
Ride and a New Friend

(A/N): English is not my language, so if you find a grammatical error let me know; 🇧🇷

After finding his newest creation, Dr. Eggman had taken Aaron to a lab to run some tests on him and check that all was well with his new project. Aaron was seen sitting at a table while Orbot and Cubot helped their creator with the boy's checkup.

Orbot: His temperature is normal sir.

Cubot: Heartbeat is steady and the Chaos energy in it is well controlled.

Orbot: His body skeleton is made of the same material as Emeralds and ten times stronger, and he seems to be doing fine.

Cubot: I think we can say that he has an iron health.

Dr. Eggman: That's excellent! It looks like everything is ok. How does Aaron feel?

Aaron: I'm fine I think. But doctor?

Dr. Eggman: Yes?

Aaron: What am I exactly?

Dr. Eggman: You are my greatest creation. I created you with the DNA of other beings, you are a Hedgehog Echidna.

Aaron: You raised me, didn't you? So... I'm not real?

Dr. Eggman: But of course it is.

Aaron: But if I was created with someone else's DNA, doesn't that make me a clone?

Dr. Eggman: Well... in a way.

Aaron's gaze dropped at that, the idea of ​​being just a copy of someone saddened and terrified him, he then returned his gaze to his hands to see the claws protruding from his knuckles before asking.

Aaron: Why do I have claws on my hands?

Dr. Eggman: Uh, because they're part of your body.

Aaron: They said my skeleton is made of crystal, shouldn't it be made of bones?

Dr. Eggman: It should, but that's to make you stronger.

Aaron: Stronger? Why?

Dr. Eggman: To fulfill your destiny, your goal. Destroy Sonic and his friends!

Aaron: Who is Sonic? Wait, Metal Sonic doesn't have that name?

Dr. Eggman: Sonic is an evil that has been causing me problems for a long time, I created you to destroy him and destroy anyone who tries to stop me. Metal Sonic is a robotic copy of Sonic that I created for the same purpose, but he failed to do that. You will understand with time.

Aaron was even more crestfallen when he thought that his reason for existing was to destroy something, but if this Sonic was evil then there shouldn't be a problem isn't it, not to mention he didn't want to disappoint his creator.

His thoughts were cut short when Metal Sonic entered the room carrying a pair of gloves and a pair of brown sneakers with him. The robot walked up to Aaron before handing him the items.

Metal Sonic: Here, put this.

Aaron: For me?

Metal just looked at him with his cold red eyes and nodded in response. Aaron gained a smile from that before picking up his things and talking happily.

Aaron: It's the first gift I get in my life. Thank you brother.

Metal watched him for a moment, it was the first time anyone had ever thanked him for something and he couldn't understand or process why, but he felt happier about it.

Metal Sonic: You're welcome.

Aaron put on the gloves, they were white with fingers like Sonic's, but with holes for his claws. He put them on before flexing his hands to feel the soft fabric and grinning at that. He then slipped on his shoes before climbing onto the table and testing them out doing a little dance before smiling.

Aaron: Ahah I'm stylish!

Dr. Eggman turned his gaze to one of the windows to see that it was still night before returning his gaze to his creation.

Dr. Eggman: It's late, let's go to sleep. Come with me Aaron. I'll show you his room.

Aaron then left the room and followed the mustachioed. Soon they came to a door, Dr. Eggman opened it and let Aaron in, when he entered the boy saw his room before earning a smile on his face. There was a bed with a green sheet for Aaron to sleep on, a nightstand at the head of the bed, a bookcase with books, a Ping Pong table, a table with a computer, a skateboard leaning against the bed next to a soccer ball and a TV on the wall. in front of the bed of the Hedgehog Equidna.

Aaron earned a smile before entering the room and looking around with a happy look.

Aaron: Is this all for me?

He then turns his gaze to his creator before running up to him and hugging him.

Aaron: Thanks, Dad.

Dr. Eggman stiffened at both that one and the sudden embrace, but he returned the gesture with a small smile on his face.

Dr. Eggman: You're welcome... my son...

Days later...

Aaron was seen kicking his soccer ball across the base as he ran through the hallways past Orbot and Cubot who scolded him for it.

Aaron: Sorry Uncle Orbot and Uncle Cubot! I will play outside!

He walked the halls while kicking the ball and humming.

