
Villain: Manipulating the Heroines into hating the Protagonist

In a world of cultivation, dragons, and other fantastical beings, what happens if a villainous playboy gangster named Wang Jian is reincarnated? Pure chaos! Lin Feng: Wang Jian! How dare you capture my childhood friend and mess around with her?! Su Xian: I-I am with him willingly. Lin Feng: N-No way. You are lying. There is no way you would wear that maid dress otherwise! Wang Jian: It's not just her. Before Lin Feng could understand what he meant, in front of him appeared several women, all dressed in maid outfits. Upon seeing these women, his anger rose dramatically. Many of them were women who used to love him dearly. However, Lin Feng was merely the first protagonist who suffered at Wang Jian's hands. The game had just begun as Wang Jian's wicked desires knew no bounds and he began to target the other protagonists while seducing their women through psychological tricks and forceful methods. ~~ Tags: Male Protagonist, Anti-Hero, Villain, System, Huge Harem, Romance, Action, Adventure, Transmigration, Reincarnation, Imperial Family, Politics, Evil Protagonist, Demons, Unprincipled, Beautiful Female Leads, R18+, Rape, Rape Victims Become Lovers, MILFs, Schemes and Conspiracies, Beasts, Beast Companions, and so on etc. ~~ (A/N: Please check out my Rising Warriors novel on Amazon. You can read it on the internet through Amazon Kindle. That's one of the best novels I have written with an intelligent mc, funny characters, and an amazing storyline. Please support me.) Join my discord through the following link. discord: https://discord.gg/wHXfwGGCV3

Evil_Villain · Eastern
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636 Chs

Wang Jian's instructions for Su Xian

"New toys are very exciting. But only for a certain period. I get bored of them soon," Wang Jian responded.

"So, she is like a toy to you?" Su Xian asked.

"Obviously. You think I will love her. It will take effort to make me love someone. Effort and dedication that matches yours," Wang Jian stated.

"You love me?!" Su Xian was flabbergasted to hear this revelation.

With a sly smile, Wang Jian responded, "Not yet. You need to step up your game, or you will lose me."

Su Xian cutely pouted upon hearing those words.

"…I will do my best," Su Xian spoke.

"Good. You can go and read all the cultivation or martial techniques available in the martial hall. I don't want you to be a paper tiger that only has cultivation with no skills to back it up," Wang Jian spoke with a solemn tone.

"T-thank you!" Su Xian spoke earnestly. She knew that this was a huge deal. It meant Wang Jian truly trusted her.

Actually, Wang Jian had ulterior motives behind giving her this reward. He knew her physique, the Innate Energy Vessel, was quite special. Her cultivation was extremely quick compared to her peers and her pool of Qi was much larger as well.

If she combines her talent with an appropriate cultivation technique and martial skills, she will be a force to reckon with.

"Start from the basics and make sure to read all about the martial arts and even about cultivation. I heard that you had a good memory and excelled in theory subjects in the academy. Don't disappoint me," Wang Jian speaks.

"I won't disappoint you, Jian!" Su Xian spoke.

She then tip-toed and lightly kissed Wang Jian's lips before freeing herself from his tight embrace and heading towards the martial hall.

Wang Jian had a bright smile on his face as he saw her reaction.

He then decided to check out the system notifications he had received.

And Wang Jian was startled as this time he had received almost 70,000 Destiny Points.

50,000 Destiny Points were received from Kang Huian, while the rest twenty thousand were split evenly between Lin Feng and Su Xian.

Wang Jian was shocked because Kang Huian was no longer a virgin as he had sex with her. So, he was puzzled about why he would receive so many points from her.

However, as he read the system's notifications properly, he understood the reasons.

It was all because Wang Jian had sex with Kang Huian in so many new ways, which greatly humiliated her. Each one was worse than the last one.

The blowjob and the titty fuck earned him a huge amount of destiny points.

"It seems she is still a fat sheep. Hehe…" Wang Jian whispered with a depraved smile as he thought of more ways he could enjoy that luscious body.

Wang Jian continued to read the notifications regarding the destiny points he earned from Lin Feng and Su Xian.

The reason for earning destiny points from Su Xian was rather simple. It was all because of her submissiveness. Her happiness to be with Wang Jian.

The notifications that truly caught Wang Jian's interest were the ones regarding Lin Feng.

[Congratulations, Host. You have successfully affected Protagonist Lin Feng's mentality. You are awarded with 1000 Destiny Points.]

[Congratulations, Host. You have successfully destroyed Protagonist Lin Feng's mentality. You are awarded with 1000 Destiny Points.]

[Congratulations, Host. You have successfully broken Protagonist Lin Feng and Kang Fu's relationship. You are awarded with 3000 Destiny Points.]

[Congratulations, Host. You have successfully shocked Protagonist Lin Feng to the core. You are awarded with 1000 Destiny Points.]

There were a couple more notifications similar to these.

It made Wang Jian realize that Lin Feng must have heard the rumors. And considering how one of the notifications mentioned that Lin Feng and Kang Fu's relationship had broken, it was easy to guess Lin Feng's location.

He must have visited the Crimson Mammoth Warriors and came to know the truth.


Name: Wang Jian.

Age: 20 years old.

Destiny Points: 134,770

Cultivation: First Stage of the Lord Realm.

Cultivation Technique: Soaring Dragon Technique (Level 3) (Requires 100,000 Destiny Points to level up)

Skills: Origin Fist, Beam of Destruction, Mystic Force, Divine Shielding Iron Body, True Eyes, Spiritual Sensitivity, Moonrise Fist, Lunar Shield, Moonshadow Step, Shadow Manipulation, Dark Fog, Eclipse Domain Annihilation, and Tranquil Mind Divine Mantra.

Bloodline: Blue Moon Eclipse Devil Bloodline. (Second Level) (Next level: 500,000)

Physique: Chaotic Yang Body (Dormant).

Spirit: Twin Headed Dark Flame Python (Six Star Spirit) (Mutated).

Weaknesses: Holy Attribute. Solar Attribute.


"Upgrade the Tranquil Mind Divine Mantra."

Wang Jian instantly felt a strange energy seeping into his mind. His cultivation technique worked automatically and powered up the Tranquil Mind Divine Mantra technique.

Pretty soon, the technique advanced to the King Realm.

Now, Wang Jian didn't need to be worried about any strange outbursts due to his devil blood.

"…Alright. It's time to meet Fen Gen," Wang Jian whispered to himself.

As the sun began to set, Wang Jian prepared to depart for the Night Dagger Clan's hideout, eager to meet with Fen Gen. He had already made the necessary arrangements and had Kang Huian, his maid, accompany him on this journey.

As they approached the golden chariot, Kang Huian couldn't help but feel humiliated by the situation. Being treated as a mere servant was not something she was accustomed to, but she had no other choice than to do as Wang Jian ordered.

Once on the chariot, Wang Jian sat at the seat prepared for him while he had Kang Huian sit on his lap as he hugged her voluptuous body.

The ride was smooth, thanks to the skilled driver who handled the chariot with ease, gliding through the uneven terrain with minimal effort.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, the sky painted itself with shades of orange and pink.

The chariot continued its journey, and the sky slowly turned darker, the stars beginning to twinkle in the sky. Wang Jian sat deep in thought, pondering about the impending meeting with Fen Gen, while Kang Huian sat quietly, her mind preoccupied with her current predicament.

Finally, after a few hours of travel, the chariot came to a halt. They had arrived at the Night Dagger Clan's hideout.