
Villain in Konoha Village.

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110 Chs

Chapter 62 How can people be so shameless?

Last night, of course, Kushina lost everything that should and should not be lost. After all, Ye Feng even got the reward.

Sure enough, the reward is very rich. The Uzumaki Immortal Body should be the Sage Body of the Uzumaki clan. Although it is not as good as the Mangekyō Sharingan reward that was obtained when the Mikoto was won, but the evil value directly gets 100,000.

So the overall comparison is not bad, for sure, Uzumaki Kushina is definitely a huge treasure, definitely not worse than Mikoto, or even better than Mikoto.

Yesterday, Ye Feng didn't have time to pay attention to the reward. After all, the business was important, and the reward should be a little later.

Now, Ye Feng extracted the reward and directly obtained 100,000 evildoing points, making Ye Feng's evildoing point more than 500,000, and he is closer to getting 1 million to exchange for Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan.

And after Uzumaki's immortal body was extracted, Ye Feng's Chakra suddenly skyrocketed, and it doubled. In a blink of an eye, Chakra was seven times the previous amount, and this was not the limit.

Ye Feng estimates that the Uzumaki Immortal Body can at least increase his Chakra by a dozen times, and he feels that his Mangekyō Sharingan's pupil strength has been enhanced.

Sure enough, Sage Body and Fairy Eyes have a mutually beneficial relationship.

There is also a strong vitality. It is precisely because of the cells full of vitality that it brings a huge Chakra.

In the early morning, before the tired Kushina woke up, Ye Feng had already walked out of the room.

After a hangover last night, Mikoto woke up early, standing in front of the window with a melancholy face.

"What's the matter, do you regret it?

Ye Feng put his arms around Mikoto's waist from behind.

Mikoto shook her head, regret was useless, she just didn't know how to deal with Kushina.

"I don't know how to face Kushina right now."

The thought of Kushina looking at her with that hateful look next made her feel like she wanted to die.

Or apologize to Kushina with death, after all, she is sorry for Kushina, she is obviously a good girlfriend, but she has harmed her.

Kushina believed in herself so much, but she used Kushina's trust in herself to cheat her, and the more she thought about it, the more she felt that she was unforgivable.

But if she was really asked to apologize with death, she would still be a little reluctant.

It's not that she is reluctant to die, but that she is reluctant to marry Uchiha Ye Feng. During the time she married Uchiha Ye Feng, she found that she really liked Uchiha Ye Feng in her heart.

If she didn't really like Uchiha Ye Feng, she might not help Ye Feng to harm Kushina.

"You're afraid that Kushina hates you, right?" Ye Feng asked Mikoto.

Mikoto didn't expect Ye Feng to see through her thoughts, and nodded lightly, yes, she was worried that Kushina hated herself.

"Actually, you don't need to do anything next, just leave everything to me. I can assure you that Kushina will definitely not hate you, and she will even feel guilty about you. 35

Holding Mikoto in his arms, Ye Feng whispered in her ear.


A flash of hope flashed in Mikoto's eyes.

"Of course it's true, I won't tell you how, but I certainly won't hurt Uzumaki Kushina."

A man's mouth, a deceiving ghost, of course his nonsense cannot be completely believed.

When he said it wouldn't hurt Uzumaki Kushina, he just meant that it wouldn't hurt her physically.

After all, it's her first time, if you still do something to Uzumaki Kushina, it seems to be too bad.

Ye Feng still has a bit of a bottom line... Damn, he has a fart bottom line.

"Now listen to me, go back to sleep, if you can't sleep, you have to pretend to be asleep, remember to pretend, and don't be discovered.

Ye Feng arranged to Mikoto.

"Well, I listen to you.

The obedient Mikoto went back to the room where she rested last night, and fell asleep shortly after lying in bed.

Although she was drunk last night, she woke up in the middle of the night and couldn't sleep at all because of the guilt in her heart.

Now Ye Feng promised her, and after getting Ye Feng's assurance, Mikoto felt relieved, and then she lay down on the bed and fell asleep.

After persuading Mikoto to go back to the room, Ye Feng went back to the bedroom again. At this time, Kushina was still awake.

"It's time to wake up."

Ye Feng slapped a certain part of Kushina, the crisp slap and the pain made Kushina wake up.

Kushina, who had just woken up, was a little confused, and then felt a little unwell. She looked at the unfamiliar environment around her, and Uchiha Ye Feng, who was staring at her playfully, her face turned pale.

"I...how am I here? Yesterday..."