Aaron: Is Metal in the mood to play?

He then kicks the ball up into the air before heading it a few times before doing stunts before taking a bicycle kick. As a result of this the ball flew through the corridors before entering a darkened room.

Aaron: Oops.

Aaron swallowed hard as he saw where the ball had landed, it was Dr. Eggman where only himself could enter. The Hedgehog Echidna thought for a moment before coming to a conclusion.

Aaron: No one will know, right? I have to go fast, get the ball and that's it.

He entered the room as the door behind him closed leaving the place dark.

Aaron: Hi? Is anyone home?

The lights then suddenly came on and Aaron jumped startled at this before sinking his claws into the ceiling. He looked around before seeing the ball sitting a few feet away, wasting no time walking across the ceiling before going down and catching the ball. Unfortunately, in doing so, Aaron ended up going through a laser alarm that activated the computers that, upon realizing the intruder, aimed several weapons at him.

Aaron: Oops, it went bad.

Computer: Starting scanning system.

Soon the computer began scanning the intruder while the guns continued to be pointed at him.

Computer: Intruder scanned.

Soon the computer recognized Aaron as the weapons began to retract one by one and the Hedgehog Echidna heaved a relieved sigh.

Computer: Intruder identified. Intruder identified as: Project Weapon Aaron (Arma Aniquiladora Robotnik Obliteradora Numero 0).

Aaron: It's not "Project Weapon Aaron (Arma Aniquiladora Robotnik Obliteradora Numero 0)", it's Aaron Robotinik the Hedgehog Echidna.

Computer: Name not recognized. Accessing Doctor Ivo Robotinik's evil secret projects. Searching for data on Project Weapon Aaron.

Several random images of Dr. Eggman appeared on the screen one after the other revealing the designs of some Badniks and various other machines that the scientist had created. Soon the computer beeped when it found the data it was looking for.

Computer: Search completed. Accessing data on Project Weapon Aaron.

On the computer screen an image of Aaron was shown while below it appeared flashing written in big red letters the phrase "Extremely Dangerous". Aaron seeing this gained a slightly shocked look as the computer continued to speak.

Computer: Extremely Dangerous. Accessing materials used to create Project Weapon Aaron.

The image changes to a large explosion that scares Aaron, just as the dust settles a red Echidna, Knuckles, is revealed to be fighting and tearing apart several Badniks before turning to the camera with an angry glare before charging towards her and destroying her. with a punch.

Computer: Big fists and strong claws of Knuckles the last Echidna, used to attack with great brute force.

Aaron looks at the focused image of Knuckles' fists on-screen before looking down at his own hands in fear to see that they were equal if not more destructive than Echidna's own. The image then changes to show a blue Hedgehog, Sonic, as he runs at high speed and destroys several robots and fights Metal Sonic.

Computer: Sonic the Hedgehog's fast and agile legs, used to get around at high speeds.

Aaron looks at the image of Sonic that appeared on the screen before looking at himself and noticing the similarities between him and the blue Hedgehog, such as the spikes he had on his back. Aaron then saw the recordings of Sonic fighting Metal which startled him into thinking that he had been created with the DNA of someone who was attacking his brother.

The image then changes to now show a Black Hedgehog with red stripes on his fur, Shadow the Hedgehog carried a serious and menacing expression on his face that intimidated Aaron.

Computer: Shadow the Hedgehog's powers and abilities, terrifying and destructive powers used for total annihilation.

The screen then presents an image of Shadow fighting multiple soldiers, knocking each one down and perhaps breaking a rib or two, the black hedgehog then pulls out his signature weapon before starting to shoot the various targets that have fallen to the ground.

Aaron's frightened look intensified with the scenes he saw, and the thought of having been created with the DNA of such dangerous beings scared him even more along with the thought of being not only a clone, but also a monster.

The computer then returns to displaying an image of Aaron before speaking again.

Computer: Starting simulation.

The image on the screen then changes to show that Aaron was now seen with a wicked and sadistic expression as he held a laser gun in each hand and laughed devilishly. Seeing that, the Hedgehog Echidna gives a startled sigh before taking a few steps back in fear.

The screen then displays a simulation video where Aaron is seen shooting around with laser guns and blowing things up before using his super strength to smash cars, destroy houses while running at high speed and screams of terror could be heard right behind. .

