
Villain: Destiny Transfer System

Wang Chen, a sore loser, was on his way back to his apartment after being rejected by his company boss once again. As he approached the alleyway leading to his apartment, he was suddenly knocked out by the most beautiful woman he had ever seen from the blue star planet. The woman kissed him and then threw him into a void that led to another world. When Wang Chen woke up, he realized that he had been transmigrated into the body of another nobody loser in this new world. He thought that his new life would be even more tragic than his previous one, but suddenly something strange happened. [Ding! Found a suitable successor for Destiny Transfer System] [Does the successor want to bind with the system?] How could Wang Chen miss this opportunity to turn his life around? He quickly responded with a "yes." [Congratulations, host, for binding with the Destiny Transfer System.] [With the help of the system, you can loot other people's chances. If you manage to loot the chances of the protagonist, conquer the heroines, and steal their luck, you will receive additional benefits.] "Hahaha," Wang Chen laughed, thinking that his life would be amazing from now on. However, little did Wang Chen know that he was now a crucial piece in a mysterious conspiracy involving powerful immortal beings who controlled the cosmos. Would Wang Chen be able to survive in this new world and uncover the truth behind the conspiracy, or would he become a pawn in a much larger game? -----×-----×-----×------×------×------×------×------×------×---- A/N:- I'm a newbie author who has just started writing. I'm on a journey to learn more and create an interesting story that you can all enjoy. As English is not my native language, I understand that the starting chapters may be a little hard to read. However, I assure you that I am working hard to edit them and make them more understandable for everyone. So please bear with me as I improve my skills and continue to bring you my story. I appreciate your support and feedback along the way. Thank you! Monthly Goals:- 100GT - 1 Bonus Chapter 200GT - 2 Bonus Chapter 500 PS - 1 Bonus Chapter 800 PS -2 Bonus Chapter 1 Magic Castle - 5 Bonus Chapters

YAMRAAJ_021 · Fantasy
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147 Chs

Gaining Favorability Is Easy

"You can now go to the third floor and find a suitable Cultivation Technique. Remember that they are difficult to understand, so choose what you can handle yourself or you will be stopped at a bottleneck."

"Thank you, Elder, for your kind advice. I will keep this in mind," Wang Chen replied with a polite tone.

Elder Guardian nodded in acknowledgement and returned to his seat, closing his eyes once again.

After receiving the advice from Elder Guardian, Wang Chen made his way to the third floor of the library. As he climbed up the stairs, he felt a sense of anticipation building inside him.

He knew that the cultivation techniques on the third floor were more advanced and powerful than the ones on the lower floors.

He also pondered that there would be many disciples on the third floor searching for a good technique, and he could possibly intercept their opportunity.

However, to his disappointment, there was no one present there other than himself.

"Looks like I won't be able to get Destiny Points today." Wang Chen muttered to himself with a hint of disappointment.

Wang Chen walked around the vast room filled with countless shelves of scrolls, each containing unique cultivation techniques.

"Where do I even begin?" he muttered to himself.

As he browsed through the endless rows of scrolls and books, he recalled that he had already mastered a movement technique. "I need to find an offensive technique to complement my speed and make a deadly combination," he thought to himself.

With each scroll he examined, Wang Chen grew more and more conflicted. There were so many options, each promising great power, but he knew he had to choose carefully. He couldn't afford to make the wrong decision and waste valuable time and resources.

Finally, after hours of searching and contemplation, Wang Chen found what he was looking for - a sword art that focused on speed and agility, which would work perfectly with his existing movement technique.

With the sword art in hand, Wang Chen went to Elder Guardian to register his new cultivation techniques.

"I have chosen this sworn sword art as my offensive technique," Wang Chen informed the elder.

The Elder Guardian nodded approvingly and began the registration process. After it was done, Wang Chen made his way back to his cabin.

As he entered, he saw that Li Mei, the maid servant, was busy cleaning the place.

"You don't need to clean this cabin anymore," he said with a smile as he approached her.

