
Villain in Pokemon world

This will be a dark tale of the journey of a man whose core values are a lust for wealth and power, and where will these actions lead him? To the top of the world, or will he die on the way to his goal? This is my second fanfic, the first fanfic is a villain in the world of naruto.(https://www.webnovel.com/book/villain-in-the-world-of-naruto_26099823005028205) The two stories are not related in any way, it's just that I wanted to write a story in the pokemon world as well. I hope you enjoy it. I don't own the Pokémon. They are a product of Nintendo

_DilLen · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Chapter 7. Forming a faction

With money in hand, Gray was finally able to proceed with his original plan. The next day, he left the slums and walked to the central part of the city, where the main library was located. People who saw him averted their gazes, as his appearance alone made it clear where Gray had come from. His clothes were rags with holes sewn in them. He didn't care about the looks of others, now he could access the very knowledge with which Gray would get his trainer's license. Officially, without it, you are not allowed to have a pokémon with you. Of course, a lot of people didn't care about this rule. But it primarily limited poor people's right to have a pokémon and trainer status. There were few people like Gray who would catch their first pokémon in the wilderness.

Dozens of minutes later, Gray arrived at the library. There was a janitor sitting at the entrance. He looked at Gray unkindly and asked:

"What are you doing here, boy?" - The janitor saw the slum kid in front of him. What did he want in the library?

"How much does it cost to visit the library?" - Ignoring the janitor's rudeness. Gray asked his question. Surprised by the boy's question, the janitor furrowed his eyebrows, but answered the question.

"One hundred pokédollars an hour"-The janitor wondered why a kid from the slums was wondering about the price of going to the library.

"Ten hours"-Said Gray and placed 1000 Pokédollars on the janitor's desk. He didn't care about the janitor's opinion. He walked to the library. the man shouted something to Gray, but he didn't listen to him anymore.

Once in the central library, the protagonist was stunned by the number of books that were there. He looked at some of the books. There was information on Pokémon breeding and little known facts about Pokémon, not only from the Kanto region, but also from Johto, Hoenn, and Sinno. Gray also found scientific materials about the movements of pokémon, and ways to train the energy of different types of pokémon. Of course, Gray ordered the AI chip to save and filter all the information he received base data was constantly replenished, giving Gray confidence that he could pass the exam. He didn't want to spend a lot of time preparing for the exams. Of course, with his money now, he could enroll in a regular Pokémon school, but he wasn't sure if the information there would be enough to pass the exam. Besides, he wanted to devote all his free time to training Weedle, so that once he got his license, he would immediately have a strong pokémon for the initial journey. Copying book after book, over nine hours passed imperceptibly. There was only 20 minutes left before he had to leave the library. Gray came across a tattered, thin book in the very corner of the bookshelf. Squinting his eyes, he saw in the worn letters the phrase "Ancient Techniques for Training Ghost Pokémon." Gray became very curious. Did Pokémon train differently in ancient times? Because from the information he had received, he knew that now ghost pokémon trained their power mainly by absorbing ghostly energy particles contained in shadows or rare materials. There was no other option. Gray opened the book. The smell of old sheets filled his brain. He copied down all the information. As soon as he wanted to put the book back, it turned into sand and scattered.In the sand, he noticed a small dark purple ball. He picked it up and put it in his pocket. Gray looked around, but no one seemed to notice it.

"What an interesting way to do it. And rather sinister. Although, that's probably what ghost pokémon should be like," Gray thought as he analyzed the information he had received. The technique said that in ancient times, there was a time when all pokémon had to unite against a ghost type. Back then, the ghost pokémon would absorb the life energy of their enemies, turning their bodies into dried corpses. This quickly allowed them to accumulate a lot of energy, so they compressed and compacted it. Due to the sheer amount of energy and its density, even their bodies became much stronger, causing them to be able to calmly stand up to many Pokémon. "When the energy started to go off the scale, the pokémon would turn into a very strange form of itself," wrote an unknown scholar, pointing to drawings of people at the time. In one of the drawings, Gray recognized Mega Gengar.

"So, if a Pokémon's energy is sufficient, it can permanently assume its Mega form? Rather the opposite, it's precisely because of the small amount of energy that pokémon can't take their final form, which people now call Mega Evolution. And Mega Stones simply increase and amplify the energy within a pokémon by several times. It seems that the current pokémon don't even know that they once had more evolved forms" Gray pondered over the information he received.

*Because of the new knowledge, the host's Intelligence has increased + 17... Due to the increase in Host Intelligence, the chip's AI capabilities have been improved. The speed of information processing has been increased. High brain activity of the host cells is observed... By preliminaries, it can be concluded that this mental power.... Making a prediction...The host is unable to control it yet...Prerequisite: about 100 points of Intelligence. More precise conclusions cannot be made due to lack of relevant information... It is recommended to update the database*

Gray returned to the slum, the information he received further strengthened his belief that a lot of information from ancient times had been lost. Perhaps some major powers possessed it, but had no intention of publishing it. However, there was nothing he could do for now. There were still plenty of books of value in the library, so Gray would go there again in a week. In the meantime, he headed for his room, remembering to close the door behind him. He was interested in examining the very ball left behind by the book. He picked it up carefully. Looking closely, he noticed a strange line on it. Bringing the balloon up to his face, he noticed that the line was a snake. The pattern reminded him of a symbol from a previous life - the Serpent of Ouroboros devouring itself, representing the infinity and cyclical nature of life and death. But there was a difference. This serpent didn't eat its own tail, it grew and grew and grew constantly. Resisting and denying the laws of life and death. It was as if the serpent despised the cyclical nature of life and displayed immortality. Gray tried to make at least some sense of it. After an hour of pondering, a logical chain emerged in his mind.