That vision of himself wreaking havoc caused dread and fear in the Hedgehog Echidna as he raised his arms and waved them frantically while desperately screaming for the computer to stop the simulation.

Aaron: No! Wait! Stop! STOP!

Computer: The simulation has stopped.

The screen then pauses on an image of Aaron wreaking havoc on a city while a burning background can be seen behind him. The Hedgehog Echidna looked at that frightened image with his hands on his face as he breathed heavily.

Aaron: I'm a clone... I'm a monster...

Aaron's ears droop as he picks up his ball and leaves the room before closing the door he walks down the hall he then enters his room before dropping the ball and sitting on his bed before hugging his legs in sadness and sink your head into them while a sad look appears on your face.

Two months later...

Two months passed quickly, Aaron's powers began to awaken like Knuckles' super strength and Sonic's super speed, but there was no hint of the powers he was supposed to receive from Emeralds or Shadow. Metal was in charge of monitoring his development, since Aaron woke up the Base seemed to have a newer, more alive air, Dr. Eggman was shown to be more gentle and it seemed that a father's instinct had awakened in him as he became more affectionate and considerate of his creations.

This change had affected even the cold Metal Sonic, he had started to show more emotions, but he still kept his usual cold form, the contact with Aaron was being good for him in the end as Aaron didn't show to be afraid of him and treated him like a real person, more than that, like his real brother and that made the robot Hedgehog gain some affection for the Hedgehog Echidna, starting to see him as his younger brother.

But that doesn't mean that Dr. Eggman and Metal had taken it easy on Aaron as he had to train to fulfill his goal for the reason he was created, so Aaron started training in combat with Metal while learning more about his powers which he found a lot of fun, especially the fact that when he ran fast he could feel the breeze hitting his face and he loved that feeling. But the thought of being a clone still haunted the Hedgehog Echidna's mind along with the doubts he had about becoming a villain.

Today at Doctor Eggman's base several of the Doctor's robots were seen gathered in a room sitting in a wheel, among them were Aaron and Metal Sonic along with some other minor villains like Fang the sniper also known as Nack the Weasel, the leader of the Deadly Six aka Zavok along with Zazz the craziest of the bunch. On the wall behind them was a banner with the words "Reunion of Villains Anonimus."

Orbot: Would anyone else like to share your problems?

Aaron then raised his hand to that and Orbot passed the floor to him before everyone turned their attention to the Hedgehog Echidna.

Aaron: My name is Aaron Robotnik, the Hedgehog Echidna.

Those in the room waved at him in response.

Villains: Hi Aaron.

He then scratches the back of his neck wondering what else he could say.

Aaron: Hmmmm... let me see... I'm 1 meter tall, I weigh almost 200 kilos and I'm a bad guy in training... they say I question things a lot, yeah, it must be true, but what can I say? It hasn't been long since I woke up. But never mind, let me see what else...

He then scratches the back of his neck thinking about what to say before looking up and continuing his speech.

Aaron: Ham, well like I said, I'm a Bad Guy in training and I'm being trained for this, to be the guy who blows things up. And I think I'm pretty good at what I do, at least that's what they want me to do. The problem is, fixing things is something that heroes do. Bad Guys destroy and naturally the little guy who is the hero fixes and prevents the villain.

Aaron then sighs before taking a look at the villains and speaking.

Aaron: And I think for everyone here, this hero that gets in the way is Sonic, right?

The villains mutter various answers while agreeing with the Hedgehog Echidna.

Aaron: Yeah folks, I've seen a couple of times when Sonic and his friends get in the way of others like us.

Aaron then has a short flashback where he sees Sonic and the gang stopping some of Dr. Eggman take over a city, and after destroying the machines the hedgehog is greeted with applause by the people. With that in mind Aaron continues his dialogue.

Aaron: And when Sonic does that he gets applause and affection from the others, but... do they give the bad guy something? Hmm, you're kidding, right? No! Of course not! They don't even try to understand the reason for the guy's actions, they just go in there, throw his mistakes in his face and lock him in prison without even giving him a chance to explain himself. Is not?

The villains let out more murmurs in agreement.

Aaron: I woke up two months ago and heard about several Bad Guys that were doomed to oblivion without anyone caring. I'm being trained by my brother Metal Sonic to be the best he can be and that's very lucky, since he's one of the best villains I know. But it's just that... sorry for the rant, but it's hard to like this job when no one else likes what you do.

