you were accused of annihilating an entire city But don't worry, this hasn't happened yet, use your powers for whatever you think is right. And enjoy your second chance and live a happy life.

God:___THANK YOU GOD!!!___I scream as I'm being carried away by a fog.

I can't wait to find out what this new one has in store for me.

It's going to be a great adventure

Name: Nick

Age: 16

Power: all

Personality: cute, baby-faced, but he's the devil himself, he likes to read, he's very curious, very competitive, don't mess with what's his.

Thank you so much for reading, I really appreciate it

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