
Villain: My Wish, The Enemy Gets Doubled (Complete Translation)

Funniest novel I have ever read, give it a try. ... Lin Beifan traversed a world made up of countless urban web novels and became a minor antagonist. He gained access to a wishing system, allowing him to make one wish every day. Utilizing the system's abilities, along with his own clever tactics, he managed to outwit and defeat all the protagonists, throwing the storylines into chaos. As a result, the cosmic order sought to reset the narrative and cursed Lin Beifan: any wish he made would be granted in double measure to his enemies! Lin Beifan chuckled, "Is that all?" "I wish to maintain my body temperature at 36.8 degrees Celsius!" The first protagonist's brain overheated to 73.6 degrees and perished. "I wish to get a full 12 hours of sleep every day!" The second protagonist fell into a vegetative state and perished. "I wish to be smothered to death by a woman weighing 120 pounds!" The third protagonist was flattened by a woman weighing 240 pounds and perished. And so, the narrative was thrown into chaos once again! ... 1Chap/day on Webnovel 2Chap/day on Patreon Patreon: patreon.com/ScumbagGuy ... Full Disclaimer: I am only translating this novel The author is: 清蒸

ScumbagMan · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Chapter 10: Why Is My Senior Brother Even Worse Off After Reincarnation?

'Why is it happening like this again?'

'Why must it be this way?'

In his previous life, his senior brother had lost his job due to unfortunate circumstances, leading a life of aimless drifting.

And now, after reincarnation, his senior brother's situation has worsened dramatically!

Within just two days, his brother was incarcerated.

He had been reborn for only two days and had done nothing of consequence. Yet, he found himself hospitalized, and his senior brother was in jail, ostensibly because of him!

He couldn't shake the feeling that society harbored a deep-seated malice towards him.

Could it be that even the heavens were conspiring against him?

Were they siding with this demon?

A sense of helplessness enveloped him, suffusing every fiber of his being.

'Could it be that I am fated to lose once again?'


'I will not accept defeat!'

He roared inwardly, 'Heaven has granted me a second chance, specifically to address all my regrets and vanquish this demon. The real drama is only just beginning, Lin Beifan, you better be prepared!

'I will make you suffer tenfold, even a hundredfold, for the pain you've inflicted upon me!'

Meanwhile, Lin Beifan was lost in thought as well.

Although he had severely injured the protagonist Xiao Chen's closest confidant, he knew he couldn't afford to be complacent.

Because his opponent was the heaven's favored child and would not be defeated so easily.

Given even the slightest opportunity to catch his breath, Xiao Chen would make a swift and robust comeback.

As for taking care of him personally...

That's wishful thinking!

What he had to deal with was not just one protagonist, but several.

And it's not just protagonists; there were also numerous powerful antagonists.

These individuals were cunning and protected by some cosmic order; even the slightest mistake on his part could be seized upon and exploited mercilessly.

They could afford to lose many times.

However, if he lost even once, it would spell his utter ruin!

Therefore, he could not afford to leave any room for mistakes.

Every action he took had to be executed flawlessly and discreetly.

If there was a way to achieve his aims without lifting a finger, he would certainly take that route.

If he could accomplish his goals through others, then he would certainly do so!

In any case, he had to remain unblemished.

Though he couldn't claim to be invincible, at least he stood on invulnerable ground!

Furthermore, he felt that getting his own hands dirty was rather low-class.

It didn't meet the standards of a grand villain!

In his previous life, he had manipulated these protagonists using various overt and covert schemes, rendering their lives miserable to the point of them fearing even the sight of him.

He was known as the Devil Incarnate...

"Let's take our time; there's no need to rush," Lin Beifan said, his mood buoyant as he arrived at Song Hospital.

At that moment, Song Yuqing was frantically dealing with Zhao Siming's situation, utterly swamped with tasks.

Upon seeing Lin Beifan, she immediately asked, "I heard you were at the scene, one of the eyewitnesses. What exactly happened?"

"I had just gone to the hospital to visit Xiao Chen," Lin Beifan began, sticking strictly to the facts without exaggeration or understatement. "As soon as I arrived at the entrance to his room, I heard a horrific scream emanating from within—so horrifying that it reverberated throughout the entire building."

"Subsequently, I, along with some nearby nurses, rushed into the room. We found Zhao Siming holding a long, thick silver needle, which was embedded deeply into Xiao Chen's chest, perilously close to his heart. The needle had penetrated to a depth of seven or eight centimeters. It was genuinely frightening."

"After that, we quickly subdued Zhao Siming. Not long afterward, probably within 10 minutes, the police arrived and took him into custody. That's essentially what happened."

Lin Beifan narrated the events truthfully, neither embellishing nor downplaying the facts.

Song Yuqing furrowed her brows, "Why would Dr. Zhao suddenly attempt murder? I heard that the victim is his junior brother and they had a good relationship. There's absolutely no reason for it!"


"During the arrest, he kept insisting that he was trying to save him, not kill! But who uses such a long and thick needle for lifesaving, especially aimed directly at the heart and inserted so deeply?"

Song Yuqing sighed. She still found it hard to believe that someone would actually do such a thing!

But what could disbelief change?

There was evidence, and there were eyewitnesses; the only unclear aspect was the motive.

Moreover, the fact that he dared to commit such an act in a hospital, being a doctor himself, made the matter even more egregious!

The police would surely treat this seriously.

Lin Beifan asked, "How do you plan to handle this situation?"

"What other way is there to handle it?" Song Yuqing responded with a sense of helplessness. "Guilty or not, this incident has already dealt a serious blow to the reputation of our hospital. Who would dare to consult a doctor like this? He has to be suspended for an investigation at the least. If ultimately proven innocent, we'll find some other reason to terminate his employment!"

"Alright, let's not dwell on these distressing matters any longer! It's dinner time, let's go eat. I found out about a newly opened restaurant that is said to have good food. Shall we go try it out?" Lin Beifan said, filled with anticipation.

"Eat, eat, eat, that's all you ever think about!" Song Yuqing said, somewhat exasperated.

"So, are you coming?"

"Of course, I need to eat well to have the energy to diet!"

"Exactly! Let's go!"