Aaron then looks up with a tired and thoughtful expression.

Aaron: I dunno... maybe I wouldn't feel this way if things were different for us... but for us it is. Sonic and his friends get together with people and cheer that Sonic just saved them and stuff... and they all are happy while we are left alone with our failure and loneliness as our only companions to keep us company. And when I say loneliness I mean loneliness of being alone, like without anyone. Because after all, no one wants to be friends with a villain, but they only see us for that and don't even care to know us. I look kind of sad, but I think I'm fine. To be honest with myself... I've seen Sonic, getting a pat on the back, people giving him pies and various other things,... thanking him, everyone happy to be with him... sometimes I think.. *deep sigh* Yeah... It must be great to be the good guy.

Aaron opened his eyes to see the villains looking at him with mixed looks of understanding and sympathy while some even had small tears in their eyes at the boy's speech. The villains then clapped at his beautiful words earning Aaron a small smile.

Cubot: Nice testimony Aaron, all of us bad guys have felt what you're feeling and we've dealt with it.

Aaron then gained a curious look at this.

Aaron: Really?

Zavok: My turn.

Zavok then raises his hand to get everyone's attention before speaking.

Zavok: I am Zavok, I am a bad guy.

The rest of the villains waved at him as they greeted him.

Villains: Hi Zavok.

Aaron: Hi, Zavok.

Said villain turns his attention to Aaron.

Zavok: I understand you, Aaron. When I asked for help I would crush skulls like bird eggs with just my thumb.

The others in the room laughed at this before he continued.

Zavok: And I was like, "Why do you have to be mean, Zavok?" "Why can't you be like the good guy?"

Aaron nodded at this trying to understand the train of thought as the horned villain continued his speech.

Zavok: Then I had a moment of clarity. If Zavok turns into a good guy, who's going to crush skulls like bird eggs with just his thumb.

The other villains nodded in agreement at that.

Zavok: And I said Zavok, yoou are bad guy, but this does not mean you're a 'bad guy'.

The other villains clapped for him and Aaron raised an eyebrow, unable to understand or follow the reasoning.

Aaron: All right. Sorry guys, now I'm more confused.

It was Zazz's turn to speak when he suddenly jumped from his spot next to Aaron, startling the Hedgehog Echidna.

Zazz: Zazz! Bad Guy!

The villains wave at him in response.

Villains: Hi Zazz.

Aaron: Hi, Zazz.

Zazz then starts talking while growling with his tongue out having a lunatic air around him that startled Aaron as he stared at the villain awkwardly.

Zazz: Zavok says "Labels don't bring happiness". Good! Bad! Grrr! You must love you.

Fang: Yeah! With the heart!

Zazz then leans into Aaron's face as his tongue hangs out of his mouth as his breath penetrates the Echidna hedgehog's nose, before he pulls out the pendulum tongue.

Aaron: Okay, just get over there.

Orbot: Aaron, we've been inviting you to the Villains Anonymous meeting since the moment you woke up, and just today... you decided to show up. What is the reason?

Aaron scratched his chin before answering.

Aaron: I don't know, today I felt like it and Dr. Eggman asked me to come in his place as he was kind of busy. I mean, it must also have something to do with the fact that...

Metal Sonic: Today it's been two months since he woke up.

Fang then puts a hand on Aaron's shoulder while giving him a smile.

Fang: Ah, I'm glad for you newbie.

Aaron: Thanks, Feng.

Fang: Uh, it's Fang, actually.

Aaron: Okay, sorry for the mistake.

Aaron then sighs before thinking about what he was going to say.

Aaron: But there's one thing... *sighs* II don't know if I want to be the bad guy.

Villains: Ohhhhhhh!!!

The villains widened their eyes upon hearing this, having different reactions, Orbot and Cubot cringed upon hearing that, Fang fell to the floor being accompanied by some Badniks who were in the room, Zazz closed his huge mouth while widening his eyes, Zavok stayed with the mouth open with his chin almost touching the ground, even Metal Sonic was surprised when his visor flashed red a few times before going out of breath as red letters written "ERROR" appeared in the visor of his eyes.

The villains started muttering among themselves as they recovered from the words they had just heard before Metal spoke in his cold voice.