"So what's the point? The book was about ghost-type pokémon. But they die as well. Even though their lifespan is long, there are pokémon with much longer lifespans than them.... Wait, if they're eating the life energy of Pokémon, then.... Is it possible that they're increasing their lifespan? Ghost Pokémon don't have physical bodies, they're made of pure energy. The concept of old age and growing up is unknown to them. They die when all their energy is depleted. Then, if ghost pokémon can absorb the life force of other pokémon and turn it into their own energy, thus increasing their life, does that mean that when they transform into their Mega Form, they become immortal? In the archaeology books that the AI chip has studied, there are mentions of many Pokémon skeletons, but they all belong to the last form of Pokémon without Mega Evolution. If you take into account my theory that in ancient times Pokémon could Mega-evolve permanently and become immortal, then it's understandable why no remains of them have been found. The question is, in that case, where did they go?" - While Gray was pondering, the ball in his hand suddenly vibrated and glowed. 

Unknown energy came out of Gray's body and began to consume the ball. Gray's body began to ache and get very cold. The cold was so intense that it began to burn Gray. The very same Snake tattoo began to appear on his arm.

*There is high activity of Unknown Energy... It is estimated that there is a 73% chance that this energy belongs to a ghost type. For best analysis, it is necessary for the host to see a ghost type pokémon. A metamorphosis of the host's body occurs. Ghost energy permeates the host's entire body, altering its gene structure... A ghostly core is formed... The skill "Initial Poison Resistance" has been upgraded to "Medium Poison Resistance". The "Frost and Cold Resistance" skill has been added The host's body has been improved... Strength + 7, Dexterity + 10, Stamina + 23, Intelligence + 4.*

After a few hours, Gray's body stopped changing. His eye, previously just black, now glowed red in the middle (What pokémon has the same eyes? Hint - ghost type). He tried to get used to the new sensation. He felt that he could safely control this energy now, but for now he didn't want to risk it without doing some research.

He looked at his stats


Name: Gray Ubaniel


Strength - 15 --> 22

Dexterity - 18 --> 28

Stamina - 13 --> 36

Intelligence - 28 --> 45 --> 49

Charisma - 17

Aura: blocked

Mental Power: blocked

Phantom Energy: Level 1


1) Initial poison resistance --> Average poison resistance

2) Pokémon Absorption 

3) Frost and Cold Resistance


1) Weedle (Shiny).

Description: A ghostly energy has altered your body. A ghostly core has been formed.


Satisfied, Gray went to bed. The next morning he called all the children from the orphanage to his room. There were twelve of them in all. The oldest was nine and the youngest six. The children sat there and didn't understand why Gray had called them. But they didn't mind, because he had given them all candy that they had never eaten, but had only seen at the store. He had to win their loyalty. Gray walked into the room. He looked over each child. Many of them at their age were already dealing drugs to make money. Of course, their supplier was the caretaker and mistress of this orphanage.

Gray let the pokémon outside. The kids were shocked.

"Pokemon!" - Some shouted. Other children looked at Gray apprehensively. The man coughed and began to speak.

"Look, I can give you a chance to get out of this fucking hole and see a new world. I can catch a Pokémon for you, and let you become trainers" Gray spoke loudly. The kids were stunned when Gray showed four empty pokéballs.

"But, there are conditions. I need your unconditional loyalty. I want to create my own. faction ( Name suggest in comments). those who agree will sign a contract with me. those who are hesitant now can get out" none of the kids stood up. Everyone was shocked, everyone wanted to be a coach. Did they work as drug couriers for the good life? No. They didn't have a choice.

'As I see everyone agrees, then sort out the sheets, I hope everyone can write.' He gave them a pen and ink so they could leave their fingerprint. The terms of the contract were brutal to say the least. They were not allowed to divulge any information about the organization. Nor were they allowed to leave. You join, you're here till you die. But there was a fixed salary they received. It was 200 pokédollars a month. That was a lot of money for them because they were only paid 10 pokédollars for their work. Betrayal or disobeying Gray's orders was death. Even with those terms, the kids signed the contract.

"Now you are all members of my gang. All of you are rank and file members. I will now choose two captains. they have the rights to receive a pokémon. The rest of you have to earn that right. But they will also be asked if the mission fails." Gray glanced around at the kids. he eyed the quiet boy who hadn't made a sound the whole time.

"Your name?" - Gray asked, pointing at him.

"William, the leader," the boy replied politely. Gray liked his resourcefulness.

"You're the first captain. Gather five men for your team." - Gray eyed the other kids.

"Can I be captain?" - The oldest boy asked loudly. The kid's name was Kazumo He has been in this orphanage since he was born. He was sick of being considered worse than an animal. So he decided to volunteer himself.

"Oooh, there are some brave men among you. Well, if that's the way you want it, go ahead. You know you have a big responsibility now" Gray said and agreed to make him second captain. 

"The remaining five men are assigned to your team. All drug revenue will now be ours. The captains will stay to talk to me, the rest of you will be dismissed" the kids obeyed Gray, and quickly left the room. Gray started talking to the captains. He told them that tomorrow they would go after him and he would catch them a pokemon.

My Boosty (Here I communicate with you, ask for your opinion and conduct surveys that determine the fate of fan fiction) -


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