Kushina found that she didn't remember very clearly what happened yesterday, and her eyes were a little blank.

Although she doesn't remember what happened yesterday, she knows what she has lost. Her most important innocence as a girl is gone, and she has evolved from a girl to a woman.

Apart from her, there is only Uchiha Ye Feng. Obviously, the one who took away the most important thing in her life yesterday was Uchiha Ye Feng.

The pained expression on Kushina's face, she wanted everything to be a nightmare.

"What the hell happened yesterday, tell me?"

The furious Uzumaki Kushina asked Ye Feng.

"Yesterday you got drunk and mistook me for Namikaze Minato."

"so what?"

Seeing Uchiha Ye Feng's indifferent expression, Uzumaki Kushina instantly became angry, and the anger burned directly to the top of his head.

The furious Chakra surged, and Uzumaki Kushina's hair was blown into the air.

"Be careful, don't ruin the decoration of the room, if Mikoto finds something wrong, he will be suspicious."

"Tsk tsk, if you let Mikoto know that you betrayed your friendship and slept with her man, what do you think she would do to you?"

Ye Feng's words made Kushina's breathing stagnate, and the violent Chakra on his body stopped.

"Where's Mikoto?"

This is the room in front of this bastard and Mikoto, where did Mikoto go?

"Mikoto was also drunk yesterday, I sent her to the guest room to rest, she should not wake up now, I advise you to clean up these traces, in case Mikoto finds something wrong, it is not easy to explain.

Ye Feng crossed Erlang's legs and looked at Kushina, the smile on his face Damn it to Ultimate.

"Aren't you afraid Mikoto would know?

"It's alright, even if Mikoto knows, she's not willing to say anything to me, because she's so kind to me, but you're different.

Ye Feng didn't panic at all, and said to Uzumaki Kushina with a smile.

"Why are you still stunned? Hurry up and clean the room. You must know that you took the initiative yesterday. If you don't act quickly, be careful I tell Mikoto that you deliberately seduced me to make mistakes. 35

"You shameless thief."

Kushina can't wait to smash the face of this dog thief with one punch, how can people be so shameless?

"Did I say something wrong? Yesterday, you took the initiative to embrace, I just made a little mistake accidentally under your seduction.

[Ding, Host's shamelessness shocked the system, get: Evil value +100,000]

The system was shocked by Ye Feng's shamelessness. Sure enough, the system didn't choose the wrong person, and the bad morals were smoking.

"Is this shameless? But I accept your reward rudely.

Ye Feng expressed disdain for the system's shock in his heart, but Ye Feng was quite satisfied with the reward given by the system, and he was very good at it.

Although only the evil value was given, what Ye Feng lacked most at the moment was the evil value.

The evil value is nearly 636.27 million, and the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan is already victorious.

"Uchiha Ye Feng, I, Uzumaki Kushina, won't let you go, I swear.

Uzumaki Kushina didn't shed tears at this time, she held back her tears firmly and never showed her weak side in front of this bastard.

"Hahahaha, I'm so scared to hear that, why don't you let me go?"

Ye Feng stared at Uzumaki Kushina and asked.

Looking at Uchiha Ye Feng's arrogant appearance, Kushina's fist became hard, and considering his current state, he held back.

After all, she just woke up, but she hasn't put on her clothes yet.

And Kushina is also afraid, she is worried that Mikoto will be disturbed, if Mikoto knows, how will she face Mikoto in the future, how will she raise her head in front of Mikoto.

"I used to think others were good, but I was blind.

In the past, she thought that Uchiha Ye Feng was not bad, much better than Uchiha Fugaku, but now it seems that she is blind and can't see that this is a big evil thief.

"Get out of here. 35

Kushina pointed at Ye Feng and said angrily.

"Oh, my leg hurts a little bit, I can't seem to walk." Ye Feng didn't move at all, looking at Kushina with interest.

"Mikoto always wakes up early. Although he was drunk yesterday, he should be waking up now."

Listening to Ye Feng putting pressure on her, Kushina was about to cry.

She gritted her teeth at the end and put on her clothes as quickly as possible. Although she knew that Uchiha Ye Feng was definitely taking advantage, she couldn't do anything about it.

Staring at Uchiha Ye Feng, he wanted to do something to Uchiha Ye Feng, but he was worried that Mikoto would be disturbed, and the clenched fist loosened again.

It can't happen here, and Mikoto must not know, otherwise their relationship will definitely break down.

So Kushina held back her anger and cleaned up the messy room.