Metal Sonic: You can't mess up the Aaron show.

Fang: You are not wanting to switch sides.

Aaron: Switch sides? No, I don't want to switch sides! Come on guys! Is it switching sides wanting to have a friend? Or a pat on the back? Or a piece of pie every now and then? Is it changing sides wanting more out of life?

Zazz: Ehhhhhh!

Metal turned his gaze to his "brother" before speaking in his cold metallic voice.

Metal Sonic: Aaron Aaron, we get it, but we can't change who we are and the sooner you accept it, the better it will be for you and also for your life.

Zavok then gives the Hedgehog Echidna a sympathetic look.

Zavok: That's hard, take one day at a time Aaron.

Aaron gives a weak sigh at this before speaking.

Aaron: *sigh* Alright then.

Cubot: Okay, now let's close out whit the bad guy affirmation.

The villains stand up before holding hands, closing their eyes and speaking in chorus with the exception of Aaron.

Villains: I'm bad, and that's good. I will never be good, and that's not bad. There's no one I'd rather be than me.

With that said the villains begin to withdraw from the place. Fang then pats Aaron on the shoulder.

Fang: Hang in there, newbie.

As they left the room, Orbot and Cubot stayed behind to tidy the room and the other Badniks went about their own business, Aaron and Metal Sonic accompanied the other villains to the exit. After they were gone, Metal started walking into the base, but stopped when he saw Aaron watching the horizon. The metallic Hedgehog cocked its head a little to the side seeing Aaron's distant behavior, not understanding the reason for that, so he walked over to the Hedgehog Echidna before speaking.

Metal Sonic: You seem distracted.

Aaron: *sarcastic* Did you notice?

Metal Sonic: What bothers you?

Aaron: *sigh* Nothing Metal. I'm fine.

Metal Sonic: You don't look good. Your behavior is different from normal. Dr. Eggman put me in charge of watching his growth and development. I'll use the scanner.

Aaron: No, not even coming.

A light flashed on Metal Sonic's visor before scanning Aaron from top to bottom, doing so the light went out as the robot's eyes returned to normal he declared without emotion.

Metal Sonic: Scanned.

Aaron: He ignored me.

Metal watched the results that appeared on his viewfinder carefully before processing the obtained data and declaring while Aaron raised an eyebrow in confusion.

Metal Sonic: You don't have any injuries, but your hormonal and neural levels indicate mood swings in adolescence. You were created two months ago, but you have the mind of a person between 15 and 16 years old. Diagnosis: Puberty.

Aaron: Uh?

Metal Sonic: Puberty can be a confusing time for a teenager becoming a man.

Aaron: (Thoughts) I think he went into encyclopedia mode. Did I fix him right after that day when we were training and I punched him really hard? I have to remember to ask Dr. Eggman to take a look at Metal. (Out of thoughts) Seriously Metal? Because I can't even leave the Base without someone keeping an eye on me.

Aaron then turns his gaze to a barrier that hid the Base serving as a secret hideout.

Aaron: I woke up two months ago and never left the Base. I wish I could get through that barrier and see things with my own eyes, maybe meet people and make friends.

Metal Sonic: Dr. Eggman did not give him permission to leave the Base's boundaries.

The Hedgehog Echidna just sighs sadly at this as he lowers his head.

Aaron: I know...

Metal thought for a while before turning his gaze to his "brother".

Metal Sonic: Would leaving Base stabilize your mood swings?

Aaron: I think so...

Aaron walked around the base while Metal followed before entering his room and plopping down on the bed and burying his head in the pillow. Metal watched him curiously before Aaron spoke.

Aaron: What happened now?

Metal Sonic: Is not having friends that bad?

Aaron: It's Metal, do you understand what it's like?

Metal Sonic: I'm a robot, I have no friends.

Aaron: It really hurts, you know?

Metal Sonic: I see no evidence of physical damage.

Aaron: It's another kind of pain.

Metal then approaches him before speaking.

Metal Sonic: You are my responsibility. I was in charge of taking care of her physical and psychological well-being. I want to help you.

Aaron: I don't know if you can.

Aaron then hears a strange noise and pulls his face out of the pillow before looking at Metal to see him with one of his robotic hands over Aaron's bedroom computer as the screen shows various images and data randomly changing while various data appears on the display. of metal. Confused by the robot's action Aaron asked.