Li Mei turned to face him and replied, "It's alright, Master Wang Chen. Now that I have become a Cultivator, I can handle that black liquid disgusting smell without losing consciousness."

"You don't need to come in this cabin anymore," Wang Chen said.

"But why?" Li Mei asked, looking at Wang Chen with confusion written on her face. She couldn't understand why Wang Chen was asking her to stop cleaning his cabin.

Wang Chen took a deep breath and explained, "I've become a True disciple now, Li Mei. And with that, I'll be moving to the higher court. I'll no longer be staying in this cabin."

Li Mei became happy hearing this. "Congratulations, Master, for your promotion to True disciple," she said.

But then she realised that Wang Chen was moving from the Inner disciple court, and she was just an Inner disciple maid servant who wouldn't be able to go with him and became sad.

Wang Chen noticed the sadness in Li Mei's eyes and realized that she had misunderstood the situation. "Li Mei, what's wrong?" he asked.

"Nothing," she said, forcing a smile. "I'm just happy for you, Master."

But Wang Chen could tell that something was bothering her. "You don't seem very happy," he said gently.

"I am happy for you," Li Mei insisted, but then her voice trailed off. "It's just that... I thought you were moving to the True disciple court, and I'm just a maid servant. I won't be able to go with you."

Wang Chen's heart sank at the realization that Li Mei was feeling left behind. "Oh, Li Mei," he said softly, "I'm sorry. I should have explained better. As a True disciple, I can choose any servant I want to serve me, regardless of their rank. And I want you to come with me."

Li Mei's face lit up with joy at the news. "Really?" she asked, disbelief written all over her face.

"Of course," Wang Chen said, smiling.

'How could I let you go away after knowing you are a daughter of luck.' Wang Chen added in his heart.

Tears of joy welled up in Li Mei's eyes, and she threw her arms around Wang Chen. "Thank you, Master," she whispered. "I won't let you down."

'Raising Favorability of her towards me now is easy but it will not be easy in future.' Wang thought to himself as he patted Li Mei's head.





Wang Chen walked towards the Deacon Pavilion, which was located in the center of the True Disciple Court.

As he entered the hall, he saw many servants coming in and out, then he approached the Deacon and said, "Excuse me, Deacon Elder. I am Wang Chen, a new True Disciple. Can you assign me a cabin?"

The Deacon nodded and asked for his name and details. After verifying his identity, the Deacon assigned him a cabin number.

Wang Chen then proceeded to his cabin, which was located in a quiet corner of the True Disciple Court. As he opened the door, he was amazed to see the size of the cabin. It was almost five times bigger than his previous cabin in the Inner Disciple Court. The room was also filled with a much denser spiritual energy, which made him feel invigorated.

He walked towards the window and looked outside. The view was breathtaking. He could see a large courtyard in front of his cabin, which was specifically designed for practicing techniques and training. He could already feel the powerful Qi emanating from the courtyard.

As he turned around, he saw Li Mei standing at the door, looking inside the room with awe. "Li Mei, come in," he said.

Li Mei stepped into the room and looked around. She was surprised by the size of the cabin and the density of the spiritual energy. "Wow, this is amazing,"

Wang Chen smiled and said, "Yes, it is. And there's more. The spiritual energy here is much denser than in the Inner disciple court. You'll be able to cultivate here and make faster progress."

Li Mei's eyes widened in surprise. "Really? But I don't have good cultivation talent. Will it still work for me?"

Wang Chen nodded. "Of course. With this much denser Qi, even a person with mediocre cultivation talent can make significant progress. Don't worry, I'll help you."

Li Mei was moved by Wang Chen's kindness. "Thank you, Master. I won't disappoint you," she said with determination.

Wang Chen smiled and patted her shoulder, "I know you will do your best."

After Li Mei left to start her cultivation, Wang Chen walked towards the courtyard and found a suitable spot to sit down. He took out a book from his storage bag and said to himself, "It's time to practice Celestial Thief Technique."

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