
Villain: Destiny Transfer System

Wang Chen, a sore loser, was on his way back to his apartment after being rejected by his company boss once again. As he approached the alleyway leading to his apartment, he was suddenly knocked out by the most beautiful woman he had ever seen from the blue star planet. The woman kissed him and then threw him into a void that led to another world. When Wang Chen woke up, he realized that he had been transmigrated into the body of another nobody loser in this new world. He thought that his new life would be even more tragic than his previous one, but suddenly something strange happened. [Ding! Found a suitable successor for Destiny Transfer System] [Does the successor want to bind with the system?] How could Wang Chen miss this opportunity to turn his life around? He quickly responded with a "yes." [Congratulations, host, for binding with the Destiny Transfer System.] [With the help of the system, you can loot other people's chances. If you manage to loot the chances of the protagonist, conquer the heroines, and steal their luck, you will receive additional benefits.] "Hahaha," Wang Chen laughed, thinking that his life would be amazing from now on. However, little did Wang Chen know that he was now a crucial piece in a mysterious conspiracy involving powerful immortal beings who controlled the cosmos. Would Wang Chen be able to survive in this new world and uncover the truth behind the conspiracy, or would he become a pawn in a much larger game? -----×-----×-----×------×------×------×------×------×------×---- A/N:- I'm a newbie author who has just started writing. I'm on a journey to learn more and create an interesting story that you can all enjoy. As English is not my native language, I understand that the starting chapters may be a little hard to read. However, I assure you that I am working hard to edit them and make them more understandable for everyone. So please bear with me as I improve my skills and continue to bring you my story. I appreciate your support and feedback along the way. Thank you! Monthly Goals:- 100GT - 1 Bonus Chapter 200GT - 2 Bonus Chapter 500 PS - 1 Bonus Chapter 800 PS -2 Bonus Chapter 1 Magic Castle - 5 Bonus Chapters

YAMRAAJ_021 · Fantasy
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147 Chs

Helping Li Mei

"System show me Li Mei status" Wang said to system.

[Ding! Are your memories short host? Did you forget, you are low on Destiny Points!]


Wang Chen became speechless as he didn't expect that system would respond like this. But it's also his fault forgetting what he needed most.

"I'm sorry Master" Li Mei said with her head down.

"Huh?" Wang Chen came to senses when he heard Li Mei's voice.

"Why are you saying sorry?" Wang Chen asked in confusion.

"You didn't respond and just stayed silent so I thought you were angry as I asked many questions," Li Mei said in a weak voice.

Wang Chen now understood why Li Mei said sorry as he was asking the system to view her status and when he heard the system reply his expression turned weird and Li Mei misunderstood it and thought it was her fault.

"No, I was thinking about something else," Wang Chen said as he took out a small porcelain bottle and gave it to Li Mei.

Li Mei hesitated for a moment before taking the porcelain bottle in her hand. "What's this?" she asked, examining the pill inside.

"It's a cleansing pill that can extract impurities out of your body and help you cultivate more easily," Wang explained.

Li Mei's smile faded. "Master, I appreciate your kindness, but I'm just a mortal. I don't want to accept anything that could burden you or be of no use to me, and I don't have any cultivation talent." she said, handing the bottle back to Wang Chen.

'Heck I would believe you, If a daughter of luck is mortal with that much luck then I must be a chicken!' Wang said in his heart.

"I understand your concern, Li Mei. But think about it this way - what if I'm not here someday and someone comes to bully you, just like today? This pill can help you become stronger and better equipped to defend yourself."

Li Mei frowned and looked down at the porcelain bottle in her hand. "But master, I don't have any cultivation talent. What use would this pill be to me?" she asked.

Wang Chen shook his head. "It's not just about cultivation talent, Li Mei. This pill can help strengthen your body and remove impurities. Besides, if someone comes to bully you, they may do so in my name, and I won't always be able to come to your rescue. It's important that you're able to defend yourself."

"Then master needed this pill the most as he was bullied more than me." Li Mei blurted out.

Wang Chen became embarrassed hearing Li Mei reply and hurriedly changed the topic.

"Let's not talk about that anymore," Wang Chen said, trying to hide his embarrassment. "But Li Mei, you should still take this pill. I can help you consume it since you don't have Qi in your body as a mortal. Sit down and let me show you."

Li Mei hesitated for a moment, but eventually sat down on the bed. She watched as Wang Chen opened the porcelain bottle and took out a small pill. The pill was a bright white color, and it seemed to glow in the dim light of the cabin.

"Take this pill and swallow it with water,"  Wang Chen said, holding out the pill to Li Mei.

Li Mei took the pill from him and looked at it for a moment. She had never seen anything like it before.

Li Mei obediently followed his instructions, and Wang Chen watched as she swallowed the pill with a gulp of water. 

Wang Chen couldn't help but smile as he saw Li Mei swallow the pill. He knew that she was hesitant at first, but she eventually sat down and let him help her take the pill. 

Wang Chen watched closely as Li Mei consumed the pill, hoping that it would be effective in helping her cultivate. As she swallowed it, he could see a look of uncertainty on her face, but he assured her that everything would be alright. "Just relax and let the pill do its work,"

It was none other than the fifth-order pill that he intercepted the opportunity to obtain from Yue Mingluan.

Wang Chen had no use for the fifth-order pill because he had already used the eighth-order pill cleansing pill, which not only helped him cleanse his body but also strengthened his soul. He knew that taking this fifth-order cleansing pill wouldn't provide him with many benefits. So he decided to give it to Li Mei and gain her favorability.

As she closed her eyes and focused on the Qi circulating within her body, Wang Chen began to guide the flow of energy through her meridians. He knew that as a mortal, Li Mei did not have any Qi in her body, so he had to help her cultivate more efficiently. With his hands on her shoulders, he carefully directed the flow of Qi, ensuring that it flowed smoothly and without any blockages.

Wang Chen could feel the impurities being expelled from Li Mei's body as the pill began to work its magic. He could sense the difference in her energy and could see that she was becoming more attuned to the flow of Qi within her body. As he continued to guide her.


At the same time somewhere in the Red Lotus sect True disciple court area.

"What? You were defeated by that  trash ?" Yue Jang said in disbelief.

"Brother it's not my fault his cultivation was high." Yue Mingluan said to his brother.

"Don't lie to me his Cultivation is the same as yours, 1st stage Enlightenment Realm." Yue Jang said as he checked cultivation of Wang Chen when he suppressed him.

"Brother, how could I lose if his cultivation realm was the same as mine?" Yue Mingluan refuted.

Yue Jang didn't say anything but inside he was thinking that he didn't expect someone to defeat his brother who is also a cultivation genius. 

He remembered that his master said Wang Chen is abnormal.

NOTICE:- If you guys have some amazing ideas that can be used on the story later on them please share with me on discord.

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