Aaron: What are you doing?

Metal Sonic: Downloading data on "friendship".

Metal removed his hand from the computer as his eyes blinked before returning to normal and he spoke.

Metal Sonic: Download complete. Treatment is contact with friends and relatives. As your older brother I will help you, but you must also make friends.

Aaron earned a small smile at that before he spoke.

Aaron: Thanks bro. But how can I make friends if I can't get out of here?

Metal turned his gaze to the window in Aaron's room before looking at the barrier that hid the Base when his eyes flickered and he had an idea.

Soon after, Metal and Aaron were seen on the edge of the base's terrain already close to the barrier before the Hedgehog Echidna spoke uncertainly.

Aaron: I don't know Metal, are you sure about that bro?

Metal Sonic: The Dr. Eggman said you couldn't leave the base without permission. However, you have to make friends, so you have my permission to leave as long as you don't delay.

Aaron gained a happy expression upon hearing this before giving the robot a hug. Metal tensed from the Hedgehog Echidna's action before he released him and walked over to the barrier before touching it with his hand which soon went through it.

Aaron turned his gaze to Metal who just waved at him encouraging him to go on his way.

Aaron: I'll be right back.

Metal Sonic: Be careful.

Aaron: Leave it bro.

Aaron crossed the barrier before taking a few steps forward and stopping, he looked around at the landscape before turning his gaze back to see the invisible entrance. He then turns his gaze to the forest in front of him before earning a smile on his face. He then crouches down doing the same position Sonic does before running.

Aaron: Gotta go fast!

Like a rocket in orbit, Aaron shoots at high speed through the forest as a trail of dust rises wherever he passes. He earns a smile as he feels the wind hit his face as he runs, he leaps over rocks and fallen trees as he continues to run before curling up into a ball and making his way through the trees and ricocheting back and forth.

Aaron: Oooh!

He passes over a dirt bridge that soon collapses after he crosses it, then he passes several times in a row through a crooked tree loop before heading towards a ramp. Aaron stops before he gets up and looks at the ramp before having an idea.

He takes a few steps back before running as fast as he can towards the ramp before taking off and taking to the skies. He flew high feeling the breeze hitting his face and falling back, he looks at the beautiful view in front of him for a while before feeling gravity pull him back to the ground.

Aaron stretched his arms forward before starting to glide like Knuckles used to do. Eventually he ended up getting close to the ground before landing, Aaron looked around to see he was in a quieter part of the forest before he started walking.

Aaron: And now? where am i?

As he walks through the woods he starts to think about what Dr. Eggman and the other villains had told him while remembering the files he had seen on Project Weapon Aaron.

Metal Sonic: (In Aaron's mind) You can't mess up Aaron's show. We cannot change who we are and the sooner you accept it, the better it will be for you and also for your life.

Zavok: (In Aaron's mind) Take one day at a time Aaron.

Dr. Eggman: (In Aaron's mind) I created you to destroy him and destroy anyone who tries to stop me. You will understand with time.

Aaron sighs wearily before starting to walk, his shoes crunching the red autumn leaves as he walked. He then hears a noise before looking for the source of the sound and finding nothing. He resumes walking before hearing the same noise before speaking suspiciously.

Aaron: What was that?

He takes a step before kicking a pebble that cork before stopping on top of some leaves, suddenly the leaves give way to the ground falling into a deep hole revealing that it was a trap. Aaron raises an eyebrow at this before speaking.

Aaron: Who would make a hole in the middle of the forest? Go see Metal is playing a trick on me.

He walks back, but activates a trap and without him noticing a small stone falls in front of him causing the Hedgehog Echidna to trip and fall. He looks at the stone confused before speaking as he stands up.

Aaron: That's normal.

He quickly looks around before he starts singing absently.

Aaron: This will all make sense when I am older

Someday I will see that this makes sense

The Hedgehog Echidna turns around to see several traps, nets, and other traps he had unintentionally activated, he raises an eyebrow at this before continuing on his way.

Aaron: One day when I'm old and wise

I'll think back and realize

That these were all completely normal events


Aaron quickly ducks as a rope-bound log comes towards him, after dodging the sneak attack he shrugs his shoulders before continuing on his way.

Aaron: (Thoughts) That's normal. (Out of thoughts) I'll have all the answers when I'm older

Like why we're in this dark enchanted wood

Aaron then passes through some bushes in a darker area of ​​the forest before starting to pull out some twigs and leaves that got stuck in its thorns. Then a shadow of him is projected on the wall, but with a scary appearance, but the boy is not shaken by it.

Aaron: I know in a couple years

These will seems like childish fears

And so I know this isn't bad, it's good

Several red eyes stare at him from the dark as fangs appear which makes Aaron gulp before speaking nervously.

Aaron: Excuse me.

In another moment he is seen walking calmly without realizing that he activated another trap that made a rock roll towards him and pass behind him missing him by a few centimeters, but Aaron didn't notice as he continued walking.

Aaron: Growing up means adapting

Puzzling at your world and your place

He walks to the edge of a lake before looking at his own reflection.

Aaron: When I'm more mature

I'll feel totally secure

Being watched by something

Witha creepy, creepy face

Suddenly, a stake digs into the ground, missing Aaron's feet a few centimeters, who when he sees this he gets a fright and starts to run while screaming, his action ended up activating more traps around as stakes and rocks flew to hit him, but missed him by little.

In his wild run, Aaron ends up tripping over a tree root before falling into a huge hole like the one he had found earlier. He slowly stands up as he brushes the dust and dirt out of his fur before walking over to one of the walls of the hole, sinking his claws into it and starting to climb out.

Aaron: See, that will all make sense when I am older

So there's no need to be terrified or tense

Once out of the hole he looks at it before earning a smile at the usefulness of his claws before pounding his fists happily.

Aaron: I'll just dream about a time

When I'm in my age of prime

'Cause when you're older

Absolutely everything makes sense

Aaron gets a look on his face before he speaks calmly and starts walking again.

Aaron: This is fine!

But when he was about to take a step, he felt his foot being pulled.

Aaron: Woahhh!

The next thing the Hedgehog Echidna knew it was hanging upside down. Aaron then looked down his leg to see his ankle tied to a rope, hanging from a tree.

Aaron: But what...?

Aaron grabbed his leg before trying to climb up to untie the rope, failing he looked at his fist before earning a determined look and trying to cut the rope with his claws, but stopped when he was startled to hear a war cry and fast footsteps coming. in your direction.

???: Ahhhhh!

Aaron: What is this?!

Aaron looked around before trying to turn around to see the other side and it was just in time when he saw a figure emerge from the bushes giving Aaron a better view of who or what it was.

The figure that appeared in front of him was an anthropomorphic badger just a little shorter than Aaron. She has orange fur with long, thick hair on the back of her head, which she keeps in two strands of red strands, and two brown stripes on each of her eyes, and thick, round ears that reach the end of her hair. She is quite athletic, with a peach snout, a small black nose, blue eyes, and a medium-length bushy tail.

The attire she wore consists of a top and skirt with an Auburn rope belt, each made of frayed gray fabric sewn together, and tan fur boots, one with a fur cuff and the other with metal bands. As accessories, she has a golden sash on her right arm, a spiral bracelet on her left wrist, and a braided shell necklace and gold ring.

Aaron watched her with a curious, surprised look.

Aaron: (Thoughts) She's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. She's cool, she's the first girl I've ever seen in my life, but still, Wow, she's beautiful.

Only the Hedgehog Echidna didn't have time to think or to say anything when the badger started screaming like a wild as he started hitting him with a stick.

Aaron: Ouch! Wow! Hey! Stop it!

Aaron then tried to use his arms to protect himself as she continued to hit him.

Aaron: You have a strong arm, right?

The Badger raises the staff and Aaron, seeing this, spoke angrily.

Aaron: Put the bat down.

In response he was met with a club, irritated by this Aaron waited for the next blow before grabbing the bat with both hands and facing the girl. The two looked into each other's eyes for a few seconds before Aaron spoke in annoyance.

Aaron: Are you done hitting me yet?

The wild Badger looked at him with anger in her eyes.

Sticks: Silence! I know the alien-controlled government controlled your mind to destroy me! But forget it! This will not happen!

She tried to pull the bat back, but Aaron held it tight as he had more physical strength than she did and pulled it back, as a result they ended up with foreheads glued together as they stared into each other's eyes snarling at each other.

Even standing upside down, Aaron could clearly see the angry expression in the badger's eyes as he tightened his grip on the staff. He noticed that his fur was all messed up, and his face had some paint on it.

Aaron: Hey, what's up wild girl, calm down! I don't know who you are, but you need to relax a little! I was not sent by the government to destroy you!

Sticks: That's exactly what a robot would say!

Aaron: And I'm not a robot either! I was just minding my own business, walking through the forest, and I ended up activating your traps! Now please let me go!

Apparently, the yelling must have shocked her when Sticks exchanged her fierce gaze for a calmer one, seeing that she seemed to believe him. Aaron dropped the stick and Sticks walked away before placing it next to a tree. The Hedgehog Echidna watched in surprise as she climbed the tree and prepared to cut the rope, seeing that Aaron was alert to what was about to happen.

Aaron: Wait Wait! Ah Ahhhh!!!

But it was too late, Sticks cut the rope and Aaron hit the ground hard with a loud thud. He then sat up rubbing his head in pain as he groaned.

Aaron: Ouch... *sarcastic* Thank you so much!

Aaron then slowly stood up as Sticks jumped out of the tree and walked away.

Sticks: You'll be fine. Just pass a little dirt and it will get better.

Aaron: Oh, okay, sure. Someone here must have missed class at school, right?

Sticks: I never went to school.

Aaron: I can't judge, I never was either. But why didn't you go?

Sticks: I believe the school is a secret society full of robots who are teachers, and children are innocent beings who are being mind controlled by them.

Aaron tilted his head at this in confusion at this as he raised an eyebrow before speaking curiously.

Aaron: By the Master Emerald, who are you?

Sticks: As if you didn't know?

Aaron: No, I don't know, it's the first time I've seen you.

Sticks: Well... if you don't know... I'm Sticks the Badger.

Aaron: Sticks is it? It's a pleasure to meet you Sticks. My name is Aaron. Hope we are good friends!

Aaron gave her a smile and held out his hand, Sticks looked at him warily for a moment before squeezing his hand and as he did so she realized he had strong hands, but was surprised by the two claws that seemed to be made of metal or grayish green crystal sticking out of the knuckles of his hands, Sticks found this strange, but decided to keep quiet with a small smile on his face.

Sticks: It's my pleasure, I think.

They stared at each other for a moment as they held each other's hands before Sticks spoke.

Sticks: Aaron?

Aaron: Oh?

Sticks: You can let go of my hand now.

Aaron: Oh, okay, sorry hehehe.

He let go of her hand and spoke awkwardly, scratching the back of his head. He then looked up at the sky seeing that it was getting late before starting to walk away while waving.

Aaron: Well... it's not every day you get stuck upside down.

He got a smile on his face when he heard Sticks laugh at this.

Aaron then walks away while waving at her.

Aaron: It was nice meeting you Sticks. Hope to see you again.

Sticks: Uh, yeah, me too.

Aaron moved away from the Badger's vision until he disappeared from her vision. Sticks went his own way as he thought about the stranger he had just met, he was strange, mysterious, but at the same time he seemed nice. Sticks laughed at this before talking to herself.

Sticks: What a weird day *laughs*.

Meanwhile Aaron was seen running back to the base before stopping in front of the invisible barrier, he then carefully walks through it so that no one sees him before running to the base.

He then enters the large building as he walks around as if nothing happened, Aaron walks up to his room before entering and closing the door. He then lays back on his bed while heaving a sigh. Suddenly the lights come on and a voice speaks.

Metal Sonic: Aaron.

The said Hedgehog Echidna gets a fright before jumping into his bed and to see Metal enter the room.

Aaron: Need that Metal?! It's going to make me sick!

Metal Sonic: I was equipped with defibrillators.

The robot then shows his hands as they turn blue generating electricity and he approaches Aaron.

Metal Sonic: Want to see?

Aaron: No no no! It's just expression.

Metal then lowers his hands as the electricity fades from them, he then pulls out a chair before sitting in it.

Metal Sonic: Did you make any friends?

Aaron: Yeah, I think so.

Aaron then looks to his bedroom window to watch the sun go down as he thinks of the wild Badger he knew imagining that even under all that wild fur of hers there was a bit of silliness and even cuteness.

Aaron: (Thoughts) Sticks... the first friend I ever made. Hope to see you again.

Next chapter